The Hungry Mouse meets Guy Fieri!

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

So, I was at the supermarket early on Saturday morning. The Angry Chef called me as I was tooling around the produce section, squeezing avocados and snuffling about for fresh mint for cocktails later that night.

“Mouse! Are you done shopping? The Mayor just called. Guy Fieri is filming over at The Shanty!”

The Mayor (not the real mayor of Salem) is one of our best friends. And if it’s happening anywhere in Salem, he knows about it—usually before it goes down.

“Guy Fieri? At the Shanty? Like, the Lobster Shanty?”

“Yeah! Get home! Let’s go say hello.”

And that’s exactly what we did.

If you’ve somehow managed to miss larger-than-life Guy Fieri in the midst of the Food Network mania of the last few years, he’s the guy behind Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. He’s also the winner of the second season of The Next Food Network Star, and chef owner of Johnny Garlic’s.

Not to mention, a pretty darn nice guy.

To the Shanty!

I zipped home, we suited up the pups for a walk, and made a beeline for the Lobster Shanty, located at Front Street and Artists’ Row. The Shanty is a great place to sit outside, grab a bite, hear some music, and have a few drinks.

The Lobster Shanty

Our timing was good. Guy was hanging out outside, sitting on a bench checking his cell phone and yakking with some of the staff.


Miss. Penelope and I mosied up. I excused myself and asked him if he might have a minute to talk.

I gave him my card and said that I run The Hungry Mouse, a food blog based in town. I told him a little about the site, and mentioned that we get upwards of 80,000 visitors a month.

He was like, “You go, girl! That’s fantastic!” Thanks, Guy! (We think you’re pretty fantastic, too!) He kindly agreed to take a few photos.

Aside from that, we talked mainly about (you guessed it)…Penelope, which he mentioned is also his mother’s name.

When I posted these pictures on our Facebook Fan Page, the comments were half about Guy, and half about Penelope. If this keeps up, she’s going to need her own website. (You know I’m only half joking…)

Don’t forget the Camaro

You know I couldn’t leave without a few pictures in front of that beautiful Camaro of his.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sorely tempted to see if the keys were in the ignition and go for a little ride.

So big thanks to Guy for stopping to chat! It was a blast to meet you! We’re totally psyched that you’re giving some well-deserved national press to one of our favorite local watering holes.

Visit The Lobster Shanty in Salem, MA

The Lobster Shanty is located in beautiful seaside Salem, MA, a.k.a. Witch City—home of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, the biggest Halloween party on the planet, and The Hungry Mouse headquarters.

If you ask me, Salem is the best place on earth. If you’re ever up in our neck of the woods, stop in for a beer or three. Let us know if you’re in town. If we’re around, we’ll join you!

The Lobster Shanty
25 Front Street
@ Artist’s Row
Salem, MA 01970
(978) 745-5449

Back to the kitchen!

The new pup’s been keeping us hopping the last few weeks. I’ll hopefully be back in the kitchen this weekend, putting together a batch of new posts.

Who knows: Maybe I’ll do a little diner food in honor of Guy. Corned beef hash, anyone?


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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. oh man, corned beef hash? yes please. i told J recently, "we have to go to the mouse house!" he gave me one of these: o_0 to which i of course replied, BUT...BUT...PENELOPE!!! i hear he's supposed to be aiding the angry chef in building (another?) computer, and if mr. chef plays stubborn, we might "have" to go to salem. just saying. (meanwhile, also drooling over the mini cheesy breads, so making those.)
  2. That's so neat. Totally jealous. He has such a big personality and love watching him on the food network. I have to ask: where did you get those pants? Love em!
  3. Penelope is getting bigger by the minute. She is definitely a people person...err meant to say people pup. And please do diner food. Hope to see The Lobster Shanty on Guy's show.