A Very Special Gift (And a Big Thank You to David Petersen!)

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Original artwork, copyright David Petersen

Original artwork, copyright David Petersen. All rights reserved.

There’s a long story about how I got my nickname, Mouse. I won’t get into it now. (Some of it is kind of boring. Some of it is top secret. Some of it is just downright silly.)

But. (But!)

Knowing well how I love certain mouse-y type things, our dear friends D. Bunnyhunter and the Lady Otter went off to the New York Comic Con this past weekend.

You can imagine how excited I was when they came back with a bag of goodies for me from David Petersen, creator of the Eisner-award winning Mouse Guard series.

At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, Mouse Guard my favorite comic book of all time.

David Petersen’s art is beautiful and his writing is top notch. The story is classic, packed with adventure, and appeals to both kids and adults. If you don’t know him, definitely check him out.

Read his books yourself. Read them to your kids.

Mouse Guard, by David Peterson

The best part? (No, not the temporary tattoos. Those were a close second.) When he signed my hardcover, he drew my very own mouse for me. And it’s a chef mouse! Here’s my book:

Original artwork, copyright David Petersen.

Original artwork, copyright David Petersen. All rights reserved.

And here’s my mouse!

Original artwork, copyright David Petersen. All rights reserved.

Original artwork, copyright David Petersen. All rights reserved.

I couldn’t be more excited�or honored. Thanks so much to Mr. Petersen, and to my dear friends for bringing me such a lovely gift.

Where to buy David Petersen’s Mouse Guard

Support your local comics shop. You can also buy them on Amazon.


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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. What sweet friends you have! And that cute little mouse does you justice. Although i've never heard of him, my six year old son loves comics, i'm sure he'll love reading this.