Homemade Butter

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bowl of fresh butter

Making butter at home is surprisingly easy to do.

All you need is fresh heavy cream—and maybe a little salt, if you want salted butter.

That’s it. (No, really: That’s it.)

No, you don’t need a butter churn

Unless, of course, you have one.

When I told one of my best friends that I made butter, he exclaimed something like, “Wait, you don’t have a butter churn…do you?”

(If you know me—and you know how much cooking equipment is socked away in our kitchen and basement—it’s always good to doublecheck these details.)

No, I don’t have a butter churn.

I have something better: An electric mixer.

top view whipping cream

As good as it would be for my arms, I’m not sure I could hack churning butter the old-fashioned way.

I should note that this isn’t a cheaper way of stocking up on butter. Chances are good that this amount of heavy cream will always cost more than a pound of butter.

fresh yellow butter

But you don’t make butter this way because you want to save money.

You do it because it’s really cool—and, of course, it gives you the opportunity to triumphantly bellow, “Holy %$&#, I just made butter!!”

Which everyone should do at least once in their life.

buttered bread with butter knife

What is butter made of, anyway?

Butter is made of a few things: Butterfat, water, and milk proteins.

Butter made from fermented cream is known as cultured butter, which is more full flavored.

You can make it by adding yogurt to the cream and aging it a little before you beat it to bits.

(That’s next. Stay tuned.)

Start with high-quality heavy cream. If you can get it from a farm, that’s a big bonus.

Basically, the better your cream tastes, the higher quality your butter will be.

heavy cream in a measuring cup

How to make your own butter

Butter is basically cream that’s been beaten until it separates.

strain the buttermilk off

Most cooks have done this before by accident—by overbeating whipped cream.

You know what I mean: Your whipped cream is perfect one minute, then you blink twice and it starts to break down and get grainy.

When you make whipped cream, most of the time, you’re aiming for stiff peaks (when the whipped cream will stand up on the beater in straight little points).

When you make butter, you whip your cream to stiff peaks.

And then you keep going.

bits of butter

For folks outside the U.S., heavy cream is cream that has 36 – 40% butterfat.

What can you do with homemade butter?

You mean, aside from gobble it up on fresh bread with reckless abandon?

Use homemade butter in any way that you’d use regular butter. In baking and cooking, etc.

Since you’ve gone through the trouble of making it with good cream, I’d be more inclined to keep it pure, and use it on toast and pancakes—or anything where the butter flavor will really shine through.

You could also use it to make compound butter. Here are a few ideas:

Here’s the whole process, from start to finish.

Homemade Butter

6 cups heavy cream
salt to taste

Yields about 1 lb of butter

Beat the cream until it separates

Grab your cream.

fresh cream

Put it in the bowl of your stand mixer—or in a large mixing bowl, if you’re using a handheld mixer.

pouring cream

If you have a splash guard for your mixer, you might want to use it.

You’re beating on fairly high speed, which means your cream can spit a little.

Note: I stopped the mixer a bunch of times to take pictures of the different stages. You don’t have to do that.

Just the mixer on and let it run. The whole process should take just under 10 minutes.

Turn the mixer on on medium-high speed.

beating cream

As you beat the cream, it will begin to thicken.

thickening cream

And get thicker…

making whipped cream

…and thicker…

whipped cream in motion

Until eventually you have a bowl of traditional whipped cream.

whipped cream stiff peaks

(There’s your stiff peak.)

stiff peaks on beater

Keep beating! The whipped cream will start to get a little grainy looking.

overwhip the cream

And as you beat, it will lose all that lovely volume.

cream turning yellow

(That’s just fine. That means it’s starting to break down.)

overbeat the cream

It will also turn a pale yellow…

beat the cream until it separates

…and get really curdle-y and a little gross looking.

yellow cream

Keep beating. You’re almost there.

continue to beat the cream

When the contents of your bowl starts to splatter a little, it’s a good sign that you’re done. This means that the buttermilk has separated out from the solids.

butter solids and buttermilk

cream separated into solids and liquids

Here’s what the butter solids look like:

butterfat solids

Strain the buttermilk

Set a mesh strainer over a bowl.

metal strainer on glass bowl

Pour the butter and buttermilk through the strainer.

pour the butter and buttermilk through the strainer

butter in strainer

Be sure to use a deep bowl. You don’t want the strainer sitting in the buttermilk, like this.

butter and buttermilk

(I had to swap my bowls out.)

straining butter

Knead the butter to squeeze out any excess liquid

Next, gather the butter into a ball and knead it.

knead the butter

You’re doing this to smoosh any remaining buttermilk out of it.

kneading butter

When all the liquid is out of the butter, you’ll wind up with a ball like this.

ball of fresh butter

(This is where you hold your butter ball up triumphantly and bellow, “Holy &%@#, I just made butter!”)

large ball of butter

Set it aside for a minute while you figure out what to do with the buttermilk. If you want to save it, cover it and keep it in the fridge. You can use it in bread, scones, muffins, etc.

(Keep in mind that this liquid isn’t the same thing as the cultured buttermilk that you buy in the store, which has been fermented.)

18 oz. of butter

All told, I wound up with 18.85 ounces of butter, which is just over 1 pound.

weighing butter

Add salt, if you like

If you prefer salted to unsalted butter, knead in a little bit of kosher salt. I didn’t do this, but I’d use 1/2 tsp. – 1 tsp. Definitely start with less and taste as you go.

fresh cut butter

When you’re happy with how it tastes, pack it into a bowl or a few ramekins.

bowl of butter

Refrigerate and use within 2 weeks

Wrap it tightly (butter absorbs odors) and keep it in the fridge. It should keep for about 2 weeks.

close up bowl of butter

That is, of course, if it lasts that long.

butter on knife

Homemade Butter

Yields About 1 lb.

Here's how to make your own butter at home, with heavy cream and little elbow grease.

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6 cups heavy cream
salt to taste


  1. Put the heavy cream in the bowl of your stand mixer—or in a large mixing bowl, if you’re using a handheld mixer.
  2. Beat on medium high until it begins to thicken. Keep beating.
  3. Once you pass the point of traditional whipped cream, the mixture will start to get grainy in texture and lose volume. Keep beating.
  4. The butter will start to get yellow in color and very grainy. Keep beating until the contents of your bowl separates into solids and watery liquid.
  5. Set a mesh strainer over a deep bowl. Pour the butter and buttermilk through the strainer.
  6. Gather the butter into a ball and knead it over the strainer to get the remaining liquid out.
  7. If you want unsalted butter, you're done. If you prefer salted butter, knead in a little bit of kosher salt now.
  8. Pack your butter into a bowl or a few ramekins.
  9. Voila! You just made butter! Wrap it up tightly (butter absorbs odors) and keep it in the fridge. It should keep for about 2 weeks. Enjoy!

Previous articleFrozen Chocolate Mousse
Next articleHomemade Sandwich Bread
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


    • I have been making butter for over 46 years. You SOULD WASH your better after draining the buttermilk off!! Removing the rest of the proteins and milk off allows the butter to store much better and longer without it souring specially if you want to leave covered in a cupboard say a 1/4 pound to a 1/2 a pound a time depending on your usage. I have NEVER heard of NOT washing butter! I now use my food processor or blender (come a long way in 20 years!). I do a pint at a time. After each batch, I put the butter in bowl until al cream has been processed. Then I put about 1 1/2 cup back in which ever machine I am using, add 1 cup ice water and let it whirl for about 15-20 seconds, drain of the water into the sink. Do the water again until it is mostly clear. Put butter back in bowl. THEN I start with about a cup at a time in small bowl I can easily hold, and press and fold the butter for about 5 mins. pouring and shaking off the water, then I add Himalayan or Kosher sea salt to taste in total about 1 3/4 tesp to a pound again shaking off the water that forms as you work in the salt. Last step is with a paper towel I dab the butter for any left over water droplets, put in either 4 oz or 8 oz jelly jars, date and freeze. Please WASH THE BUTTER! My grandmother and great grandmother all my aunts always washed the butter! For more info on washing butter just put in your browser "Why wash homemade butter". Sincerely, Phyllis
      • Forgot to say I am from New England also....New Hampshire. Come on up sometime if you have never visited lovely New England! Phyllis
        • Phyllis I live in Bali Indonesia and make butter from packs of Tatua whipping Cream which comes from New Zealand. Problem is it doesn't always turn into butter! it begins to turn pale yellow and get chunky but then sometimes before the buttermilk 'appears' it starts to turn back to a thick whipped cream again and no amount of further processing seems to help! On average its successful once every 2 packs which makes it an exspensive exercise. I store the cream in the refrigerator at whip it straight away from fridge temp. when it does turn to butter it seems to take between 12 - 28 minutes. I noticed that the manufacturers do say on their website that they add something to help avoid over whipping and this is probably part of the problem, but it doesn't make sense that half the time it does turn into butter!! really frustrating, because good butter here is very exspensive and making it from cream is less than half price. Any ideas?
        • Ms. Phyllis M., I'm a young mom and wife and I'm just starting to make my own butter and I was looking for a more old fashioned way of doing it, like your way. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm about to go give your way a try now! :)
    • Much better than margarines/ spreads like Clover and Flora, which are full of chemicals and are GREY in colour before they're dyed yellow!
  1. Very cool! I like the idea of just using the mixer, that makes it simple. I've accidentally made some butter particles when churning ice cream too. I wonder if you flavored the base it would be substantially different than making a compound butter after the fact.
    • I was trying to make a basil whipped cream, and instead made basil butter. Because I heated the cream to steep the basil, I didn't get the cream chilled enough to whip. It's a totally different flavor than making the typical compound butter... I'd definitely recommend it!
  2. the one and only time i went to summer camp, i went for a week to alton jones with my bff. they let us choose from three groups, farming, water stuff (kayaking and all that), or hiking type things. we got a preview of each, and of course i was all "that's easy, food and animals, woo!" [my mom wasn't happy since the bff i went with? LIVED on a farm. still does. so she basically got no vacation at all but we had a great time, heh.] anyways, the first night we made butter as a 'getting to know each other' activity. they just put some cream in a glass jar and we sat in a circle, and you shook it until you couldn't shake it no more and passed it to the next person, all the while answering questions about yourself and all that junk. haven't had it since, but it was delicious, and all we needed was cream and a jar!
  3. I love this! I used to do this on a smaller scale with my kindergarten students. We made homemade cornbread for Thanksgiving and then made homemade butter using heavy cream in a jar with a marble in it. All the kiddies took a turn shaking it and then we had butter to slather on our cornbread. Good Memories :)
  4. OMG! This is so cool! I remember in kindergarden when our class got a bread machine and our teacher thought it'd be a good idea to have us sit around in circles shaking jars of whole milk to make butter .... we didn't get any... this will certainly make up for it!
  5. Does this work with ultrapasteurized butter, do you know? That's about all I see around here, and I know such doesn't work for cheesemaking... Thanks for any help!
  6. Such a simple yet often overlooked process that you have explained and photographed beautifully. Reminds me of eating Premium saltines with my grandmother (and her homemade butter!) <3
  7. I used to do make butter in my classroom every year. We put a little heavy cream and a dash of salt into baby food jars and each child got to shake and shake and shake his jar until it turned into butter. It was always such a hit and so much fun. Thanks for reminding me. (Great tutorial!)
  8. I've made butter and it's fun. But I wish we could get pure heavy cream. It's all "whipping cream" which has additives and whatnot in it. Maybe in the organics section...
    • Hi, First buy cow's milk (preferably raw, like from farm), boil it and refrigerate for 12 to 24 hours. You will find a thick layer of cream. Collect this in a bowl. Repeat for a week. Now use this collected cream to make your butter.
      • Aauugghh!! Don't boil the milk! That defeats the purpose of having it from raw milk! Now you just have dead butter! Always make this from fresh RAW milk. Then you will have a fresh live butter that is better for you than store bought. If you're going to go to the trouble of making it, make it the BEST it can be!!
    • Thanks, lady! Let me know how it goes! It's really so easy! (Also, kind of evil...I know my butter consumption is going to go through the roof now...) :D +Jessie
  9. I made butter by simply shaking cream until it turned into butter. The trick was to let the cream come to room temperature before shaking. This looks easier can't wait to try!
  10. That's amazing. It doesn't look that hard! I wanted to share something with you that someone emailed me a while ago. Who knew you could can butter!?! 1. Use any butter that is on sale. Lesser quality butter requires more shaking (see #5 below), but the results are the same as with the expensive brands. 2. Heat pint jars in a 250 degree oven for 20 minutes, without rings or seals. One pound of butter slightly more than fills one pint jar, so if you melt 11 pounds of butter, heat 12 pint jars. A roasting pan works well for holding the pint jars while in the oven. I use ½ pint jars for this too. 3. While the jars are heating, melt butter slowly until it comes to a slow boil. Using a large spatula, stir the bottom of the pot often to keep the butter from scorching. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes at least: a good simmer time will lessen the amount of shaking required (see #5 below). Place the lids in a small pot and bring to a boil, leaving the lids in simmering water until needed. About 3-5 min. 4. Stirring the melted butter from the bottom to the top with a soup ladle or small pot with a handle, pour the melted butter carefully into heated jars through a canning jar funnel. Leave 3/4" of head space in the jar, which allows room for the shaking process. 5. Carefully wipe off the top of the jars, then get a hot lid from the simmering water, add the lid and ring and tighten securely. Lids will seal as they cool. Once a few lids "ping," shake while the jars are still warm, but cool enough to handle easily, because the butter will separate and become foamy on top and white on the bottom. In a few minutes, shake again, and repeat until the butter retains the same consistency throughout the jar. 6. At this point, while still slightly warm, put the jars into a refrigerator. While cooling and hardening, shake again, and the melted butter will then look like butter and become firm. This final shaking is very important! Check every 5 minutes and give the jars a little shake until they are hardened in the jar! Leave in the refrigerator for an hour. 7. Canned butter should store for 3 years or longer on a cool, dark shelf. [It does last a long time. We have just used up the last of the butter we canned in 1999, and it was fine after 5 years.] Canned butter does not "melt" again when opened, so it does not need to be refrigerated upon opening, provided it is used within a reasonable length of time.
      • But if making your own butter is feasible then why not "can" or preserve that? I make my own butter and it would be better to prepare one day and enjoy for longer periods of time? Luvs my homemade butter :) mmmmmmm
        • I know this is an old post, but in case someone else wanders over here, the National Center for Home Food Preservation strongly advises against this method, which isn't really "canning" and is unsafe. http://nchfp.uga.edu/questions/FAQ_canning.html#33
          • Why would freezing homemade butter not be a sufficient why of preserving? I imagine one could freeze organic butter just fine and though it may not keep for three years, it would keep for quite a while if packaged properly
  11. Oh that looks soo goood!!! Recently I've visited Ukraine and tasted butter made there - it was like pure creme, only then I understood how much chemicals, preservatives and cheaper fats are added to the butter we can get from the shop. Since then I was craving to make butter at home to get that real amazing taste - biggest problem I'm facing though is that in Finland they cell cream that has only 20% of fat.... disaster :(
  12. This looks awesome! I'm going to do a Pioneer unit study with my son next year for 3rd grade and making butter sounds like something the pioneers did that WE can do. Of course, I may have to try it before then. ;) p.s. Here from tastespotting.com.
  13. I love this! Your pictures are beautiful too and your explanation of making butter right on! I did the same and wrote about it recently. I found the moment when the butter separates from the buttermilk to be pure magic prompting me to call my friend over to see it. I am glad I am not alone in my butter-making craziness.
  14. I made butter years ago with Brownie Scouts. We did it two ways, with a jar and a whole lot of shaking, but then again I had all those energetic girls, and with a wand mixer. Then we ate it over fresh rolls. Mmmm
    • Drink it!!!!! The best part of making butter is the by-product- - -REAL Buttermilk!!! I remember (quite fondly) of having freshly made (warm) corn bread and buttermilk for supper on many occasions!
  15. I made butter using your recipe and it turned out wonderfully of course. Although I do have one suggestion for those deciding to make it: make sure you get all of the buttermilk liquid out or else it will spoil quickly. After squeezing out all that you can, return the butter to the mixing bowl with about a cup of cold water and mix it, then squeeze the liquid out of it again. Repeat this until the liquid coming out is clear, it will last much longer. I keep mine in a butter crock on the counter top.
  16. We made butter tonight! Didn't see how you made it though until just now! We made it by putting some heavy cream-- from a dairy-- into a jar and shook it until a ball formed.
  17. I love love LOVE making butter! I've done it the old-fashioned way with a churn (for work...don't ask..) and with a mixer and/or food processor. A handy tip is to "wash" the butter in very cold water to get the last of the buttermilk out and to help keep it for a bit longer. But you're absolutely right, chances of it lasting very long are slim. :)
  18. I grew up on a farm and we made butter from our own organic milk (using a butter churn). My mom would make the BEST pancakes using the whey left over from making the butter....or you refer to it as buttermilk. Her pancakes would rise so high and were delicious....this alone is a great reason for making homemade butter!
  19. Thank you so much. I just got some farm fresh milk and I was told I could make my own butter but didnt know how. This tutorial is great. Just what I was looking for. Cant wait to give it a try.
  20. I made homemade butter when I was in the 1st grade. My teacher had all 50 students sit in a circle and we each took turns shaking a jar of heavy whipped cream. Voila! We had butter and we enjoyed it on bread. I loved the experience so much that I asked my mom to buy whipped cream so that I could make it at home. I used my mom's hand mixer and made another batch. I visited this page because I want to show children, that I will be nannying for this summer, how to make homemade butter. I think it does teach patience too! Thank you for the visual - it is GREAT!!! Rose
  21. I have my great grandmother's butter churn (glass w/ wooden paddles) and headed to a family reunion this weekend. I'm going to use your recipe and follow your directions as an activity. Not only will be it a wonderful memory/reminder to the elders in the family and we'll learn about life in the "old days", we'll each get to sample some good ole fashioned butter on homemade bread and enjoy the fruit of our labor!
  22. Thank you so much for your EXCELLENT picture tutorial!! I loved all the beautiful pictures - and totally appreciated how you got shots of all the different phases of butter-making! I used your tutorial when I made my own: http://treasuresfortots.blogspot.com/2011/06/fresh-homemade-butter.html Thank you!!
  23. We have a dairy farm and are going to skim the milk off the top of the bulk tank to try this. My daughter is going to use the buttermilk in a scone recipe and use the butter to spread on them for a 4-H Project to take to the county fair. Looking for brownie points for creativity! Will let you know how they turn out.
  24. I just purchased a pint of non-homoginized (sp?) heavy cream at a local store here in town to do exactly this....make butter for my mom!!! she has been searching and trying all different brands of butter to find one that reminds her of the butter she had when she was a kid. im hoping that this does the trick. i too have made butter before (shaking it in a jar) at school in home-ec, but now im going to try it with the hand mixer! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for posting a picture of every single stage. that will help me tremendously.
  25. When I was "young" my mom and I over-whipped heavy cream. It was not whipped to the butter stage but passed the whipped cream stage. We didn't have a lot of money and didn't want to waste the cream (it tasted delicious!). We opened a large can of sliced peaches and mixed the entire can and it's heavy syrup (back then there was no LT syrup or fruit juices) into the over-whipped cream, put into a glass pie plate and smoothed out the top, put a piece of waxed paper over it and placed it into the freezer. The was one of the most delicious desserts we ever ate! just let sit out for a couple of minutes and used a hot knife to slice into wedges. I guess we made peach ice cream but with pure heavy cream. Heavenly...........
  26. First off, thank you so much for this. I'll be making it this week. Also, what happens if you just use Buttermilk? It has a lot more flavor than regular Heavy Cream. Is it not good to make butter out of? Very curious as I love Buttermilk and use it in many of my baking recipes.
  27. So, I just made butter in 10 minutes, but it did not get to that lumpy looking state. http://cookieloveseating.blogspot.com/2011/10/homemade-fresh-butter.html Did I do something wrong? It sure didn't taste wrong!!
    • Farmer Jim here, I don't think you did anything wrong. On the farm we have made hundreds of pounds of butter from our own milk cows, some turned out most like flour sized particles and some with larger particles. We used a 2 gallon churn we have, we like the electric one best - ha ha. Your butter will last much longer and tast better after several days if you WASH IT That means we left the lid on the churn, which has small holes in the top for pouring out the butter milk, we fed the butter milk to the pigs, they loved it I didn't like it - makin bacon. When we got all the butter milk out of the butter we put cold water in it and turned on the churn again for several seconds, maybe 1/2 minute. By this time the clear water was white and we poured it off as well. We did this till the water came out clear THEN we worked out the extra liquid, then we mixed in the salt. For 1 lb of butter we use 1 3/4 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon is good but it gets better, two teaspoons is too much; scatter well, mash it around with the bottom of a spoon till mixed well around 1 minute, more time will hurt nothing. Since we do not have cows any more we buy butter in 1/4s - 4 per lb. I let the butter warm to soft, then add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and mix it in with the bottom of a spoon - it will taste like butter instead of wax. They leave out most of the salt now a days for low salt diets = WAX flavor. Farmer Jim :-)
      • Thanks for the tips on the salt :) gonna try to make butter for the first time. Not sure if its a good idea. We go through 3lbs a week and I think that much heavy cream might blow through my regular butter "budget" lol
  28. just made homemade butter for christmas dinner along with fresh cheesecake and cranberrry sauce all for the first time everything turned out great
  29. my dad and I just made about 1/2 a pound of butter, and its delicious!..and we even had some buttermilk left over after making the butter! it tastes perfect!!!
  30. This was so flipping easy!!! My family couldn't taste the difference from store bought butter!!!! I will be making my own butter from now on!!! Thanks for all the work in posting the simplest directions ever and the step by step pictures were awesome.. I probably would have quit too soon without them!!! Can't wait to start making specialty flavors for my family!!! I am sharing your website with all my friends!!
  31. Thanks for the pictures. I got the receipe and directions from another website, but they weren't clear. Your pictures are awesome, and did it right the 2nd time around. Made 17 tbsp pf butter today. I used an ice cube tray, each section is about 1 tsbp. So I don't have to measure later. My husband loved it, and wants me to do it from now on. I don't know a farmer or even live close to a farmer, so not sure how much or often I will do this. But it was totally cool.
  32. I can't believe how easy this was! I keep walking around my house saying "I JUST MADE BUTTER!!!!!" haha Any tips on other things to make with the leftover liquid? (other than pancakes)
  33. My bro & I made homemade butter the pioneer way, ( in the 50's before we had T V ) in a mason jar with a wooden cloths pin.Shake rattle & role.
  34. A couple days ago I made my first loaf of homemade bread. This evening for kicks I Googled "how to make butter" because I made whipped cream yesterday and had an extra carton of whipping cream in the fridge. It's WHIPPING cream (30út), not HEAVY cream and it's ultra-pasturized but I figured it doesn't hurt to try. Well folks, guess what. 15 minutes after I started making butter I was spreading my delicious homemade butter on by delicious homemade bread. I used 1/2 pint of whipping cream and added 1/2 tsp salt. Beware adding salt. I tasted the mixture in the middle of whipping and boy was it salty. After I finished and got the liquid out the butter was perfectly salted. I suppose much of the salt went out with the liquid. Remember that if you taste it mid-process and it seems salty to you. So my conclusion is this: Yes you CAN use 30% fat whipping cream, and yes you CAN use ultra-pasturized. My next batch I will use heavy cream and compare the results. Thanks so much for this recipe! It was so easy! 15 minutes start to finish I swear it could not be easier!
  35. I have been trying to find solutions for making things for my daughter from my breastmilk because at under a year of age, I just don't feel comfortable with giving her cow's milk. I used the old-fashioned jar 'n shake method and made some delicious, subtly-sweet butter for her and was really surprised at how much just a small amount of milk would make. We're freezing most of it as she's not quite ready for bread and butter. And the dog got to enjoy the poured-off whey mixed in with his dinner. Next project: breastmilk cottage cheese!
    • WOW!!! how cool is that! you made butter from breast milk!!! i don't have any children yet,but i always wondered if you could do that,considering that it's milk and it has fat.Also,since if the Father allows me to have children,i would want to stretch the use of my milk supply,for baby cereal,etc, as well since i plan on breastfeeding. You rock!
  36. I found the instructions online to "shake" butter. I read it once and then decided to try it several days later. Therefore, I forgot that once it seperates, you're supposed to pour off the buttermilk. I just kept shaking it. Is it any good at this point? And, yes, I do read instructions. I just don't reread instructions.
  37. I bought raw milk and skimmed the cream for butter. I put it in my mixer and it has been whisking for over an hour but won't even form peaks. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it?
  38. Just tried this today and it came out fabulous!!! used cheese cloth to help strain it, and then to help squeeze out the liquid. Had it for supper, and the family loves it! Thanks!
  39. I just tried this and I never to my butter to the stage where liquid could be strained. I waited and waited as I blended but it never happen. My butter came out creamy and very great tasting (added salt) at the end.
  40. Have just started. Making my own butter as I useable lot of fresh farm milk in my bakery, could not stand the mess from splatter, I usually use 5 liters of cream left once I have siphoned the milk off and left standing for a couple of days out of the fridge. To day I tried a new method. Put the cream in a 20litre plastic bucket, got my electric drill and drill press on two pieces on wood on top of the bucket, fitted a paint mixer and set drill at medium speed. Worked a treat, got almost a kg of buttter, no mess and easy clean up. Will use butter milk in fresh bread and try in rusks!
  41. Have just started making my own butter as I use a lot of fresh farm milk in my bakery, could not stand the mess from splatter, I usually use the 5 liters of cream left once I have siphoned the milk off. This is left standing for a couple of days out of the fridge. Today I tried a new method. I put the cream in a 20litre plastic bucket, got my electric drill and drill press on two pieces of wood on top of the bucket, fitted a paint mixer and set drill at medium speed. Worked a treat, got almost a kg of buttter, no mess and easy clean up. Will use butter milk in fresh bread and try in rusks!
  42. I just made this the other night and I am amazed at how simple it was. My family loved it! I was trying to search through the blogs on freezing this? Is that possible?
  43. I tried this out today and it worked perfectly. Has anyone tried adding herbs, roasted garlic or honey? I guess that would be added during the "salt" step.
  44. This looks rather tasty. I have, perhaps, a silly question... Every time I look for heavy cream, all I find is heavy whipping cream. Are those the same thing? I've tried to look at the fat content, but it never seems as high as it should be.
  45. Hello! Cant wait to try this recipe! But I have one question. Can the buttermilk that comes from this recipe be used like regular buttermilk that comes from the store? If not, to make it fermented like the stuff from the store I would just add a teaspoon or so of vinegar right? Please respond!
  46. THANK YOU! I did it :O) I made real butter. A friend of mine put the cream in a jar and shook it all day. I wanted to try that but my jar wasn't big enough and I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so I can't really shake it like that anyway. I put it in a pickle jar I had and shook it until it got thick - passing it around to everyone to shake a little bit. Then I opened the jar and got a fork and just "churned it".... only took about 10 - 15 minutes and I was all done! Thanks for the explanations and pictures. You are awesome. I come from a long line of farmers but I live in Alaska so can't do much farmin. My family in Ga will be so proud!
  47. Just made this in my mini food processor tonight! My children and I tried making it in baby food jars but this is much easier. Only made about 1/2 lb (2 batches) but I will be making more tomorrow. Planning on making homemade bread next! Thanks! :)
    • I tried to make butter with a processor n it started to get thick like whip cream i let it keep going n instead of it turning to butter it just went back to being thin again n this was atleast 20 min what did i do wrong?
  48. Incredible and tastes great! Just made butter using a regular food processor. This is amazing on my homemade pumpkin bread - Yum! Thank you so much!
  49. Wow! This is great. I made butter following up on your recipe, and it turned out great! ( and delicous!!) Does the yellow color vary on the heavy whipping cream? Mine was still a very pale yellow, almost white.
  50. Just wanted to ask, why even think about freezing or storing this homemade butter? A big part of why I would make butter, would be because its fresh.. This reminds me of my mother, she makes big breads, cuts them in half and freeze one half, instead of making them half the size so its fresh :)
  51. I was doing some research in how to make your own home made butter? I ask my boyfriend in how to make butter and he replied: its a lot of work. He's a Chef and hes susppose to know everything about cooking and etc........ I still wanted to know how to do it but still no reply from him. So instead of wasting my preious time insisting from him to explain to me the details I went into the internet to do my own research. I ended up in this website to read about these details in how to make your own butter and found it interesting. I had Bookmark this website for any further researches i may need to do? I would like to thanked whomever is incharged of this website for making the effort to share your knowledge with the world. Carmela Lombardi
  52. Thanks for the super directions. They gave me the courage to make my own butter. The chief reason I wanted to was that I avoid pasteurized, homogenized, factory-farmed dairy. In our Co-op bought raw cream from our local dairy (in WA State we are so fortunate that it's legal here!). It must have taken me half an hour with a little hand-mixer but I stuck to it and the butter is lovely. Next time I'll ferment it and make it cultured!
  53. looks so good but seems too expensive for us when we routinely buy butter at $2.50/lb. No, I'm not missing the point of organic and homemade delish... we make our own cheese, after all, and we made our own butter growing up. just sayin' this would not be a budget saver for us. but looks fun and tasty, and everyone should make butter at least once.
  54. My husband loves butter so for Valentine's Day I gave him heavy cream. He laughed and said what are we doing with this? I showed him this website and he made the butter right away. It was great and the butter turned out perfect. He thought it was a very neat idea and a nice Valentine's Day treat. Your pictures helped as we had to keep the mixer on for about 15 minutes instead of 10. Thanks very much.
  55. I just started looking for a homemade butter recipe, this is so easy and tastes so good! I did add a small amount of salt, about 1/4 tsp per six cups of cream which equaled 13.75oz butter, I washed it three times with water. Thank you for the process and the pictures.
  56. I had been using different types of none butters until I just found out what they are made of. I have many different illnesses so I have been looking for healthy alternatives. I think nothing is more healthy than homemade anything. I was looking up on the net for homemade butter and found this. I would like to thank you for this information and the indepth pictures that you have given. i cant wait to try this. Thank you so much.
  57. Thank you so much for the indepth information and pictures.. I have health issues and was using store bought butter alternatives but what could be healther than fresh homemade butter. i really just cant wait to try it.
    • We just made this tonight. Started with 2 pints of heavy cream and ended up with just about 1 pound of butter and 2 cups of buttermilk! Hope this helps : )
  58. I like to use a holiday cookie cutter to mold my homemade butter for the holidays! Bunny for Easter and turkey for Thanksgiving!
  59. I knead my butter under cold water to get all the buttermilk out of it. This helps it keep longer. Adding a little salt helps that too.
  60. [In my best Victorian English imitation]: O thou hungry mouse! Thou hast wrought a great deed in this thy doing. My recently buttered buds thank thee, most profusely. For though, I have assayed to be as my feminine ancestors in the making and preserving of this rich tasting necessity, my meager efforts were surpassed only by the paucity of edible answers...until now. Thy kind presentations have assured me of success! All that to say: i made butter for the first time yesternite....delicioso! Thank you much!
  61. Oh my gosh! I found this website on Sat. and just had to try this butter. It worked perfect! I got a new Kitchenaid mixer a while back and it was such an easy process. Thank you for sharing this great tutorial!
  62. I mixed ginger and butter once to cook shrimp. I'm going to infuse my butter with ginger now so I can use it on other things!
  63. I just stumbled upon this website this morning and HAD to try making butter. I just finished my first batch...it was so easy and is so delicious!! Thank you!!
  64. This butter tastes absolutely amazing :D I have made it before with my hands (same recipe) but this tastes better! Almost made my family ill today because the cream had gone off-oops! realised just in time x
  65. my students would like to make butter from horse milk.is it possible? can you advise us on how to make one from horse milk? or do we just follow your tutorial? Many thanks!
  66. I have a small collection of butterchurns. Have not made butter since my children were small and I took a churn to school around Thanksgiving. They loved having made the butter to put on the cornbread hot out of the oven. This weekend all 3 grandchildren will be here so I will go to the coop, purchase some cream and we will make butter like I did at my grandmother's house.
  67. Growing up, I used to go to my grandparents home for a couple of weeks each summer. I will never forget making butter with my grandma! I still have her old churn, I think it's time my kids learn how to make butter the "old fashioned" way :)
  68. Hi Jesse ! Havnt seen much of you on your website lately. Hope you havnt been sick ! None of my business, but just curios !
  69. I have been planning on making the type of butter that st sys soft when refrigerated. You just whip some pure olive or canola oil into softened regular butter. Now. I want to first make homemade butter, then take a portion and whip a little oil in , see how it all turns out. Maybe I won't buy Land of Lakes spreadable butter with canola anymore. Mmmmmm butter with out the chemicals.
  70. Wonderful instructions, pictures and commination. My Girl Scout troop is going to make butter in a meeting real soon. I have a couple of butter churns I got from my grandparents. Looking forward to doing it so I can say "holy $&!?" I made butter.....lol.....I might have to give it a G rating like WoW I just made butter.
  71. Can someone ronemmecd a good under eye cream that removes dark circles and puffiness?I am a 17 teenage girl of asian descent and I sleep 9 hours every day. However, I always have dark circles under my eyes, as well as huge puffiness. Can someone please ronemmecd a good undereye cream that can get rid of this problem? Nothing TOO expensive thanks.Btw, I don't want to hear about the cucumber, potatoes and cold spoon thing. I've tried them all.
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