How to Roast Garlic

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If they’re reading this, my close friends are probably laughing.

“Oh garlic, of course!!” they’ll say to each other. “After all, the Mouse has vampires on the brain lately.”

They would be right.

I probably shouldn’t admit this publicly, I know. But…I just read the Twilight books.

AND LOVED THEM. (I’m sorry, did I just yell?)


It’s true.

I’ve moved on to Charlaine Harris’s Sookie Stackhouse books (the ones that HBO’s True Blood series is based on), on loan from my good friend over at Rippen Kitten.

Harris’s books are southern vampire detective novels, and they’re good, delicious fun. Pick one up. You’ll see.

So, suffice it to say that there are a fair amount of corny garlic jokes floating around our house these days.

My great love of garlic

Which brings us in a (very) roundabout way to my great love of garlic. I’ve always loved garlic—even before I started obsessively reading campy vampire fiction like a fifteen year old.

I mean, remember my trip to the garlic farm last year? Proof positive.

Now, I like garlic in pretty much all its forms, but roasted garlic has to be one of the best substances on the planet. And making it is one of those ineffable acts of culinary magic.

I mean, really: Take one of the strongest, stinkiest kitchen critters out there.

Drizzle it with olive oil, wrap it up tight, and toss it in the oven for less than an hour. And…voila! It’s mellow, creamy, nutty—and spreadable.


Magic, right? Pretty darn close, in my book.

You can toss it with pasta, spread it on bread, or (my favorite) make compound butter. That’s what I did with this batch. I’ve included instructions for how to do that at the end of this post.

When I roast garlic, I tend to use extra olive oil, so I wind up with garlic-infused oil. It’s deeply flavorful. I keep it in the fridge, and use it to fry potatoes and eggs. I also like to rub it on chicken before roasting.

Roasted garlic, three ways

So, this post will show you how to make:

  1. Roasted garlic
  2. Garlic-infused oil
  3. Roasted garlic compound butter

The best kind of garlic for roasting

You can use any kind of garlic for roasted garlic. That said, purple stripe garlic is generally acknowledged as the best, sweetest kind of garlic for baking.

purple stripe garlic

Roasted Garlic

Whole heads of garlic
Olive oil

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Off with their heads!

Grab a baking dish large enough to hold all your garlic comfortably. Set it aside.

Take one of the heads of garlic. Whack off maybe a half an inch of the top.

chop the top off the garlic

Basically, you want to expose the garlic enough so that it’s easy to get out once it’s roasted. Set the garlic in your baking dish.

cut garlic

Pull out all the tips from the top and toss them in, too.

One word of warning: I always include the tips, because hey, that’s more garlic to love. That said, these pieces are much smaller than the actual heads, so they can burn more easily. Just keep an eye on them when they’re in the oven.

cut garlic

Repeat with the rest of your heads of garlic. I made a ton this time. (Yep, you leave the skins on. Roast ’em right in their wrappers.)

garlic in a baking dish

Drizzle the garlic with olive oil

Drizzle the garlic with olive oil. Pour it over the heads, so the oil seeps down between the cloves. If you want to wind up with garlic-infused oil, pour generously.

drizzle the garlic with oil

Toss the heads and pieces to coat in oil.

garlic coated in olive oil

garlic coated in olive oil

Cover your pan with aluminum foil. Crimp the edges tightly.

crimp the foil around the baking dish

Into the oven!

Pop the pan into your preheated 350-degree oven. Roast for 30-45 minutes. Start checking the garlic after 25 minutes or so (remember: you don’t want those tips to burn).

garlic in the oven

Your roast garlic is done when it’s lightly browned, and soft throughout.

How do you know for sure? Poke it with a fork.

how to test roasted garlic for doneness

The garlic should be so soft that you can do this:

spread the roasted garlic on a piece of bread

(Nom, nom, nom. Mmmm, pardon me for a moment.)

roasted garlic on bread

Remove each clove with a sharp paring knife, or squeeze the whole head until the cloves pop out. Up to you. Just remove as much of that golden, buttery goodness as you can. If any of the garlic tips got hard and crunchy, just toss them.

remove the cloves from the head of garlic

Put the garlic in a bowl and set it aside.

roasted garlic in a bowl

How to Make Roasted Garlic Compound Butter

Cut up a stick of butter (that’s 8 tablespoons) and set it in a bowl on the counter to soften up for about 20 minutes.

How much butter you use depends on how much roasted garlic you made, and how garlicky you want your butter. I used 2 sticks of butter for 5 heads of garlic, which makes a ridiculous (and strongly flavored) amount of compound butter.

(Trust me, I’ll use it.)

butter cut into small pieces

When the butter is soft, mash it up with a fork.

mashed butter

Grab your roasted garlic and toss it in the bowl with the butter.

roasted garlic and butter

Mash it together with a fork until you have a uniform paste. If it’s kind of soupy, that’s just fine. It’ll firm up in the fridge.

roasted garlic and butter mixed together

Rip off a piece of waxed paper or parchment paper. Scoop the butter on to it.

compound butter on wax paper

And roll it up.

roll the compound butter into a log

Keep tucking it under to make it firm, just like making a burrito.

roll the compound butter into a log

Roll it up into a log.

roll of compound butter

And twist the ends tight.

roasted garlic compound butter

Set the butter in the fridge for a few hours, until it’s nice and firm. When it’s hard, it’s ready to use! Use it to make garlic bread, stir it into mashed potatoes, garnish a grilled steak with a nice, fat slice. It will keep for a few weeks in the fridge—if it lasts that long.

roasted garlic compound butter

Strain the Garlic-Infused Oil

You’re not quite done yet. Can’t forget all that delicious, fragrant oil.

Grab your baking pan. It will be full of oil and littered with garlic skins. Set a strainer over a small bowl. Strain the oil.

how to strain infused oil

Push the garlic skins down with a spoon to squeeze any extra oil out of them.

strain the garlic infused oil

Keep your garlic-infused oil in the fridge for up to 2 weeks (check this out for food safety tips on keeping garlic in oil).

Like all oil, it will solidify when it’s cold. That’s just fine. Just scoop it out by the spoonful when you want to use it. It will liquify again when it hits the heat.

roasted garlic infused oilEnjoy!

How to Roast Garlic

Roasted garlic has to be one of the best substances on the planet. And making it is one of those ineffable acts of culinary magic: Take one of the strongest, stinkiest kitchen critters out there. Drizzle it with olive oil, wrap it up tight, and toss it in the oven for less than an hour. And...voila! It's mellow, creamy, nutty—and spreadable.

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Whole heads of garlic
Olive oil


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grab a baking dish large enough to hold all your garlic comfortably. Set it aside.
  3. Take one of the heads of garlic. Whack off maybe a half an inch of the top. Basically, you want to expose the garlic enough so that it's easy to get out once it's roasted. Set the garlic in your baking dish.
  4. Repeat with the rest of your heads of garlic. (Yep, you leave the skins on. Roast 'em right in their wrappers.)
  5. Drizzle the garlic with olive oil. Pour it over the heads, so the oil seeps down between the cloves. If you want to wind up with garlic-infused oil, pour generously.
  6. Toss the heads and pieces to coat in oil.
  7. Cover your pan with aluminum foil. Crimp the edges tightly.
  8. Pop the pan into your preheated 350-degree oven. Roast for 30-45 minutes.
  9. Start checking the garlic after 25 minutes or so. Your roast garlic is done when it's lightly browned, and fork tender.
  10. When they're done, remove the pan from the oven and set it on a rack.
  11. When the garlic is cool, remove each clove with a sharp paring knife, or squeeze the whole head until the cloves pop out.
  12. Put the garlic in a bowl. Store well wrapped in the fridge. Enjoy!

Previous articleMini Meat Loaves
Next articleSt. Louis Gooey Butter Cake
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. I LOVE roasted garlic! Every time I fix a roast (a beast or prime rib) I get extra garlic to roast. The garlic is ready to eat just about the time that the aroma of the roast is driving me crazy. I've never thought to use extra oil to have for another use ~ how perfect for a roast chicken! And the garlic compound butter ~ heaven! This is one of my favorite posts by you. Three recipes in one post, thank you! BTW, I "had" to read the Twilight series to make sure it was appropriate for my granddaughter to read. (Team Jacob) She's asked me to read the Vampire Diaries series next to pre-screen it for her. Tough job. ;-)
    • Definitely try the oil on roast chicken. It's a-ma-zing. :D Oh, and you totally have to let me know how the Vampire Diaries are. Because, ya know, I'll be done with this 10-book series soon... +Jessie
    • I know it's been a long time Dani, but I saw your mention of roasting garlic when you roast a, well, roast. If you have some garlic already roasted, cut some slits in the meat and slide those guys in there. They are so soft, they'll just cook right into the meat. Tasty.
  2. OMG. I make this too and LOVE it! I love squeezing out the roasted garlic out of its skin, like squeezing toothpaste out of its tube. I certainly will try the compound butter---hadn't tried that yet. Your photos are fantastic!
  3. I've done roasted garlic all three ways but my favorite use is to toss it with roasted tomatoes, olive oil and basil in a light pasta dish. Garlic is seriously my favorite cooking ingredient and perhaps a bit abused by me, especially in the winter with lots of roasted garlic soups! :-)
  4. I have a pool of drool in front of me right now! I've roasted garlic heads, but never incorporated them into butter or olive oil...apparently, I've been missing out! I have a whole bunch of peeled garlic cloves (got them when I was feeling super lazy), do you think I could still use them in the ways you described? What adjustments would I have to make? Thanks for the post!
    • Hey Kristin, Thanks for stopping by! Ya know, I've only ever roasted 'em in their wrappers, but I don't see why it wouldn't work for peeled cloves. You probably won't need to roast them nearly as long, since they won't be clustered together. I'd wrap 'em up tightly, follow my instructions, and start checking them after maybe 15 minutes. Let me know how it goes? +Jessie
  5. oh I am dangerous in the kitchen with garlic, I've been known for putting lots of garlic in everything lol I need to make roasted garlic more often because I just love how it has a much different flavor compared to raw garlic. I need to try that garlic infused oil, that is something I would use in everything :)
  6. Garlic is those ingredients I just simply cannot live without. I use garlic in stir-fries, stews, cold dishes, fried rice and everything else. And for Valentines Day... garlic is considered an aphrodisiac.
  7. I hear rumors of botulism with garlic and olive oil if held over 3 weeks in teh fridge. Do you know? By the way, I discovered your website about a week ago and really appreciate it.
    • Hey there, Thanks for stopping by. That's actually a really good question. I updated the post above with a link to more info on making flavored oils and vinegars safely ( According to the CDC (, there are about 145 cases of botulism per year, 15% of which are foodborne. So while the risk seems minimal, botulism can thrive in low-acid, anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions--which is exactly what you have with garlic-infused oil. To be safe, the FDA recommends refrigerating your flavored oil, and using it up within 10 days. So, make it fresh, keep it cold, and you should be OK. Cheers! +Jessie
  8. YUM. This sounds fantastic! I was planning on making some baked tilapia in butter w/dill... but I think I may just wait so I can make some of that butter and use it! OHHH MAN does that sound good!!! I'm definitely bookmarking your page. I'll be checking back for more goods! Thanks a ton!
  9. Jessie, I love this article. My wife and I love garlic and finding new ways to prepare it. Do you have tips on where we might find purple stripe garlic? Thanks and keep up the good work! -Justin
  10. [...] Roasted Garlic Three Ways – All of these are things I’ve done before, but it’s always nice to be reminded that there are things you can do with your roasted garlic. If you try this, be SURE and read the directions linked for the garlic oil. Homemade garlic oil can be a breeding ground for botulism – be very very careful! [...]
  11. I use roasted garlic all the time. Great in mashed potatoes. Sometimes I cheat a little. I buy the peeled garlic and put it in an oven proof bowl, and just enough olive oil to cover, then in a 350 oven. The garlic infused oil is great for anything, salad dressing, name it.
  12. Um...YUMMY!! I love love love GARLIC (and sadly Twilight the books, not the movies though...I have so much reading to do now that you have mentioned the other ones!!) Thanks for this!!! SO much easier to make the butter with roasted than fresh lol
    • Oh yay! So glad you like it. And I'm with you. I loved the books, but couldn't stand the first movie (haven't seen the second one yet). If folks base their opinions solely off the movies and all the associated hype, I don't blame them one bit if they hate Twilight! Let me know how you like the Sookie books. I'm a huge fan. They're very entertaining. Cheers! +Jessie
  13. I love this post, so informative and beautifully photographed. My boyfriend and I love making roasted garlic, but he always cooks it by wrapping the already peeled cloves in tin foil with olive oil and spices and sticking it on the grill (one of our favorite uses is to spread the garlic on hamburger buns for our gourmet burgers), but anyway I think your methods for cooking seem so much easier and effective. Thanks!
  14. i love love love the taste of garlic but have always been somewhat intimidated by it in cooking. this page makes it seem so easy and yummy! i can't wait to try all three. ps - i'm a 38 year old mom of 3 who read the twilight books AND the sookie stackhouse books (all 10 in 5 days!) nothing wrong at all with enjoying a fun book. keep up the wonderful work!
  15. As I began to read this particular post I started to form a pithy, mean-spirited remark about the Twilight travesty, but then remembered that I really liked them too when I first read them in high school. I can't blame you for distracting yourself with them ;) Anyways, I kept reading and discovered easy garlic-ey goodness that I'm going to have to attempt. I've never worked with garlic; I stick to onions and chives usually, but am looking to branch out. I may have to try it and then see what my husband thinks.
    • Ha, thanks. Yeah, I can't believe how positively righteously outraged some folks are that I've read them. (They're just books, lighten up, folks, OK?) It's kind of hilarious. :D Glad you're going to try the garlic. Let me know how you like it! +Jessie
  16. I almost stumbled away from this post just because I hate Twilight, I couldn't even make it through the first book because the writing was sooooo terrible. Plot is interesting but I couldn't get past Myer's abuse to lovely syntax. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't because I can't wait to make my own garlic compound butter. Mmmmmmmm.
  17. I'm roasting garlic as I am writing this! 11 minutes left and it smells ridiculously good :) Thank you for such an easy-to-follow recipe. The pictures really helped. I'm going to use the roasted garlic to make garlic butter with the homemade butter I made the other day with your recipe. It will taste delicious with the buttermilk biscuits I just made from another one of your recipes :) Gotta go check on the garlic :) Thanks for such great recipes! Keep up the great work!!
  18. Very kool. Thank you. I'm gonna roast garlic in a butter warmer dish (using a tea light candle under it,) and let folks smear it on bread as an appetizer for an afternoon picnic. I guess I'll bake it for less time, and add different spices to each of the four bowls. Cheers, and happy eating!
  19. Oh my... My husband is allergic to garlic, so I don't really cook with it any more (but I wish I could!). Thank goodness the smell doesn't trigger his reactions, because I'm definitely doing this :D
  20. I love to add garlic when I am cooking but my family thinks I use too much. I will do this just to enjoy the smell in my kitchen.
  21. Just found this site and these are wonderful and delicious ideas. A couple of restruants around here used to serve garlic mashed potatoes and have stopped for some reason. Now we have a better way to make our own. Thank you.
  22. "Like all oil, it will solidify when it’s cold." Well, not really. Only saturated (animal) fats and semi-saturated fats (olive oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, nut oils) will solidify when they are cold. Mono- and polyunsaturated fats (corn oil, canola oil, safflower oil, vegetable oil) always remain liquid unless they are put in a blender which breaks their carbon bonds and converts unsaturated fats into the "cis" and "trans" configurations, making them saturated fats (like mayonnaise, shortening, and margarine). I'm sure everyone knows what trans fats do...
  23. totally unrelated to garlic - but, if you liked the twilight series, maybe you might like reading karen moning's fever series........just a suggestion :)
  24. totally unrelated. just thought that i'd mention a book series that you might like if you loved twilight. karen moning's fever series or highlander series.....
  25. I stumbled across your blog the other day...quite impressive! The directions (and photos!) are extremely easy to follow. I made the garlic exactly as you did, and it could not have been easier! We made extra as to have a garlic bulb per person as a companion to a whole haddock (we found a GREAT wholesale fish market - Pier Fish at 10 Newmarket Street by South Bay). I've tried roasting garlic in the past, but never with this success. We are using the garlic oil to coat another whole haddock this evening, and putting the garlic butter on some bread that will be freshly made before dinner. Keep the wonderful ideas and easy to follow directions coming!
  26. Thanks! I'm roasting garlic for the first time and these are the best instructions I've seen. I can't wait and wish I'd bought more garlic.
  27. What a wonderful sight love garlic all three ways but just an extra hint. You better put that butter in a air tight container or everything in the fridg will smell an taste like garlic, which hey may not be so bad..
  28. I've been on this ramen kick and finally got the nerve to tackle David Chan's recipe from Momofuku with 5 lbs of Pork bones, 4lbs of Chicken and a pound of smoked bacon and 8 hours of simmering. Well, it's really kind of amazing, rich and complex in taste, but lacking something from my favorite ramen dish at Minca, here in NYC: rich, roasted garlic! You have the best, most detailed and smartest recipe for doing it. The photos help make sense of it. (Not like it's complicated, but I'm a visual kind of guy.) I'm using sesame oil instead of olive oil and saving it for my next stir fry. We'd have you over for dinner and a little agency banter and writing stories if you were closer. Thank you!
  29. You're photos are so good, I'm drooling. I'm going to try this with San Marzano tomatoes and Parmasan cheese. Got this recipe from the chef at Union Square Cafe, NYC. Wish me luck.
  30. I've made roasted garlic before but not the butter and oil. Have a co-worker who looooves everything garlic and he is getting at least two of the three for his birthday present tomorrow. Gotta try the oil for myself and maybe make more later to give away. Wow does my kitchen smell good right now! Only eleven more minutes to go! Thanks for the great ideas.
  31. A friend had a bumper crop of garlic this year and I was given about 10 lbs! I made the roasted garlic and infused oil twice and am now making the butter. I do want to comment that it took closer to an hour to cook the garlic through. I don't know if was the size of the garlic heads (just a little bit bigger than store bought), the fact that I cooked 9 heads at a time, or the altitude of 4500 ft. that made it take longer. Just a heads up for people to not get impatient; definitely worth the wait! Thanks for a great post! You have fun and detailed instructions, beautiful photos, and great recipes.
  32. Garlic is one of the best foods in the world that you can put into your body. Remember two garlic breaths can cancel each other out...another words you can't smell it on the other persons breath if they eat it too thats why I enjoy roasting it in olive oil, rosemary, romano cheese (Grated) and a touch of red pepper and a warm freshly baked Ciabatta bread for dipping and don't forget the bottle of Merlot.....or for the sweet wine lovers a bottle of Lambrusco.
  33. You know I love garlic butter, but I never think to make it myself. I know it freezes well though. Maybe I should make a bunch. I avg it saves about $2cad a month for me if I do that! LOL. We're Italian and my fiance is Irish so we eat a LOT of garlic. I wonder how it would taste coating pork chops while cooking?
  34. Well. I don't know whether I should credit you with making my life wonderful or curse you for ruining it! The moment I finished reading your roasted garlic/garlic compound butter/garlic infused olive oil recipe I zoomed into the kitchen. I had been wanting to roast some red potatoes and garlic all day and I only had two bulbs of garlic in the house. So. I combined your recipe with mine. I cut up some red potatoes, tossed them in a little olive oil, and sprinkled them with rosemary and salt. I left enough room in my baking pan for the two garlic bulbs I had, followed your directions, and roasted away. I was so happy I felt delirious as I ate my taters and schmeered garlic on a roll. That was yesterday. It's all fun until someboyd goes nuts... Tonight I am finding myself heating up rolls just so I have a vehicle for that butter. I have already gone back three times!!! Enough! oh...btw...the olive oil that was infused with the garlic and rosemary....omg....amazing. Since I cannot seem to get enough, I am going out tomorrow to buy more garlic. When is it going to be enough???? I would ask for somebody to stop me, but I might have to stab somebody with my paring knife if they get too close.....
  35. Jessie, Wow, What a stellar post!!! (Stellar- My new word of the day. I need to use it 3 more times ;^) I've roasted garlic before, wrapping each cut & oil-drizzled head individually in foil. Works fine, but I never can remember the oven temp or the time (ADD). Good thing about that-I found your site!!!!! I love your photos showing each step. I've also made the compound butter and kept it in the freezer; the roasted cloves also freeze well, FYI. I'm going to follow you and "Like" you on FB!! Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge & insights!!! Steve Greenwood
  36. Another thing you can do once the garlic is roasted is use it as a spread on either crackers or thin breads, naan for example, whatever you like, and add with it some thick jam like fig, or a red pepper jelly and a nice spreadable cheese like goat cheese. It's all amazing when you put it together!!!
  37. [...] One night long ago, my lady friend and I experimented with dinner by roasting a bulb or head of garlic. The process was simple and the results, interesting. Recently however, while seeking other various tips for roasting garlic, I discovered some additional usages for roasted garlic from the site The Hungry Mouse – Roasted Garlic, Three Ways. [...]
  38. Hey Jessie will defo be giving these ago. In Spain (from London) on our annual sabatical for 5 weeks and doingalways search for something different to do for a buffet for our neighbours and wanted to do a twist on Alioli - and as I haven't seen any roasted garlic over here thought I would do a roasted garlic mayo and will use your recipe. Next stop is recipes for figs - last year we had soooo many they just rotted on the ground so am determined not to waste them this year - once again great site x
  39. These are great directions! I roast an enormous batch of garlic (50-60 heads) about twice a year. Because of the volume, I process the roasted cloves into a chunky paste in the food processor or with electric beaters. I then make small packets of about 1-2 Tbsp of garlic in plastic wrap, freeze them flat on a cookie sheet, and then store in a gallon baggie in the freezer. I find that if I have roasted garlic on hand, I throw it into all kinds of things that I wouldn't necessarily take the time to roast a fresh head for. I agree that roasted garlic is about the best substance in the world, so for me it's well worth spending a couple of days a year to make sure that I always have some ready to go.
  40. I make it a slightly different way. I peel the garlic entirely, put it in a little crock, sometimes a souffle dish, whatever, fill up with olive oil enough to cover the garlic, cover and roast at 350 for an hour. The garlic doesn't get overdone this way, and I get more garlic oil. Of course, more upfront labor from the peeling. I prefer elephant garlic because it is so much quicker to peel a whole bulb. This is also a nice task I can put kids to work on doing, peeling the garlic, mine are at a age they like helping and being involved and I like teaching them about cooking, how their food is made, where it comes from, etc.
  41. All the talk of garlic butter reminds me of a story. My mom used to make garlic butter and keep it in a margarine tub. Sometimes she didn't label it. I used to get up early before school to make myself French toast before catching the bus. I LOVED French toast slathered with butter (or margarine -- we were benighted back in the day) and maple syrup, but one morning it tasted a little odd. I didn't feel well most of that day. When I got home, my mother asked, "Whose been into my garlic butter!" I had slathered garlic butter on my French toast. I don't care how much you like garlic, you will not like it on French toast with maple syrup. I didn't eat French toast again for 20 years.
  42. I just stumbled across your site while trying to find a homemade butter recipe. I made homemade butter tonight... thanks to your recipe. Then I found this post... roasted garlic, three ways. I can't wait to try it myself. I'm so glad I found your site... it's very inspirational!
  43. I use the 3 lb bag of peeled garlic from Costco and cook it slowly for about 4 hours in about a cup of ghee. When everything is quite brown I chill it slightly then dump the whole thing in the food processor and blend it. It goes into small canning jars. I give away about half to friends who are just WILD about it. It's fantastic in just about everything but amazing spread on bread and toasted. I stir it into casseroles, put a spoonful on sauteed mushrooms, and add it towards the end of stir-fried dishes for an amazing smell and taste.
  44. My 16 yr old son & I love garlic, we usually make garlic crabs in the summer. YUM< YUM! I was telling my son about roasted garlic & putting it on a crusted bread, but I never did it before soo, I pulled up your website & am roasting it now. Also making homemade chicken soup I hope the garlic w/bread goes well with the soup!! Getting cold out side. Thanks !!
  45. Jesse, Could the roasted garlic be used instead of minced garlic is recipes? I'm new @ this cooking thing & have gone gluten free so cooking is obviously a must. Just found your website and grateful for it! Thx!! Blessings!
  46. Man I wish I would have found this post before I had gone to the grocery store and only picked up 1 clove of garlic..... That butter sounds right up my ally! I LOVE garlic! Can't get enough of it!
  47. Thank you so much for the three wonderful suggestions. I'm going to pick up a bag of garlic at the store but had to try the roasted with the oil infusion so I used the three heads I had and WOW! Thanks again :-)
  48. For dinner tonight, I'm thinking roasted garlic for an appetizer and then use the infused garlic oil to make your cold-fry French fries to compliment our "$20 burger" recipe.... Yummy!!
  49. This is so simple, yet so delicious! I read about it as I was falling asleep last night, and resolved to roast some garlic first thing in the morning. Well, we only had a bulb and a half in the house, but after reading the comments I decided to roast some potatoes along with the garlic. It took a little longer but was totally worth it. I can't wait to see how this improves my garlic butter.
  50. I have always roasted whole garlic by just putting them in with the other vegies for about 25 minutes then when it came to eating them it was a bit messy as we would squash the garlic out of their shells leaving garlic shells all over the plate. So I decided there must be a better way, less messy way and I found it here. I never thought to cut the tops off then cover them. It works well and it was amazingly tasty with our roast chicken and veges. Thank you, I will be definitely roasting more garlic from now on.
  51. This looks fantastic! I have never roasted garlic before but love to eat it. I definitely agree that your pictures are wonderful. Can't wait to try these recipes. One thing. Upon reading the funny feedback from the person about accidentally putting her mom's garlic butter on french toast it reminded me of a funny story about garlic as well. I was making a yummy chocolate cake for a party my sister was giving and couldn't understand why it smelled like garlic when it was in the oven. Then wondered why nobody was eating my yummy chocolate cake until someone asked if there was garlic in my cake. Of course my response was what fool would put garlic in a chocolate cake. Well when the mystery was solved I realized that I had put my sister's garlic flavored oil in by mistake. YUK!! Just remember to label flavored oils unless you like garlic flavored chocolate cake. Thanks for the fun ideas and recipes!
  52. Thank you! I just found out that my cholesterol level is too high. Garlic, at the rate of a clove a day. will help lower cholesterol levels, and since I love garlic, adding a clove a day to my diet is one of the changes I'll be making.
  53. WOW! I stumbled upon your page and I just happen to be from Salem, Ma. myself! I am roasting my garlic now. I will bookmark your page for sure!
  54. We are addicted, to whit: baked garlic a couple of fat greek kalamata olives A good wholemeal bread which I make with 70% Graham's flour (wholemeal ??) and 30 % plain flour. Bake the bread of about 2-3 cms. thick unbaked dough. Spread the above on the bread with a little butter or olive oil & a lttle Maldon Sea salt. Wash this down with a decent country wine, preferably Italian Primitivo or Argentinian Malbec grape. Sorry, am embaressingly unknowledgable re US wines. Enjoy & feel the brain cells getting a new life Live to be a 100
  55. Yummmmm! Tonight I'm making hamburgers with grilled pickled jalepenos, roasted garlic and goat cheese. The pungent cheese, vinegary peppers and smooth nutty garlic are the best burger topping combo I've ever eaten.
  56. Just made this tonight and we are LOVING it. Going to roast some peppers to eat with crusty bread and garlic infused oil! Hell yeah!
  57. Your recipe for roasted garlic came up on the web and I was so glad to have followed your link! I actually wanted garlic oil so was more than happy that your recipe blossoms into additional preparations. The roasted garlic and oil came out awesome!! Thank you! And thanks also for the food prep safety link regarding garlic and oil.
  58. […] One night long ago, my lady friend and I experimented with dinner by roasting a bulb or head of garlic. The process was simple and the results, interesting. Recently however, while seeking other various tips for roasting garlic, I discovered some additional usages for roasted garlic from the site The Hungry Mouse – Roasted Garlic, Three Ways. […]
  59. fabulous, hungry mouse. I've thrown whole, unpeeled garlic into my roasting pans for decades. never thought of roasting them on their own.......der. tried to be clever - wanted some in a hurry for an ailing son so i threw them into the microwave (well, actually put them into a lidded dish first :-)). had no idea of time but told myself I'd check often ---ha ha ha dy ha ha....this senior has a colander brain and -erk! 5 mins (low rate) didn't actually burn them but the smell wasn't attractive - the outer layer (not the skin) was quite hard but all was still tasty but nothing lovely and soft and mooshi about this lot. tried another lot but that's not clever either -don't taste anywhere as nice nothing like properly roasted vegies, is there
  60. If your like me and love the roasted, brown, crunchy, chewy parts try this. Cut the head as above. but more toward the middle. More nuggets will be exposed and you will get about half crunchy and half butter cream. I like to leave the tray or pan open as well. It provides a much more complex texture of the finished product. Pop these tasty morsels in your mouth and savor the flavor explosion!
  61. […] a bounty of benefits can you resist? I’ve started already – yesterday’s lunch was roasted garlic and sweet potato […]