10 Fabulous Holiday Gifts for Under $30

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

I don’t know many folks who aren’t watching their pennies these days.

Here are 10 neat foodie finds that won’t drain your piggy bank. All the prices are accurate as of tonight.

1. Calphalon Commercial Hard-Anodized 12-Inch Everyday Pan with Lid�$19.99
Every once in a while, Calphalon has a ridiculously good sale. This pan lists for $168 and it’s marked down to $19.99. Yep, I said $168. Not a bad deal, eh?

December 23 update�This pan jumped to $39.99 today. (Thanks for the heads up, Cuz!) Sigh. Sometimes the really good Amazon deals just don’t last that long. That said, still not a bad deal.

2. Le Creuset Stoneware Petite Blueberry Casserole�$24.95
Alrighty, this one isn’t really marked down, but it is still under the $30 mark. This little guy measures about 5″ x 5″ x 5″ and holds about 13 oz.

3. How to Cook Everything (Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition): 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food�$21
I love Mark Bittman’s writing. (Want a preview? Check out his New York Times column.) This thick volume lists for $35 and is marked down to $21.

4. A Subscription to Saveur Magazine�$19.95
If you bought it on the newsstand every month, you’d pay about $45. Subscribe for a year for $19.95. Hands down, this is the one magazine I most anticipate getting every month. (Go have a nibble on their online content.)

5. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, by Harold McGee�$26.40
You probably know by now that I love to understand how things work. And that’s just what McGee does in this book: He explains the science behind how we cook. This book lists for $40, and is marked down to $26.40. (Check out McGee’s blog featuring some of his articles from the New York Times.)

6. Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker�$24.99
As someone who loves yogurt�and has a soft spot for trying to make homemade versions of store-bought things�I’ve always kind of wanted one of these. This lists for $50.00, and is marked down to $24.99.

7. Nigella Lawson Mini Salt Pig�$11.95
I have one of these in robin’s egg blue and love it. It’s a neat way to keep salt within reach as you cook. It lists for $19.99 and is marked down to $11.95. Pair it with a good bag of sea salt.

8. The King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion: The All-Purpose Baking Cookbook�$23.10
If I could only have one book on baking, this would be it. The good folks at King Arthur Flour know a thing or two about making mouthwatering breads, cakes, and cookies. It lists for $35 and is marked down to $23.10.

9. The Complete Meat Cookbook (Hardcover), by Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly�$22.05
You know how the Mouse loves meat! I’ve owned this book for years, and I consistently refer to it even today. For a little more information, here’s my review (with different cover art). It lists for $35 and is marked down to $22.05.

10. Julia’s Kitchen Wisdom: Essential Techniques and Recipes from a Lifetime of Cooking�$15.61
Just as the title says, this book is packed with bits of Julia Child’s kitchen wisdom. It makes a great gift for the budding chef in your life�or just about anyone who loves food. It lists for $22.95 and is marked down to $15.61.

All of these gifts are linked back to Amazon.com. Now, if you’re like me, you might tend to leave a bunch of holiday shopping to the last minute. Here’s Amazon’s shipping chart, so you know just how far you can push it this year.

Prices and timing are accurate as of this evening, but are subject to change. Please double check your purchases and orders to make sure they’re what you expect.

Here are some other limited-time, seasonal offers that we’re happy to pass along

Some are foodie-related, some are just good deals that might help you out with last-minute gifts.

Chefs Catalog

Martha Stewart for 1-800-Flowers

Martha Stewart for 1-800-Flowers.com

My Wines Direct

Free Shipping on All products-including gift baskets

Cheryl & Co. Fresh Baked Desserts

Cheryl & Co.

Just Because Baskets

Build Your Own Basket & Get Free Shipping on Select Baskets + 10% off Your First Order!<br /> Enter Code save10 at Checkout.

Beautorium (natural, organic beauty emporium)

Beautorium.com holiday468x60

Beautorium.com Giftcard468x60

Turkish Towels

Turkishtowels.com LLC


Origins Online (ELC)

Sirius Radio

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. I simply love that blueberry casserole! Would be a great gift to recieve :D By the ay, it as surprising to me to see a website "Turkish Towels" here :) Thanks for sharing. I had no idea about this web site. Wishing you a merry christmas season! And happy new year!
  2. Aww, thanks ladies! I could look at kitchen gear online all day sometimes... Heather--I LOVE my salt pig! :D It's so darn handy. I'd love to see a picture of yours, though! Ears and tail and all! +Jessie
  3. I have the calphalon pan, I have had it for about 7 years and it is amazing! Goes from stove to oven and browns everything perfectly. For $20 I may have to get another one. http://sooperfarmerjo.blogspot.com/