Maple Cream Fudge

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

One of my favorite things about living in New England is all the maple syrup we produce here. Sugaring season runs from late winter to early spring. And one of my favorite things to do with local maple syrup is to turn it into fudge.

This fudge is a smooth, creamy cousin to pure maple sugar candy. Made with maple syrup infused with heavy cream, it’s a fabulous way to enjoy maple syrup.

Here at The Mouse House, we love dark amber syrup, but use any kind you like.

If you like penuche, a fudge-y treat made with brown sugar and cream, chances are that you’ll love this.

Tips for making candy

In general, clear, cool days are best for making candy. Humidity and heat can mess with your sugar-y mojo and keep your candy from setting up properly.

If you know me, you know that I’m usually fairly anti-thermometer, but for some things, they can make your life a lot easier. Candymaking is one of them. Get yourself a good candy or deep-frying thermometer. They’re inexpensive and take the guesswork out of boiling sugar.

Maple Cream Fudge

2 cups maple syrup
1 Tbls. light corn syrup
3/4 cups heavy cream
butter, for pan

optional: 1 tsp. vanilla and 1/2 cups chopped walnuts

Makes about 1 lb. of fudge.

Maple Cream Fudge: Combine the syrups and cream

Clip your candy thermometer on the inside of 3-quart, heavy-bottomed pot. Be sure that it’s not touching the bottom of the pot. (If it touches the bottom of the pot, it can give you a false reading.)

Add the maple syrup and corn syrup.

Pour in the cream.

Whisk well to combine.

Your mixture should be a uniform, caramel color, like this:

Set the pot on the stove over medium heat. Whisk it constantly until it comes to a boil.

Maple Cream Fudge: Boil the mixture until it hits soft-ball stage

When it starts to boil, stop whisking. You won’t stir it again until the mixture has cooked completely and then cooled. That’s just fine.

When it first starts to boil, it will bubble up dramatically, then subside.

Boil like this, without stirring, until the mixture reaches soft-ball stage on your thermometer. (This is called “soft-ball stage” because, at this temperature, a small amount of syrup will form a ball when dropped into cold water�but will flatten when picked up.)

Mine looked about like this at this point:

Maple Cream Fudge: Cool to lukewarm without stirring

When the mixture reaches soft-ball stage, take it off the heat. Set it aside to cool in the pot. Cool it to lukewarm (about 120 degrees or so) without stirring. This took me roughly 40 minutes.

While you’re waiting for the mixture to cool, butter a standard one-pound loaf pan. Set it aside.

As the mixture cools, it may get a slight skin. That’s just fine.

Maple Cream Fudge: Beat the mixture when cool

When the mixture cools to about 120 degrees, transfer it to the bowl of your stand mixer (or a large mixing bowl, if you’re using a hand-held mixer.)

Beat for 7-10 minutes on medium speed.

As you beat it, it will lose its gloss, thicken, and become opaque.

After about 10 minutes, my fudge looked like this:

It should be considerably stiffer and more solid.

If you’re adding them, toss in the vanilla and nuts. Beat to incorporate.

With a wooden spoon, scrape the fudge out of the bowl. It will be stuck to the sides of the bowl. That’s just fine.

Transfer the fudge to your buttered loaf pan.

It should be moist but not overly sticky.

Using the back of a wooden spoon (or your hands), press the fudge flat.

You want it to look about like this:

Cool it completely before cutting. This will help it firm up a little more.

Maple Cream Fudge: Cool completely and enjoy!

When your fudge is completely cool, cut into squares.

Store your fudge well wrapped in a cool place.


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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. I have to admit I love fudge.Maple is one of my favorites but a little goes along way.So sweet. I have to make some now.Maybe a drive this weekend to pick some fresh maple syrup up would be nice. Looks so yummy:)
  2. Strange how coincidence happens - At the weekend I had cookies filled with maple cream, a gift from Canadian friends and was just thinking about how to go about recreating a homemade version, which you have now done for me - great timing, thank you!
  3. Jessie! I have never made my fudge this way (with the mixer!) and all the beating is why I never do make it...What a great way to not tire yourself out by using the stand mixer. AND I love maple cream fudge.
  4. Jessie! I have to show this to my wife!!! She is making maple syrup out of our two maple trees in our yard! Not a significant quantity, since you get one gallon of syrup out of 40 gallons of sap - but the result cannot be compared! The fudge is a very interesting twist!! Need to try it! Cheers! Gabi.
  5. Made this little number today. Followed your instructions to a \t.\ Turned out perfectly!!!!! OMG help! Must. Not. Eat. Entire. Thing. For. Dinner!!! Thank you for an awesome recipe! I would never have tried it, though, to be honest, if there weren't extensive photos. Candymaking can be so finicky. It helps to see what it's supposed to look like throughout the process!
  6. Just made this recipe for my daughter's UN Day tomorrow at school (you're supposed to bring a dish from your home country and we're Canadians in Mexico) and it turned out great.
  7. We tried your recipe and at the beating stage, it suddenly turned to powder! Great tasting powder, but still. Do you think we need more cream? We are in a pretty humid climate, so that is surprising. Kristi
    • Oh gosh, that's so strange. Did you do anything differently? I haven't had that happen, but yeah, my instinct would be to try adding more cream and keep beating it until you have the right consistency. I'm not sure it will be exactly the right consistency, but you should be able to salvage this batch. Let me know how it goes? +Jessie
    • if it turned to powder souds like you made maple sugar you might have cooked it to long or didn't let it cool enough before you started beatin it and for the record if you have a candy thermometer that has the paper inside the paper will move test the thermometer in water we all know water boils at 212 for the record my girlfriend has done the same thing the key is letting it cool to the 120 or even 110 i have made maple fudge but not this one but i am making tomorrow night stacey,,,,
  8. This looks so good! I just tried making it and even though I followed the directions, I ended up with soft caramel instead. The caramel tastes great, but I'll have to try again. I let it cool before beating it, but perhaps not enough? I'm hopeful I can get it right the next time. Great site. Thanks!
  9. Funny enough, I too am making this fudge for UN day, however, I am running the Canada booth (in Kuwait), so trying to make it for 900 kids, parents and teachers. I have tried your recipe twice and the pictures are fantastic. I am apparently retarded though, as I have made really yummy toffee twice. Everything looks perfect (as per the pics) until I beat it. Unfortunately i dont have the patience (or the hand strength)to beat it more than 10 minutes. Is this the problem? Am I a premature finisher? Thank you for this wonderful recipe and all your replies to others...I'm hoping you can help me too! thanks again!
    • Yay! Third time was a charm (except my maid broke the candy thermometer)!! I was letting it cool too much. Thanks for a yummy recipe!!
      • Oh gosh, I'm glad it finally worked for you! Yeah, I'm not much of a thermometer person, but I almost always use one when I make candy. Just makes the whole process a lot easier and more accurate. Cheers! +Jessie
  10. Thank goodness for the step by step pictures you added!!! This was a complicated procedure made much easier with pics. I don't have a candy thermometer, and never made this kind of fudge before (just easier kind with a microwave). :) But, I searched and searched for a good recipe that I could make for my daughter's NH state project. (I know maple is more of a VT thing, but I figured it would pass).
  11. I've been looking for a really good fudge recipe, and luckily for my hips I haven't found one yet, until I looked here!!! You have so many pictures that really helps show the stages along the way, which is great! I've always had troubles with trying to figure out when it looks just about right, and end up overcooking it... Great recipe, I can't wait to try it! :) -Nikki
  12. I go to school in Maine and we have a small sugar production (about 140 buckets). We have an annual pancake breakfast where we make a ton of delcious maple goodies with our syrup (and sell pancakes of course). Just found your recipe today, and it looks delicious and very easy... which is good because I've never attempted fudge!
  13. Wow, I have to say that I'm really impressed by the step by step photos of your recipe. Great work and I know what I'm talking about, come and visit us at: Richard
  14. I am Hungarian, and I ate fudge for the first time, when I visited my relatives in Canada. It was wonderful, but sadly, this kind of candy is completely unknown in Hungary. Today I tried your recipe, and it turned out just the same that I ate in Canada! I could hardly believe it! Thank you so much! Hajnalka
  15. Oh I'm hurting! In the south we have to buy real maple syrup online because its Log Cabin in the grocery stores. While in the military I learned that there is real maple syrup and its ruined the impersonators for me. I love what a friend called blonde fudge with walnuts, but she also taught me about a walnut maple pie! Anyway, This recipe looks easy enough for me to do tomorrow, I hope I have two cups of syrup left. Grannies fudge you had to whip by hand till your arm fell limp, I can so appreciate a mixer! Oh please let there be two cups!
  16. Well my mom and I just finished making a double batch and it's awesome. It broke 2 of our mixers because it's so thick, and it got a bit dry so we had to add some cream, but it tastes great. We covered the top with some fall colored M&Ms for a Halloween party, and it should be awesome. Thanks for the recipe!
  17. Have to tell you, your website may have saved my Not really, but, my husband sure is happier. I have a gallon jug of the "real thang" courtesy of his family's sugar maple's and after 8 years of whining, I finally consented to making him his favorite fudge. The fudge recipe his family had given me turned out being something more like maple sugar candy, but then, they're Ohioans so maybe it's all the same to them. Anyway, THIS was what his heart was hankerin' after. I'd have made it before, but, do you know how much real syrup costs in Germany!!! Many thanks though. Now if I could just find a recipe for maple peanut brittle....
  18. I too love maple fudge and had an urge last night to make it. I found this recipe after searching the 'net, but most of the recipes I found used either maple flavouring, or just a little maple syrup and a lot of corn syrup and white sugar. I wanted the "real deal". I had a minor glitch however (given that this was a late night craving). I had enough maple syrup, even had corn syrup, but I was out of heavy cream! I figured I could use the half and halfI had... So, I got it all started and noticed that the cream sort of all clumped up... I wondered if it had to do with fat content? So, I thought what the heck, I'll add a bit of butter... This seemed to work and everything smoothed out nicely. The whole thing turned out very nice, the only thing I noticed is that the butter solids got a little dark while cooking... not burnt, just dark. In the end though, it seemed that the dark butter added a little "nuttiness" to the whole thing... kinda pleasant! I did not let mine cool to 120 degrees, but started to beat at 140... it only took a few minutes to lose its gloss. Thank you for a great recipe!! I cut mine into small bite sized pieces and wrapped in parchment paper as a small treat for my secret santa at work :)
  19. Looking forward to trying this absolutely divine maple cream fudge this Christmas! Thanks for the amazing step by step and for using such fine ingredients like PURE MAPLE SYRUP!!! oh, this is truely a canadian girl's dream!
  20. I tried to do this and it fell apart at the beating stage. The first few steps went exactly as your pictures show, but while beating, it never lightened or "fluffed up." It stayed sticky and gooey like caramel. The mixer was just kind of flinging lumps around instead of whipping air into it. I turned it off and spoke to my boyfriend about it for just a couple of minutes, and by the time I got back, it had hardened COMPLETELY in the mixer bowl. I couldn't even pry it off the sides. I had to fill the bowl with water and put it on the stove to get it off. What did I do wrong? Did I not let it cool enough before beating?
    • This happened to me too. I was on the verge off throwing this bowl across the room and swearing off candy making forever. I calibrated the thermometer and followed directions perfectly. I got the same results as you, very thick caramel that was barely pliable. Before I gave up on $25 worth of ingredients I figured I'd throw the remaining 1/4 cup of cream in put it back on the burner over low heat and try and loosen the caramel. After the cream was incorporated I took it off the heat and beat with hand mixer on high for 10 minutes. My fudge came out perfectly!
      • I read all of the comments and was honestly scared to make this fudge! It sounded so very good and my 10 yr old daughter was excited to try! So like a good mom I went out, bought the maple syrup and went for it. All good until the cooling/mixing stage. Like many others I too got caramel. Such a sad 10 yr old. Until taking the advice given to Valerie by Casey on Feb 14,2011. I floated my caramel filled bowl in a sink of hot water. It loosened and I returned to the pot. Added the last 1/4 cup of cream and stirred away over med heat until it melted down to a uniform consistency. Off the heat, into a new bowl...and this time it actually poured out and I could scrape it with a spatula. Beat it on high for 5 mins and it dried up a bit. Into the pan and into the fridge. Mmmmmm...yummy fudge and a happy 10 year old. What more can I ask for! Thanks Casey!! I am wondering...I let it heat to 240 and removed from heat. The temp kept increasing before I got concerned and put it in a cool bath to stop it. Perhaps it got too hot??? Someone mentioned cooking to a lower temp and it worked. My thoughts are cook to 240 then removed to a cold bath, or cook to 230 and remove from heat as it will climb to 240 and come back down? Just a thought, but again reheating the caramel and adding that cream worked beautifully! Thanks again Casey!!
  21. This recipe also fell a part for me in the mixing phase (it wouldn't get beyond a sticky carmel like substance). I followed the recipe to the letter and degree. I wondered if maybe it is because I live in Hawaii?
  22. Greetings from the Great White North of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada (the largest freshwater island in the world). Thank you so much for the fabulous fudge recipe and the pictorial exposee of how to prepare it. I followed the recipe exactly as presented and had absolutely no problem recreating the various photo stages. I used my own maple syrup produced from trees on our lane. One question. What is the purpose of the table spoon of light corn syrup? It seems to be insignificant in its quantity compared to the amount of sugar present in the maple syrup. It must serve another purpose which I am not aware of.
    • corn syrup acts as an invert sugar and helps in preventing the sugar from recrystalizing leaving your fudge creamy not crunchy
  23. I too had everything going fine until the standing mixer stage -- it stayed a thick, gooey caramel for over twenty minutes. Finally I shut it off and stared at it for a minute, then decided it to turn it back on (high speed instead of medium). It began to fluff up and lose its gloss after a couple minutes, but never got to that almost dryish consistency I was hoping for. Maybe because it's overcast today?? I did see that the weather affects fudge . . .
    • If it did manage to fluff up, I'll bet it was the weather. Humidity is a candy killer. Here, take a peek: +Jessie
  24. This recipe turned out great & I love the photos. No trouble with mixing, but also no humidity, if that makes a difference. The only thing is how little it makes -- it filled just under half a bread loaf pan & wasn't all that thick or I'd have spread it thinner. It does taste fantastic, however.
    • I just made a batch with the recipe doubled and it worked really well. I packed mine into a square 6x6 2-inch tall baking pan (the smallest pan from a wedding cake pan set) and it came out great.
  25. I was looking for a recipe that was just like my husband’s grandmother's recipe and this one was the closest, the only different is the corn syrup. I was wondering if there was a way to make this more pourable, because I want to make as Christmas gifts and want to pour directly into containers that I bought for this. The little containers that I bought would not hold up to having the fudge pressed into the pans. Thank you for the recipe and the help!
  26. I love this recipe! I however, didn't test my candy thermometer before cooking and ended up with some wonderful caramel! I'm going to buy a new one and try again! Thanks for sharing the great recipe.
  27. My first two attempts were failures, after it cooled it was a hard sticky caramel sort of texture and could not be stirred at all....and would not remelt into anything. I double checked my thermometer, bought another one....and the next batch I did not cook to 140 or 138....I only cooked to 134, and this time it worked the pictures the temp looks like 140....but wonder if that's a bit too hot......otherwise, i brought some to work, and everyone agreed, this is the best maple fudge they have tasted. I have made maple fudge in past years....this is definitey the best.
  28. Same problem as ina above, mine turned into maple butter after 20mins of mixing, it is the right colour but just too liquid. I reckon not enough cream and not long enough heat. Will try again, keeping the maple butter though - stuffs delicious!
  29. i've had a similar problem as those above, mine turned into maple butter after 20mins of mixing, it is the right colour but just too liquidy maybe the weather but I doubt it (i'm in the UK). I reckon not enough cream and more heat needed. Keeping the maple butter though - stuff's delicious!
  30. I'm making your maple fudge this weekend -- it comes highly recommended by a friend of mine! Really looking forward to it -- thanks for the recipe and the beautiful post!
  31. Hi Made the maple fudge , and it was wonderful !!! The pictures and the great detail provided by you made the difference. I have tried this in the past with other recipes and it was a complete failure. Can you double this recipe witht the same great results ? I have 5 children and 1lb does not last long in our home. thanks again
  32. Just made your fudge recipe and it turned out fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing!!! I am replacing my family recipe with yours and will be making this every year for the holidays. I did have a slight problem with powdering, but I think its because I overbeat it a bit. I was waiting for the color to get lighter and should have stopped a bit sooner. Next time I will stop beating immediately after the gloss is gone and it becomes thick and creamy. Thanks much!!!
  33. Thanks for the recipe, been looking for one that uses real maple syrup and not the flavoring. Plan on making this for my grandmother. She loves maple fudge. Really enjoyed the step by step photo's, makes it easier to understand what you are explaining. Again thank you.
  34. SUPER DELICIOUS! I love you btw! Question: After stirring for about one minute, it went instantly from taffy-pulling-consistency to a very dry powder. (?!?) What do you think I did wrong? The other steps seemed to go perfectly. (I added some water and it turned out just fine, albeit a little less fluffy)
  35. I will be making this tomorrow. As Canadians living in Alabama we thought it would be a nice taste of Canada to present at an upcoming International Culture Day. I'm guessing though by all of the comments that I will be making a few batches as I'm sure a lot of it will never leave the house!!
  36. I had never made fudge before - not sure why just never came up in my cooking career - anyways I needed to make maple fudge for something I was making and I thankfully found you! Your instructions with amazing pictures made this so enjoyable, not to mention the end result was exactly as well you pictured! Flavour amazing - thank you really appreciated!
  37. Hello, I've made this recipe for maple fudge several times, but I'm having major problems now. People love this fudge and ask for it all the time, but I can't make it anymore. I'm hoping you can help me. I'm following all of the directions exactly as stated above, but the result is either a caramel type substance or a dry fudge. It was so soft and yummy in the beginning and I'm desperate to get it back to what it was. Do you have any suggestions? I use a candy thermometer, (my second one since I thought the previous one wasn't working correctly, Maple syrup I make my self and all of the other ingredients. Have you done any research on what the sugar content of the syrup should be when making this recipe? Could that be the problem? I'm a sugarmaker from Vt. and I have lots of barrels to choose from. If i just knew which one.... Thanks in advance and I do hope to hear from you. Annmarie
    • I've tried making this fudge twice in the past two days. I think my candy thermometer may be off because both times the syrup was far thicker and more caramel-like than pictured in the recipe photos. The first time I let the syrup cool in the pot and by the time it was cool, half of it was rock-hard, and the second time I put the pot in an ice water bath to stop it from cooking and to cool it quickly and it was still too thick and my hand mixer couldn't do anything with it. (I suspect the 'Soft Ball' marker on my thermometer isn't calibrated correctly). I kneaded and pulled the caramel with a spoon for a while and then suddenly it became crumbly and dry, and I like a dry fudge (more like English fudge), so that suits me okay. Annmarie: I wonder if you're having a similar problem? I'm going to try my next batch bringing the syrup to 10 degrees below my thermometer's soft ball mark, and I'll let you know if I have any success.
  38. I'm so glad I found this recipe. Thanks for posting it. I've always been afraid of candymaking, but your instructions made it seem easy. This was my first attempt with a candy thermometer and it came out flawless. Incredibly delicious fudge (I'm a real maple fan!). This recipe is a definite keeper!
  39. Okay, so the third batch (which I doubled) came out great, though I did burn out and kill my hand mixer and had to switch to beating the mass by hand. I brought the syrup to the soft ball stage on my thermometer and then immediately moved the pot into the sink filled with a few inches of cold water. It turned out dense and creamy, and I'm pretty sure the people who will be receiving the fudge for Christmas will be pleased.
  40. Question: 'Fudge Lover' mentions above that the corn syrup affects the crystallization so that the fudge is creamy, not crunchy. Do you think that omitting the corn syrup would result in a drier, crumblier fudge? I would love to achieve a drier textured product.
  41. I had lots of maple syrup and intend to make four or five batches of this yummy fudge. But my 40-year-old stand mixer died part way through the first batch, so I finished that one by hand (tiring!). Blessings on him, my husband got out his 3/8" electric drill, stuck a beater into the chock, and beat the second batch beautifully while I held the bowl. We also used the smaller mixing bowl, which worked well too with the single beater.
  42. I attempted to tackle this recipe as a husband with little to no experience trying to make it for my wife. Everything was going great until I was in the mixing bowl. It never changed consistency. I worked on it for 15 minutes and it just kept getting stickier. I did stop it a couple times to scrape it from the bowl so the mixer would mix it all. I don't know if I should have at this point. Anyway it tastes great but it no where near the consistency of fudge. I would describe it closer to the consistency of a sugar daddy. Any hints on what mistake I might have made and how I can fix it next time around?
    • I know this sounds harsh, but you just have to keep going until it loses its gloss and stickiness...and this can take a really long time (especially if you're beating it by hand). I made a batch today with a friend of mine and she did most of the beating and said that she was glad she didn't try this for the first time by herself or she would have given up out of frustration before reaching the fudge-texture stage, which really does happen quite suddenly. Best of luck with your next batch! :)
  43. Hi Jesse, Last January when I first found this fudge I made 2 perfect batches. This year I have not been so lucky. I do make candy a lot and am frustrated now! In December with all the right weather conditions I had one batch that while registering Soft Ball on the Candy Thermometer turned immediately in the pot into Hard Crack! The next batch sugared. Neither were giftable to my peeps expecting a repeat of last year. Today I ventured forth again and after 11 minutes of beating I never got to that last stage in the photos but was worried about it hardening all over my Kitchenaid stand mixer so I pried it out and put in the pan. It's passable consistency but .... what do you think is the problem? My equipment is all vetted and ingredients.
  44. I just made some caramels that will undoubtably be delicious. This is the first time I have attempted anything like this, but something tells me that I need to invest in a better thermometer. I will try to make the fudge some other day.
  45. I just attempted to make this recipe and got hard maple flavored caramel. Granted I tried to mix it by hand becuse my mixer broke. Overall though it does taste amazing, but do not try eating it with braces
  46. My son and I have just followed your recipe, with I might add, syrup which we gathered and boiled ourselves in northern Ontario. Your pictures were an awesome help, but we ran into problems when it came to getting it out of the bowl and before beating. It was taffy at that point, than when we tried to blend it (first with the one curly attachment) it was hard. It tastes wonderful, but we could not get it out of the mixing bowl, and now my son is scraping it out of the bowl. It never got to the fudge bowl to set. It is chunky, and sugary, but really good tasting. Any advice or comments -- We did use 18% cream, should we have used a higher percentage cream?
  47. Just made this today! I love maple (being Canadian and all). I was scared to make it as it seems more intense thank cookies. I ran into a few hiccups but it turned out. Mine was a little crumbly. I think I might have over mixed or slightly over boiled. It is SO sweet and yummy! Great recipe, thanks! :)
  48. I must have done something wrong. It didn't turn out. By the time the Candy thermometer read 240F, it was almost an hour after it had started to boil. It had burned. I don't understand what happened because I followed the directions.
  49. It flopped for me!! I followed EVERYTHING even with a candy thermometer and it was burnt at the bottom of the pot and then its more like taffy its SO hard and chewy not fudge texture at all... disappointing.
  50. I have made this recipe many times now since discovering it more than a year ago. I use only maple syrup that I've tapped myself (iows, no corn syrup). Heavy Cream is 35% cream, not 18%. If you use a lighter cream there is more liquid being added, so your end result might be a bit thinner. As far as things getting burnt, well, there are several suggestions: 1. Use a lower heat. Heating too quickly can only cause you to over-shoot the temperature you're aiming for, and make it harder to maintain a temperature. 2. Test your thermometer in boiling water. Not all themometers are made alike, also, altitude comes into play when boiling. You are aiming for a temperature between 23F and 28F above the boiling point of water in your house. If water boils at 212F, then you're aiming at 235F-240F for soft ball stage. 3. Do the actual soft ball test, as Jessie explains. A drop into cool water should turn into a ball, but squish flat when taken out of the water and squeezed. If its too firm, let it cool and heat again once it drops back down to 212F. Sugar is very forgiving this way, it can be heated, cooled, and re-heated. Unfortunately, however, once its burnt its burnt...that taste will not go away. 4. Consider your pot. You want to prefer a heavier bottomed pot so as to ensure an even heat across the surface of food that's in contact with it. Too thin a pot and you'll have hot spots in contact with the syrup, and since you're not stirring, could easily burn that part of it. Perhaps its because of all the time it takes me to get my maple syrup from maple sap that I'm very used to being patient working with the syrup. Anyway, hope you try this again, its an amazing gift at Christmas.
  51. A quick note too all, and to our author: The image in the recipe with the thermometer shows it at 240. If you cook it to 240, and then let it sit in the pot to start cooling, it will continue to cook for a minute or so, potentially raising the temperature as high as 245. This is actually the beginning of "firm ball" stage, which is what will result in caramel*, not fudge. Do NOT have the heat on any longer once your mixture has hit 235, or if you're worried, even a couple degrees cooler. Make sure you've got a good candy thermometer, and don't walk away when it gets above 220. The difference between fudge and caramel can be as little as 60 seconds! *(Don't worry if this happens on your first try - aside from the potential frustration of having used up your intended-fudge ingredients, you'll have great caramel on your hands! Press it into a pan lined with wax paper or parchment, throw it in the fridge for an hour or so, unmold, let it warm up to a cut-able stage, and cut your caramels!)
  52. This fudge looks delicious! I have several allergies and hope I can substitute coconut cream for the heavy cream. Also, my husband and I were in Alaska last year for our anniversary and there was a little donut place on one of our stops that paired mini donuts with maple frosting and chopped bacon. It was to DIE FOR! I would love to mix in some bacon in this fudge-as weird as that may sound. The combination of salty and sweet is addictive though and I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the recipe!
    • Just made this tonight with the coconut cream (canned- NOT cream of coconut, but coconut cream-the stuff that comes to the top of the can in coconut milk). I added uncured (no sulfates etc.) crispy bacon finely chopped in place of the walnuts but only used 1/4 cup and just used organic maple syrup and no corn syrup due to a corn allergy. This stuff could definitely be labeled addictive-so simple, but so crazy good. I think the fudge as written would be wonderful but really sweet. The bacon takes the sweetness down a level with its' saltiness. Thank you again! I'm sure this will be a much requested candy around our house now.
  53. This may sound strange, but do you think its possible to adapt your recipe to more of a gummy goo to adhere 2 items? Basically not wanting a true solid. Thoughts? Thank you very much
  54. Hi! I am going to try and make this tomorrow, had a sample of maple fudge at a small fair last week, I love maple syrup, cotton candy, and fudge! My question is, can I substitute for the heavy cream? Google says its 3/4 cup mild and 1/4 cup melted butter, Will this hinder the fudge making in any way? Thanks!! :D
  55. Thank you for this wonderful recipe. I wanted to note that when I made this the first time, I used a hand mixer and burnt out the motor. My husband got me a stand mixer for Christmas, and I have a higher-powered hand mixer now as well. I mixed this in my stand mixer for 10 mins. It did not change consistency so I started to panic. I switched over to my hand mixer and it started to turn the right color, but eventually broke it up into tiny crumbs. I now have a bowl filled with tiny crumbs that taste like maple. I would suggest that if you are only doing a single batch, use a hand mixer. I think there just wasn't enough in the mixer so it just left everything along the sides of the bowl and only 1/4 of it was being beaten. Next time I will try to do a double batch instead. Please let me know if anyone else had a similar issue. Thank you!
  56. is there a printable version of this? Went to Maple farm this summer and have a few bottles and dying to make fudge with some of it
  57. Hi I've been looking for a maple fudge recipe focussing on pure maple syrup as the main ingredient not sugar and corn syrup. My search is over. Thanks so much!
  58. I have been making this recipe since it was first published in 1970 by the food editors of Farm Journal magazine. The book is called "Homemade Candy." It contains 100's of old fashioned candy in all forms, most of which were submitted by farm wives who have had these recipes in their families for generations. There is an excellent recipe for a kneaded chocolate fudge that mails well.
  59. […] “Maple Cream Fudge”  This recipe was good, but we decided we didn’t need to add corn syrup any more than we […]
  60. For some reason this recipe didn't work out and I have made fudge before with success. It turned out flakey like sand after beating it for leas than 3 minutes. Any ideas?
  61. With all the real maple syrup why the need to add corn syrup? is that necessary? and why do all maple fudge recipes have nuts? I have put in "real maple and nut free fudge" in all my searches and all that ever comes up is either sugar free or maple nut, now I know you can leave out the nuts but really, can't there be an easy way to get a nice simple real maple fudge recipe?