Roasted Marrow Bones

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If you’re an unabashed carnivore like me, you just haven’t lived until you’ve had roasted marrow bones.

Roasted marrow bones are a simple, delicious treat that’s surprisingly easy to make at home.

Just roast the bones, then scoop the marrow out, spread it on toast, and top it with a little parsley salad. Voila: Instant carnivorous bliss.

Roasted marrow Bones: Love ’em or hate ’em?

“Ew, Mouse. Scoop out the marrow? As in, the stuff INSIDE the bones? Gross.”

Yep, yep. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

But if it’s yours, man oh man: The whole thing is a sumptuous, decadent, and unarguably meaty experience.

I absolutely love the stuff.

hot roasted marrow bones

Roasted marrow bones got a good mention on the recent Meat-Fest episode of Food Network’s The Best Thing I Ever Ate—which is what prompted me to beat a hasty path to the nearest meat counter.

Even if you don’t like the show, this episode is worth watching if you can catch it. They featured some absurdly mouthwatering stuff. (I’m talking whole roasted beasts, etc.)

Here’s my obligatory disclaimer, because I know someone is going to give me grief: Like many delicious things, this ain’t the healthiest thing in the world. So just don’t indulge every night, OK?

About marrow bones

Roasted marrow bones aren’t widely consumed in the States (though who knows, maybe that’s changing), but they’re considered a delicacy overseas.

Mostly fat with a little bit of protein, the bones are most commonly roasted or poached.

stack of marrow bones

I’ve had my eye on this book for a while. (Anyone have it? What do you think?)


If you’re committed to eating marrow like a pro, you could even get yourself a couple of marrow spoons—long, thin spoons that look like something a cheesemaker would use to take a core sample out of wheel of cheddar as it ages.

(If you’d rather forgo the pomp and circumstance, a slender spoon or thin knife will totally do the job, as well.)


Marrow spoon

I know a lot of folks who have never done this, so here’s how to make Fergus Henderson’s roasted marrow bones.

Who is Fergus Henderson?

Henderson is the chef owner at St. John restaurant in London.

Anthony Bourdain counts him as his favorite food person (and bone marrow among his favorite comfort foods, go figure).

Wonder why? Have a look at Henderson roast some bones with Mark Bittman.

Henderson is also the author of The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating, a book which hinges on the philosophy of eating the whole animal—trotters, tripe, and all.

The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating

(Can you see why I loved him instantly? For further evidence, have a peek at his other book, Beyond Nose to Tail.)

Beyond Nose to Tail Eating by Fergus Henderson

Shopping for marrow bones

For this recipe, use beef marrow bones, or veal marrow bones if you can get your paws on them. A lot of major grocers will carry them.

If you can’t find them, hit up a Whole Foods or butcher shop and talk to the folks behind the meat counter.

package of marrow bones

Here are the four I got.

four marrow bones

Some bones may be dotted with a little blood. (Hey, they’re bones.) That’s just fine.

If it bothers you, you can push the marrow out, and soak it overnight in cold water, changing the water a few times.

Henderson didn’t mention doing this, so I didn’t bother.

raw beef marrow

What kind of bread is best for marrow on toast?

Use a good, crusty loaf of French bread.

sliced french bread

Slice it on the thin side and toast it lightly.

slices of french bread

The short version of this recipe

Roast. Spread. Inhale.

Read on for slightly more detailed instructions—with photos.

Roasted Marrow Bones

Adapted from Fergus Henderson’s recipe

4 center-cut beef or veal marrow bones, about 3 inches long (mine were about 5 inches long, so I roasted them a little longer)
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
1 shallots, thinly sliced
1 tsp. capers
1  Tbls. olive oil
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
kosher salt, to taste

Thick slices of crusty bread, toasted

Serves about 4

Roast about 20 minutes

Roast the marrow bones

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Grab your marrow bones.

raw marrow bone

Stand them up on end in a baking dish.

They’re going to ooze a little from the bottom as they cook, so choose a dish that has a little depth to it. I used a glass 8 x 8 pan.

Most bones will have one end that’s a little wider.

Put that end on the bottom, so they’re less likely to tip over when you move your pan.

marrow bones in a baking dish

When your oven’s up to temp, pop the pan in.

marrow bones in the oven

Roast at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes, until the marrow is soft and the bones are brown.

Make the parsley salad

Chop up your parsley.

chopped parsley

Peel your shallot and slice it thinly.

thinly sliced shallot

Toss the chopped parsley, shallot, and capers into a bowl.

Drizzle in the olive oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with kosher salt to taste.

drizzle the olive oil into the bowl of parsley shallot and capers

Mix with a fork to combine the ingredients.

mix the parsley salad

Take the marrow bones out of the oven

When the bones are done, they’ll look about like this.

top view roasted marrow bones


soft cooked marrow

Spread the marrow on the toast

At this point, your counter probably looks like this.

everything you need for roasted marrow

Have at it! Scoop out a little marrow.

scooping out the marrow with a spoonSpread it on a piece of toast. Top with a little parsley salad.

roasted marrow on toast


roasted marrow on toast with parsley salad

Have you had roasted marrow bones?

Did you like them? If you haven’t, would you try them?

Leave a comment and let me know!

Roasted Marrow Bones

Roasted marrow bones are a simple, delicious treat that’s surprisingly easy to make at home. Just roast the bones, then scoop the marrow out, spread it on toast, and top it with a little parsley salad. Voila: Instant carnivorous bliss.

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4 center-cut beef or veal marrow bones, 3 - 5 inches long
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
1 shallots, thinly sliced
1 tsp. capers
1 Tbls. olive oil
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
kosher salt, to taste
1 loaf of crusty French bread, sliced and toasted


  1. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Grab your marrow bones.
  2. Stand them up on end in a baking dish. They’re going to ooze a little from the bottom as they cook, so choose a dish that has a little depth to it. I used a glass 8 x 8 pan. (Most bones will have one end that’s a little wider. Put that end on the bottom, so they’re less likely to tip over when you move your pan.)
  3. Roast at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes, until the marrow is soft and the bones are brown.
  4. Chop up your parsley.
  5. Peel your shallot and slice it thinly.
  6. Toss the chopped parsley, shallot, and capers into a bowl.
  7. Drizzle in the olive oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with kosher salt to taste.
  8. Mix with a fork to combine the ingredients.
  9. Here's how to serve: Scoop a little marrow out of one of the bones with a spoon. Spread it on a piece of toast. Top with a little parsley salad. Enjoy!

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. Yep I've roasted marrow. A few times. Personally I love it. The boyfriend tried it and had stated he would like it w/ more condiments....I just roasted and used the basic salt/pepper thing.
    • I don't know where that idea came from. Marrow bones are extremely healthy for you, contain so many fat soluble vitamins, plus minerals, gelatin and wholesome cholesterol and fat to keep you strong and healthy. Human beings have thrived on such foods for thousands of years. Perhaps recently in the past few generations, it has been marketed into our minds that we are better off consuming an industrial era invention of oils. Check out Nourishing Traditions or similar. Enjoy!
  2. Isn't it funny how as a young girl this was so readily available to our mothers for using in making soups and stock, then disappeared, and now has returned... Such a lovely post/site, and of course a'marrowing tasty lesson! You just gave me an idea for a paring on my new website Love it! Elizabeth
  3. Oh man, I am so glad I wasn't the only one absolutely swooning during that episode of TBTIEA. Particularly Chris Cosentino's Leg of Beast meal at Incanto. I mean, really! That shank looked amazing anyway, and then, well then there were the marrow bones. Yummmm... The salad topper looks so delicious! Especially on top of the fatty marrow. I am quite thinking of getting some small beef shanks, with heavy-on-the-marrow bones. I figure I can roast them up, have the marrow on toast with the condiment and then also have some meat. I think I see a weekend project emerging!
    • I grabbed some beef shank slices for 99 cents per lb. I pulled all of the meat off for another dish and kept all the marrow heavy bones. I put them in a pan with a little salt, pepper and smoked paprika. They came out sooo good! Shank meat can be tricky, but flavorful. Good luck!
  4. okay I just learned something totally new today, I seriously have never heard of roasting marrow bones. I've seen them chucked out into the garbage and I always thought they looked gross. After seeing how you created a spread out of it, I have to say this is something I'd be willing to try. definitely putting this on my "must experiment" list :)
  5. Thanks for this! I have the Bones cookbook (to answer your question -- I really like it!) and she insists it's absolutely necessary to soak the marrow bones first. I have been dying to get Henderson's book(s) -- it's on my wishlist (hopefully someone will buy it for me). I see you say Henderson's recipe doesn't mention the soaking -- and it sounds like you didn't do any soaking either. There have been a couple of times I've thought, "hey, i'll roast marrow bones" and I've forgotten to pre-soak and then just didn't make them. Looks like it turned out fine for you without soaking, which definitely boosts the chance I'll do this the next time I want to indulge.
  6. There is a chapter in "It Must Have Been Something I Ate" by Jeffery Steingarten all about roasted marrow bones! I seem to remember that he has the butcher cut his in 1/2 length-wise. That seems like an even better way to roast so that more of it gets browned and tastie! I think I'm working up the nerve to give it a try! Thanks for the step by step!
  7. When I was a child there were dishes that were beloved by my siblings and me that were budget stretchers for my mother. We loved not only the food but the story of living on a seaside farm in Ireland and having these dishes as part of a thousand year culinary heritage. In the winter she would roast long beef bones and we would eat the roasted marrow over colcannon (mashed potatos with onion and cabbage) or on fresh baked bread. In summer we would go to the coast of New Hampshire and harvest periwinkles and dulse. Home we'd go to my grandmother's to eat the boiled periwinkle dunked in melted butter, onions and garlic, with new boiled potatos. We thought of it as eating old-school heritage treats; urban kids eating peasant food. Little did I know we were gourmands in training.
    • So glad to hear in your Christmas letter that you are so much healthier these days!!! What a blessing! I'd love to get together, when the weather is safe and all the cold and flu bugs have gone back into hibernation! I think of you often, and would enjoy reconnecting in person. Fondly, Mary Martha
  8. I read about roasted marrow bones years ago, but never fixed them at home. For a long time, I looked for antique silver marrow spoons in the States. Couldn't find them. On a trip to England, I finally found a pair of silver plate spoons at the Portobello Road market in London. I have used them for scooping the marrow from lamb shanks in oso bucco, but that's all. I copied Fergus Henderson's recipe from the internet a couple of years ago. Now I am DEFINITELY going to make them SOON.
  9. Yum! I just made them tonight for the first time! No one should feel guilty about eating them, though- in case you haven't heard, saturated fat is being de-vilified. It doesn't cause heart disease like we've been told and it doesn't make you fat. It's the processed carbs that do both of those things. There is a great NY Times article called "What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie?" by Gary Taubes that is worth reading. So, roast those marrow bones and eat them without guilt!
    • Am fascinated with marrow--was part of my mother's cooking. Nonetheless the controversy over the health of this has been electric. Don't hesitate to google the fat story in the NYT and then follow out the ensuing vitriol that Taube had to deal with. My take on where to get the bones is simple, go to a grocery store which specializes in "ethnic" foods: Asian, Hispanic markets or meat departments which have substantial Asian and or Hispanic clientele in the "mainstream" grocery stores.
  10. Hi! I have been wanting to try this out since I saw Anthony Bourdain get into it on No Reservations ~ Finally did it tonight and it was tasty but my marrow bones came from beef knuckles, I believe. What part of the bone is yours from here? I think you got more bang for your buck. Tasty recipe, by the way!
    • the beef marrow i've had have been from the shank (leg), i think that's the bones in the pictures above too i used to leave the marrow when i found it in my bowl as a kid, which my parents would happily take off me. not happening now. i love it roasted and even when it falls out of the bones in the soup.
    • Oh, don't give the roasted bones to your dogs! They can splinter once thoroughly cooked. Only raw bones are ok. Just sayin. Oh, and on to the recipe - I find it best to soak the bones in brine (overnight if possible). I read that it helps to render out some of the blood.
  11. When we were little my mom always saved the lamb chop bones for marrow - it was always the extra treat. Haven't had that in years and just today my local market had a big stack of marrow bones. Glad to find this recipe - YUM!
  12. I've had roasted bone marrow at restaurants and LOVE it. I'm finally going to give it a try at home. Does anyone know how long the marrow bones will stay good in the refrigerator before they are cooked? Thanks!
  13. Hubby and I have been wanting to try these forever! I remember scooping the marrow out of bones when I was a little girl and spreading it on my dinner roll, which had already been buttered...heaven! LOL. So we're doing them tonight with athe parsley/shallot/caper salad and I can't wait!
  14. Had them recently, but all I can get at Stop & Shop are bones that are in 2# pieces, AND they cost twice as much as the ones you got! AND Right on to Erin's post of April of last year-fat is good for you-just cut out the carbs. (which makes it too bad about the bread with the marrow. Well, maybe just this once....
  15. If you grew up in a kosher home odds are you had your share of shoulder roasts which had marrow bones as the accent. At an early age I was introduced to their sublime flavor, maybe only rivaled by fois gras. I'm so glad to see more people in this country are appreciating them. They even appeared on a restaurant's menu here in Dallas!
  16. My mother used to cook this when I was a child in Copenhagen. She poached the bones in a lot of water and tied the bones with gauze to keep the marrow inside. Then we ate the marrow spread on dark dense rye bread and sprinkled with coarse salt. It was war time, and it was an unbelievable treat! Whenever I can find a marrow bone, I get all excited and try to repeat the feast. I think baking the bones may be an improvement, and it's certainly easier to skip the gauze (here I used cheesecloth). Unfortunately, many meat departments do not get in the whole animals but just the popular cuts, and it is really hard to find the bones nowadays. When I was in France, the bones were served wrapped in white cloth napkins. But they tasked the same. I want to make a heretical suggestion. Bread and dripping can taste almost as good if you are careful about saving the right part of the dripping with lots of concentrated meaty flavor. Maybe if you put the dripping in a small ramekin and served it with the same carefully prepared toast and the great parsley salad, you would have an acceptable appetizer.
  17. Traditional dish in Norway where my wife is from. She introduced them to me when we were married and I have loved them ever since. Interesting thing about getting the bones, many years ago you could go to the store and ask for marrow bones and the butcher would pretty much give them to you, or just charge a few cents a pound. Now, they are usually at least a couple of dollars a pound or more.
  18. Just made this tonight - used arugula instead of parsley... just yummy! We had some very good organic whole wheat sourdough bread to use and that helped. But if you like marrow, it's a winner.
  19. Ever since Anthony said it was his death row meal, my husband and I have been roasting them. We do beef bones. Sometimes it does not even need the salad. Just a nice bread, roasted bones, and sea salt. This is what we are having for our October 1st 2011 lunch today.
  20. I had my first taste of marrow with osso bucco that my grandmother made many years ago. I loved it immediately! Most people think it's "icky", so when I serve ob I get everyone's marrow! Been looking for marrow bones here in Charlotte NC with zero luck until recently when I found a real butcher shop. Pretty rare around here. I've never roasted just the bones before, but now that I can get some, I will be doing it SOON!
  21. Can't wait to try this I know for a fact that the Khoi San of the Kalahari desert bury the bones of gazelles and Ostrich underneath their campfires without breaking them and eat them for breakfast while they are still hot
  22. Just picked up some lovely marrow bones at a local Baltimore Giant that were a bit shorter cut than I like, but the price was right at $1.25 per# because "they weren't selling" - LOL! - culinary luddites here, really, but then there's always Miss Shirley's... Anywho, brought them home and roasted them in a shallow pan at 450 with shallots, a few leek ends, a squeeze of lemon, and topped it with a hint of Sauterne and a dash of White Vermouth (just because..), then pigged out by placing their savory essence on top (true) sourdough baguette slices. Wife and I accompanied this trés marvelous treat with a light cream based spinach & Romano soup just PERFECT for a dreary, drizzly fall evening by the fireplace. $1.25 - can you believe it? Sheesh!
  23. Happy to find a package of these at the super market yesterday. Pretty expensive! : ( You'd think most bones would be tossed or sold cheap for some industrial cooking.... My daughter absolutely goes gaga over marrow bones when one is randomly found in a stew. So tonight, this dish is for her. Roasting will be nice, because in our slow cooked meals the marrow tends to slip out and disappear. We recently watched an episode of Bizarre Foods, where they sucked marrow out of long bones with a plastic a public eatery! That was sort of awesomely functional and low-brow. Can't wait. An excellent use for baguette too.
  24. I tried this but Instead of using olive oil for the parsley salad I mixed it in the pan with the drippings after the bones were done. You can add a little olive oil if needed. It was delicious!
  25. I found this recipe looking for a way to prepare marrow bones for my dog! Now, he may end up with serious competition for his treat! I will make them this afternoon. I have bones chopped about 1/2 inch to an inch in length - just perfect for my little pooch & probably no problem scooping out the marrow for me! If your regular grocery store does not have them packaged & ready to sell, that may be a good thing. Just talk to the butcher & ask him to save some for you rather than throw them out! You may get a giant bargain. I was surprised my small package of 2.4 pounds cost $7.27! I had thought I might get them for free. Then again, marrow bones are famous for being used to create stock & flavor foods so it was more likely naive of me to think they might be free. Maybe the most common bones used for flavoring are ham bones used in preparing ham & beans. Giant, delicious flavor! Mm-mm-mm!! Looking forward to the beef bones. Thanks for the recipe!
    • Ker...please make sure you give your pooch longer cut bones! Marrow bones that are too short can get caught on a dog's jaw and have to be removed by a veterinarian! It happened to our big guy and after the trauma, pain and sedation he underwent, we learned this is quite common (google and see all of the images). It was the most expensive and least enjoyable treat we ever gave him!
  26. If you get bones from grass fed beef, this is PHENOMENALLY HEALTHY. Low fat/low cholesterol is making us all fat, diabetic and sick. Check out primal diet or any other type of info. Good fat is essential to life. Crappy corporate fats (crisco which is basically plastic, soy oil, canola, corn oil and the like)... all nasty, rancidifying garbage that isn't fit for any purpose related to eating. Can't wait to try this! Thanks!
  27. For serious marrow lovers try the daily special at Viva M'Boma, r. Flandre 17 B - 1000 Bruxelles, where you get 3 decent sized roast bones with interesting toppings. Also has other "unusual" cuts of meat.
  28. Who says bone marrow isn't healthy? It's just meat fat. It's what our ancient ancestors ate. Problems occur only when you pair marrow with a high-carb food like bread. Saturated fat clogs your arteries ONLY when it's eaten with high-carb foods like bread, potatoes, and rice. Our ancient ancestors ate marrow all the time (with meat or vegetables), so our digestive system are well adapted to digesting it without problems. However, our bodies haven't adapted to grains, which we've been eating only since the agricultural revolution. Grains cause an insulin surge, which starts the chain reaction of arterial plaque problems. Instead of the toast, eat the marrow with the salad alone. Then it's a prime source of good-quality fat, vitamins, and minerals, with no insulin surge and no clogged arteries.
  29. I think the straw idea is fantastic! No carbs to mess up the arteries and yummy goodness. When I was a little girl my dad worked part time in a butcher shop and we often had meat with marrow bones and he always ate it. Being a daddy's girl I longed to try it and now that I do the cooking, I get all the marrow. No one has fought me for it, but I also haven't told them what they're missing. I just bought 2 nice ones and can't wait to eat them.
  30. I was wondering about using roasted marrow to flavour a beef stew, in place of pork (someone has an allergy). Would I get the best of it's flavour by roasting it seperately, preparing the stew, and adding the marrow last, just before serving? (In the same manner that butter is added at the end to emulsify a stew. But I will still be using butter. I'm feeding two French and three Quebecois). I'm using a blade roast, and will likely be skimming off some of it's fat in the first stage of cooking, hence why I'm thinking to wait to add the marrow later. Or: should I just make a stock using my marrow bones? Thank you!
  31. If you are ever in Tel Aviv make sure you try the marrow bones at "Mel & Michelle" ( it was the most delectable I have ever had!
  32. I would make a stock with the bones and marrow. If you can find grass fed beef marrow bones they will have better flavor and be be healthier too. I sell them occasionally on my website when I don't save them all for me. One of my chef buddies roasted them with cippolinni onions and a little tomato paste for me one time and they were incredible! A little acid like the tomato paste or a citrus helps balance out the fat flavor and makes it even more delicious!
  33. I grew up on marrow bones my mother made Hungarian soup pretty often (w/carrot, onion, celery and chicken with its stock. The marrow bones were dought good. In fact i am just getting home from whole foods and I came hoe w/a whole package of them. I will makw soup but tonight we will have them roasted, Yummy-melt in your mouth-very sweet too. I love them. Sandy _ Also simmered for several hours the broth is loaded with bone boosting nutrients.
  34. Today I was in a small butcher shop which sells "natural beef," which I understand is local beef raised in a pasture. I purchased a lovely tray of marrow bones for $1.50; they were labelled "dog treats." As I wanted to speak with the butcher to order some ox tail pieces, I explained that the bones were not really for my dog. He was astonished that a person would actually want to eat roasted marrow bones. Tomorrow, I'm returning to the shop with my copy of Jennifer McLagan's "Bones" and my antique Victorian marrow spoon. I've enjoyed that book for the past six years, and it definitely preaches to my choir. I spent the 1970s and part of the 80s living in Switzerland, and our Sunday recreation was to drive into France and dine in the vast array of good restaurants. That's when I discovered that consomme wasn't something horrid from a can but an incredible soup, and consomme a la moelle (with marrow) was especially tasty, and much more expensive. Time to get back to the kitchen where the bones are roasting in the oven.
  35. I'm making this for valentine's dinner tomorrow. I can't wait! My husband has never had roasted marrow and I grew up with it from my grandmother who regarded marrow as a delicacy. Thanks for sharing!
  36. I am always interested in trying new foods that are a bit off the normal American palette. I made this meal with a few small tweaks to the recipe. It tasted great and I will make sure to try it on friends and relatives. For me the Shallots are good initially, but linger for many hours after the meal. I usually have to cook onions to be able to eat them. I am sure glad I did not shell out big bucks.... at the Willow Restaurant Pittsburgh for a meal that only cost a few dollars to make.
  37. I am so glad I found your post on roasted garlic, which was great. But then I saw the roasted marrow bone and had to look at that post. I have made soup many times with the bones to bring my husbands health back, it worked, then I guess I kind of lost interest in the the marrow soup. NOW, I'm going back to my little neighborhood grosher to get bones and roast'um up like you did. Thank you so much, I didn't know what I was missing. I'm adding you to my bookmarks. Hugs, M.
  38. I fix them every year for my husband for his birthday and I finally tried them last year!OMG it was pure heaven!I understand why he asks for them and they are so easy to fix.
  39. Just had these with a bacon marmalade at Public House at The Venetian in Las Vegas! The Roasted Marrow Bones and the incredible French Onion Soup was perfect for a heart (and gut) warming dinner. A must with a cask ale!
  40. I love marrow, and with a connection at a local butcher shop I get them often. I get them split so they're easier to scoop. I lighlty season with a touch of sea salt, the roast. I usually make a salsa verde or us a chimichurri sauce on them after I spread the marrow on warm crusty bread.
  41. I happened on Chef Fergus marrow bones recipe about six years ago. Was somewhat skeptical but, I went for it. And I was impressed and delicious. I just the other day, went to the grocery store and bought some beef bones to make the dish very soon.
  42. This past year I was introduced to roasted bone marrow at Chez Papa in San Francisco. I now invent excuses to go to the City just so I can visit Chez Papa. Their recipe uses garlic and the bone is cut lengthwise. It is delicious! After reading these posts I will be trying this recipe myself.
  43. We always buy marrow bones for our dog - the smell in the house while they are roasting is just dreamy. I'm definitely stealing a spoonful the next time we roast these!
  44. I tried this today for the first time - DELICIOUS!! It was so easy to make and felt so indulgently fancy and simple at the same time. Highly recommend!!
  45. I've liked marrow since I was very young. My Mother used to make soup with marrow bones and us kids would fight over who got the marrow. Now days I am the only person in the house who will eat broiled marrow bones, simplycook in the oven for 20 or 25 minutes then scoop out the marrow on toast points and sprinkle with a bit of fluer de sel. But then that's just me.
  46. I had eaten them oso-bucco style most of my life and then I went to the Incanto "Leg of Beast" experience. There they serve them roasted after first having cut them lengthwise in 4-5" lengths. This method allows you to serve this magical beef butter in it's own "butterdish". I found a butcher that will do this same cut for me and at this very moment have 5lbs of the ($1.99lb) beauties waiting to go under the broiler for tonight's app course!
  47. Its funny you should post this particular mans recipe for marrow bones, my husband and I were watching No Reservations when he decided to have me try to make them for him at home. It was the episode when he went to that guys restaurant and I'm pretty sure Anthony eve had a copy of the cooks book with him. Anyways I had planed to make roasted marrow bones for my husband tonight, and when I got online to look up a recipe for it, the one I wanted most popped up right here....THANK YOU!!!! I can only hope min turn out as good as these you've shown.
  48. I made these tonight. I first had them at an NYC restaurant, Rouge et Blanc, where they were split in half and served with delicious bread. I did not think I could make them so well, but the bones provide all the flavor themselves! So yummy. Thank you for the recipe.
  49. Had them as an appetizer in Paris on the 4th of July, 2012. To die for. I work in manufactuing and even made my own marrow spoons. Will definately be roasting some soon.
  50. This is so decadent and wonderful. My kids call this eating dinosaur bones and have requested it for Christmas dinner. It may not be for everyone but like a great fresh oyster will leave you in food heaven.
  51. thank you for this! i used to break chicken bones while making stock--the broth has more flavour, and becomes a bit like jelly making it easier to pour. i first read about eating bone marrow in a book of hungarian short stories, and had some in budapest. now i'm hooked. a slovak friend told me that cancer patients going through chemo get bone marrow as part of their treatment.
  52. Yes, marrow bones are too good to be true! I've had great luck getting the best quality marrow bones from our local Chinese grocery here in Knoxville, Far East Grocery. I'll bet oriental grocers in most other cities have them as well.
  53. Just found this today while searching for bone marrow recipes as I had a craving for them. Great recipes and comments from all! Thanks! Will try them tomorrow. I usually make a big pot of broth and add the bones toward the cook time end. This will be so much easier and delicious? We're expecting a big storm here tomorrow in Silicon Valley CA, so it will be a prefect rainy, cold weather dinner with sourdough ciabatta and salas! Ymmmmm!
  54. Hi everyone. I've been eating marrow from bones since I was a kid. In case you're not aware, the marrow in animal bones was one of the most important sources of vitamins and calories among our earliest ancestors. Too bad they didn't have freshly toasted french bread to spread it on. What I do is have my butcher slice them the long way, and I then lay the bones on the round side in a roasting pan (marrow up). A little sea salt on top, and then 450 for 15 minutes -- with the last 2-3 minutes on broil. I broil french bread a light brown with a touch of garlic. I like this better than fois gras, and it's a lot less expensive. I've heard you can also take the marrow and add it and some of the liquid from cooking it to mashed potatoes. I'll try that next.
  55. Last night I received a Christmas present of about thirty marrow bone sawn in half length wise. Dust them with salt ans sugar broil and blam so much delight it will knock you over.
  56. When I was growing up my Mother would use marrow bones when making vegie stew and she would always let me have the marrow that was left in the bones. I've always relished marrow as they iare rich and very flavorful. I consider them a comfort food.
  57. 1 Jan 2013. For New Years, being half Japanese and half Tenn American, I grew up in both cultures and cooked since age 10 and thru today even as a single parent for years. Having typical Japanese breakfast and Southern cooked meal of black eye peas, ham hocks, etc. And fixing bone marrow as a special side for later on. What's old is new again. Bone marrow was cooked in Tenn for generations as well as what the cooking shows try to dress up as new age food, at highest prices when it's just old recipes done up again. I remember the old south cooking and hillbilly recipes as well as country Japanese foods. So this new years will be me making recipes and writing them down to pass on. New? Nope, all old and using what used to be tossed out or fed to animals. If there is a disaster get used to the old being necessary and even some animals being used that you wouldn't think of. Bone marrow? Yes, thank you. I will.
  58. Bone Marrow is actually one of the healthiest things you can consume. It aids in digestion and is an excellent source of protein, fat, the healthy kind of cholesterol. Also great for the immune system especially enjoy when feeling under the weather.
  59. I have always loved it! The melt in your mouth sensation and that unique buttery flavor that lingers for a few seconds yummmmm! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! My Mom makes this wonderful beef and veg soup that has bone marrow in it and I am always the first to get it, I even fought with my G'ma once cos she loves it as well, in the end my Mom gave us one each! I have never tried it roasted before BUT I just now got some from the butcher and I am definitely having that for supper tonight!! Thanks for the recipe :o)
  60. I ordered Osso Bucco (spelling?) last night and nearly fainted into the lovely marrow, so chanced online to find a way to make it by itself. I remember having the marrow in what my mother called round steak, which otherwise was unremarkable. While she taught me to be a carnivore, cooking was not Mom's specialty. Now off to find marrow bones. I'm sure my local Kroger has none as most of the meat seems prepackaged, so will hit the local markets.
  61. I also watched that episode on marrow bones! It looked so delicious! My vegan self of 2006 would not agree! I'm trying it tonight roasted with garlic and thyme on fresh sourdough toast and a little red onion, red wine vinegar topping. A little side dish to the wintery beef stew I'm making. I've been reading a book on how to cure tooth decay naturally and he talks alot about the vitamin and mineral content in bone marrow and how good it is for our bones and teeth. We should be eating more bones and less tofu! Go meat!! (, free range, grass fed meat!) woo!!
  62. I was making Hunky soup again today and wondered if marrow had any nutrition in it as used in our soup. I grew up on soup made with marrow and Hunky soup has been in our family for generations. As a child my mother would put some aside for herself and add some salt and pepper. I now do the same thing but also leave some in the soup. I've also had it baked as seen on site here. As a child soup bones were free at the butchers but now the 3 bones I put in my soup today had a cost of over $8.00 ! Freezing weather here so perfect time for soup and lots of marrow. The taste of marrow is out of this world!
  63. Wow!! I made this in the last 2 weeks and was excellent -- and pretty foolproof. However, I believe I stumbled upon an improvement. Another recipe suggests covering the bones in foil to help capture the melting marrow. But I later experimented with standing the bones directly on some nice crusty bread. The bread soaks up the excess marrow and you result in zero loss. You can still keep some other bread in reserve that isn't soaked but it worked well for me.
  64. Ok...I have been making an incredible slow cooked beef stock from roasted bones for some time, but never had the courage to try eating the marrow. So tonight I gave it a shot. I have to say, when I put the marrow on the bread, I thought to myself, I'm just not going to get this down. I was so wrong. This is delicious! Wow! Not a big fan of gelatinous textures, but the bread took care of that, and the parsley salad was the perfect addition. I will be making this again...and again...and again....
  65. These bones are my first purchase from our new local butcher here on the North Shore; the bones are from Molokai grass fed beef, made the salad...Rich, tasty, delicious with the salad.
  66. I think I'd like to try this, but add some sliced marinated mushrooms to the mix, to add a little something! Can't wait to try! :D
  67. Love, love, love roasted marrow bones w/parsley salad. Am now making a broth with the bones. My Italian great-grandmother and grandmother always made them. They always told us how good they were for us. They lived to be 88 and 97 yrs old respectively!
  68. hi, i love bone marrow! i just came to your site to get some other ways to cook this delicious thing. in the philippines we make it as a soup. just boil it until the marrow barely grips to the bone then add other ingridients. so when you will eat it, just tap a little and all of it will come out :) =D but your recipe is worth a try. and its much faster to cook :D here's a sample
  69. I grew up in Europe and this was a special treat for special holidays. Since marrow bone is coveted there, it is a pricy delicacy. But living in the US and Central America now, it is less known and used, but widely available if you ask for it and quite affordable (not that you probably should eat this every week). I still consider it a very special treat. On toast, with salt and pepper and washed down with a good dry Sherry or (and/or) a crystalline and fragrant clear broth. Yes, I think there is a weekend project coming.
  70. Hi all. As a South Afican farmer I enjoy marrow bones at least ones a week as part of a main course or as snack or starter. I do mine as follow. when arranged my bones in a deep dish, i add a few hole garlic cloves (as per taste) spring of rosemary and time if i do have a left over onion iw ill throw that in to, a 1/2 cup red wine, salt and pepper the i roast it on 230 / 430 for 20 min. i then remove the pan and turn on the grill, i then just brown the top of the marrow bones on both sides to give it a crust and a nutty taste to it. if i do prepare as a starter i take bread rub with olive oil and garlic, grill until light brown, add some caramalized onion to the bread and top with the marrow or just add the bones on the plate and each can help themselfs. Johan Geyer South Africa
    • Thank you for sharing that recipe, I want to try it as soon as I can gather the ingredients! It sounds amazing! :)
  71. I would suggest people NOT use glass or ceramic for bone marrow roasting. The heat generated by the roasted fat can (and has in my experience) caused a glass pan to explode (ruining the dish unless you are brave or foolish) cast iron is a better bet.
  72. Absolutely fantastic dish. I have always loved Marrow and cook mine round about this way. A Pico salsa topping works well to. Quite often if you can find this dish you pay a fair amount. Usually only upscale restaurants serve this....but its a exceptionally cheap dish to make. Bones are very cheap generally. A great thing to serve at a elegant home dinner.
    • Yes, a cheap dish, however not so much these days, as bones you used to be able to get for free or for a few pence are now sold prepacked for over £1 in supermarkets. Best place to get them is still a good butcher. It makes me laugh that wealthy people are paying a fortune for this sort of food in restaurants!
  73. over here in Bavaria we consider marrow bones an essential ingredient for any decent roast or soup. I've never tried them roasted all by themselves, though. Sounds very interesting! Btw, how about wrapping them up in aluminium foil with a little parsley (or fresh thyme), salt and pepper and grilling them? It would propably not work with the huge ones you have, but with thinner slices (approx 2 inches) it should work.
  74. Haven't ever roasted bones separately however as a kid in France whenever we had lamb shank in casserole or chops we always used to suck out the marrow or spread it on bread. I get lamb from the Halal butcher at the end of our street now and still enjoy the marrow.That butcher has jjust started selling thick sections of marrow bone (sheep), I have even seen people buying the very lowest part of the leg, including hoof but I do draw the line there and I don't know whether they use oot for the tiny amount of meat (for soup?) or ,marrow, or both. It's maybe a N. African thing. I absolutely LOVE marrow, I've not had any other than lamb or sheep however. I don't eat beef and in any case the butchers round here only sell lamb, sheep, chicken . My absolute favourite marrow-meal is a lamb and haricot or flageolet casserole, with thick hunks of oven-warmed, homemade bread, used to mop up the gravy and to spread the marrow on. If there are potatoes sautéed with persillade as well, so much the better!
  75. "God's Butter". A food for the purist. I love it smeared on my own fresh baked English muffins. It is spring here in the Adirondacks so instead of parsley I use freshly foraged ramps and later on fiddle head ferns. To die for!
  76. Personally, I use them for making soup stock. My pups absolutely love them and will entertain themselves for hours with a bone that's only an inch or two wide! I have tried the ones I roast for stock and all I tasted flavor-wise was the toast. It had a nice creamy texture, though. I didn't salt and pepper as I wanted to taste the actual marrow and not the seasoning, and my palate is pretty sensitive, so I'm not sure if the salt and pepper are the flavor people enjoy or if that brings out the marrow flavor.
  77. I've wanted to try them for years since reading about M ordering some at his gentlemen's club in one of Fleming's James Bond books. I've tried to order them twice in restaurants but both times they'd run out. Anyway, I've just been to my local butcher to buy a leg of lamb for Sunday and I asked if he had any bones for roasting and he gave me a bag of them for free! Can't wait to try them. Will definitely make the parsley salad as it looks delicious.
  78. I have had a hard time finding good soup bones for some time now. I was beginning to suspect that the new GMO was boneless cattle! Today I wandered into our local Ingles and discovered they had a whole freezer door filled with marrow bones in packages of 30lbs to small packs of 3 or four 4-6" long. I picked out two nice looking small packs and the butcher happily cut them in half lengthwise for me. Seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic & onion powder, they are about to enter the oven! My absolute favorite is lamb with veal a close second and ham marrow is the best part of a steak. These beef bones will slake my desire for now though. I just realized I am out of french bread! Ah well I guess toasted bagels will work. :-)
  79. Bone Marrow....My wife won't touch the stuff but I absolulty love them!! I was planning on making some today and was looking for a different way to make them. I just always boiled them for about a half hour and the just scooped out the deliciousness thats inside the bone. I was looking to see if anyone had ever roasted them on an outdoor grill? Thats what I actually came on line to find and stumbled across this site. My mom always used the bone marrow when she made beef soup (we had soup of some sort every Monday from fall to spring). I since as long as I can remember, loved eating the marrow. As a matter of fact, if there is anything that I cook that has even the littlest bit of marrow in it, I suck it out, e.g.. leg of lamb or lamb shanks. Bone marrow, don't knock it until you've tried it!!!
  80. Just had this for the first time...I am now addicted..had it with bread and parsley salad then HAD to full out suckin' with a straw...if you have never tried this you MUST.
    • bought some beef marrow bones from Sprouts; however, due to this being my very first time trying roasted marrow bones, I neglected to tell the guy behind the counter what I wanted them for; he cut them up in pieces for beef stock. Will try roasting them anyway and then make beef stock so nothing goes to waste; have been waiting to try the marrow roasted.