The 2008 Fabulous Food Blogger Awards

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

Wow. The Hungry Mouse is just about 4 months old!

A little housekeeping and a small speech
I’m kind of stunned and very touched by the really nice response I’ve gotten so far.

I’m also a little boggled by the ridiculous number of wonderful folks I’ve met along the way. (Hey, I’m a city girl, which means I’m a born skeptic.) I had no idea there was such a big, diverse, and genuinely super nice online community of people who just love food.

You’ll have to pardon me if I feel compelled to make a small Mouse Speech. I’ll keep it short. I promise.

Have you heard the buzz?
So I joined FoodBuzz, an online community for foodies, food bloggers, and the folks who love them, a while back.

FoodBuzz is a quirky and unique group of really knowledgeable people who unabashedly share their recipes, kitchen creations, and restaurant reviews with gusto.

They also do a really neat food blogging event called “24, 24, 24.” As in, 24 meals, 24 hours, 24 posts.

When they invited me to become a Featured Publisher, I jumped at the chance. Check them out if you aren’t familiar. I can almost guarantee you’ll be drooling in no time flat. And if you join up, definitely drop me a line.

The 2008 Fabulous Food Blogger Awards
On to all the amazing food bloggers I’ve met. Well, virtually met.

I’d like to introduce a few of them, and give them The Hungry Mouse’s first official internet treat, the 2008 Fabulous Food Blogger Award.

Go have a nibble on their blogs. These folks definitely know their way around the kitchen—and serve up their recipes and personal experiences with totally unique style. If you have a food blog you love, pass the award along.

I created this award because I have a lot of Mouse Love to share. The list below is by no means comprehensive. Consider this Round One.

London Eater
Kang eats and cooks his way exhuberantly across London in a way I don’t think anyone else could imitate if they tried. My favorite recent post is about his experience dining in the dark.

The Adventures of Kitchen Girl
Jo is a mother of three and one hell of a cook. Her recipes and stories make you wish she lived down the street so you could raid her kitchen. I’m still drooling over her fruit salad with vanilla honey dressing.

Red Cook
KianLam Kho runs The Red Cook, a blog about Chinese home cooking. I’ve learned so much from his posts, which are informative, really well written, and lots of fun to read. Check out his impressive Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet.

An Exercise in Hospitality
Chris Stanley is a mixologist extraordinaire. I happened across his blog by accident, and man, am I glad I did. He gives cocktails the thoughtful, creative attention they deserve. From classic to signature drinks (go see what he’s doing with pumpkin), his blog makes me thirsty every time.

Zesty Cook
Cory is a foodie through and through. His recipes are full of new twists and ideas that make you want to run to the kitchen and start cooking. Go take a peek at this amazing chicken sandwich.

Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice
Reeni is a sweetheart. She makes the most sumptuous-looking baked goods. Plus, she cooks with her official Kitchen Cat, Moon. I’m dying to try her Chai Spiced Banana-Fig Surprise Muffins.

A Dork and His Pork
Jeff is hilarious. No two ways about it. Someday, my love and dedication to all things bacon might rival his. If I really, really, really work on it. Oh, and he can cook, too (chickpea and bacon cutlets, anyone?).

The Food Site
Foong writes all about food in Penang, from restaurant reviews to recipes for mouthwatering fusion food. Go nibble on her market pictures from Koh Samui, Thailand.

The Hungry Engineer
I love April because she’s really curious about food and has a great sense of humor. Her recipes and instructions are well written and easy to follow. Just look at what she did to this pumpkin.

The Life and Loves of Grumpy’s Honeybunch
HoneyB writes about feeding the folks she loves, including her kids and her husband, Grumpy. (Being married to The Angry Chef, she’s automatically near and dear to my heart.) Her sesame cardamon chews look amazing.

That’s my list for now. I’ll be doing Round Two sometime soon, as there’s a whole host of yummy food blogs out there.


Copyright 2008 The Hungry Mouse�/Jessica B. Konopa. All rights reserved.

Stonewall Kitchen, LLC

Geoff and Drews - the finest cookies, brownies and freshly baked gifts


  1. aww! Thank you sweetheart... that was not only wonderfully sweet but so special too, since you made up this award on your own :) I adore you and your blog and am so very glad to have "met" you! *hug*
  2. Jessie - thank you so much. Very much appreciate this! I look forward to continually stopping by your blog and seeing whats on the menu. Amazing work Jessie - pleasure to have virtually met you! zesty
  3. Hehe, thanks guys! Glad you all approve of my choices. ;) Definitely pass the award along. Jo and Zesty--Love, love, love your blogs! Mistress of Cakes--Thanks for stopping by! I stopped in at your blog, and oh my goodness...those are some glorious looking cakes! dlyn--Hehe, yeah they are some of my very favorites! +Jessie
  4. Thanks, Jessie! I'm flattered, and I'm glad that you embrace the Bacon Lifestyle. Thanks also for pointing out a few blogs that I wasn't familaiar with- I've had a blast just reading through all of these great sites this afternoon. Please keep posting!
  5. Thanks so much for the award and the kind words. I've only been at this for three months now and I am as amazed as you at how nice and friendly everyone is. Some of the blogs you awarded are also my faves and some I'm not familiar with but I'll be checking them out. You deserve this award too, your blog is top of the line delicious!
  6. Hi! I just started to get into this whole blogging thing and I really feel that I can make a contribution but my lack of knowledge has left me posting with no one to read what I've written. I'm starting to get a little discouraged and was wondering if you could help an ol girl out with some advice.
  7. Wow, thanks for the great response. Please pass this award along to your favorite food bloggers! HoneyB--Aww, the feeling's mutual! Jeff--Bacon Lifestyle: yes, yes, yes! :D Reeni--Thanks, hon! Megan--Thanks! And, I know...Everyone is so very, very nice! Kang--Hehe, thanks, honey pie! Heather--Stick with FoodBuzz. Cool people and oddly kind of addictive. Heather (of HangryPants)--Thank you! And thanks for stopping by! Danielle--Don't get discouraged! I haven't been at this long, either. The one thing that's helped me out a lot is to join a few communities. Make yourself an account (they're free) on FoodBuzz and get to know a few folks. :D Juliet--Thank you! Foong--Of course! Love your blog! Hungry Engineer--It's been a good week indeed. Yay. :D Ivy--Thanks so much for the award! Oh my goodness. Jennifer--Yep, yep. Pass it along! Fuji Mama--Hehe, I totally have list love, too. +Jessie