CONTEST NOW CLOSED Breville Mixer Giveaway

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

Don’t tell my KitchenAid Mixer, but I think we might be breaking up.

We’ve had a good run, but a handsome stranger just strolled into my kitchen, and I think it’s love at first sight.

Allow me to introduce you to the Breville Scraper Mixer Pro. The good folks at Breville were kind enough to give me one of these little powerhouses to test out.

They were also kind enough to donate one to giveaway to one lucky reader (retail value ~$299)! (I know, right??)

Read on for how to enter.

So the Breville Scraper Mixer Pro is this beast:

This mixer has some serious power (550 watts), and comes with a built-in timer and good size mixing bowl (it will hold about 6 cups of flour). It’s smooth and didn’t rock on me at all, even with stiff bread dough.

What’s in the Breville mixer box

I think the peeps at Nasa helped pack this little guy. Take a peek.

It comes with a dough hook, spatula, plus a splash shield (awesome for keeping flour from flying all over) and two different beaters.

The beaters are heavy and solid. The one with the silicone scraper is specifically molded to the bowl, so it gets every little bit on the inside. (No more bits of unmixed dry ingredients at the bottom of the batter, love it!)

And if you ever lose a hand in the line of duty in the kitchen, well…

I was wondering where the whisk attachment was, but found it nestled safely inside the mixing bowl.

How it works

I know most of you guys are pretty familiar with the basics of a stand mixer. Here are a few things to note. The bowl screws onto the base.

There’s a release button to tilt up the head.

All of this is great, but it’s the business below that put me over the edge. The dial is solid and the level markings should be really helpful for a beginning baker.

I love the timer at the bottom. You can set it to count down, like a regular timer. You can also set it to count UP, so you can get an accurate time when you’re developing a recipe. Very, very helpful. Sure, I could use a regular kitchen timer or my iPhone, but I really appreciate having everything all built into one machine.

You can also use the Pause function to pause the whole business (mixer + timer) if you need to inspect your batter or whatever.

Want more detail? Read more about the mixer here.

Think you might want one of your very own? Enter for a chance to win below!

How to enter

To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this post answering the following question:

What’s your favorite holiday baked good? (Homemade or not, doesn’t matter. And if you’ve got a good story about it, lay it on us!)

That’s it. (No really, that’s it.)

Contest Rules

  • You must enter a valid e-mail address on the comment form. (That’s how we’ll contact you if you win.)
  • Only one entry per person.
  • This contest is open to U.S. residents only.
  • Deadline for entries is Midnight (EST) on Friday, September 21, 2012.

One winner will be chosen on Sunday, September 23 by random number generator and notified by e-mail. The winner will receive one Breville Scraper Mixer Pro (retail value ~$299), shipped directly to them by Breville.

Good luck!

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. My favorite holiday treat has to be a soft chewy gingerbread cookie. Or a maple cookie. It's a tie, really. Yum!! Awesome give away, by the way!!
  2. My Favorite Holiday baked good is my mother's mother's (my grandmother) Cinnamon Apple Coffee Cake. It was a tradition to have a huge family breakfast on Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings with my Mom's family which was a 2 hr drive from where we lived. That was only made for those two Holidays so a very special treat. My Mom and myself carry that tradition on today with the same recipe.
  3. Peanut butter thumbprint cookies are my favorite to make. Not only are they simple but they are my husband's favorite and seeing him that happy makes me feel like I worked really hard making them and makes it almost pointless to make any other cookie/baked good.
  4. Gingerbread men (and women, kids, animals.....). I love the flavor, but I remember making them with my mom when I was little and now my mom and I take a day out to make them with my kids. It really just makes each bite extra special :)
  5. My favorite holiday baked good is pumpkin chip cookies. I have two recipes that I use, one more involved and one quick and easy. I enjoy making them for both family & friends!
  6. My absolute FAVORITE holiday treat is a danish puff my mom used to make. It had icing that was to die for and it took her a few hours to make it. That with fresh hot cocoa is the way to welcome Christmas morning! The other guilty pleasure is my Mother-in-law's stuffing. She offered to give me the recipe but I refused...if I knew how to make it I would make it all the time and then it wouldn't be as magical and wonderful on Thanksgiving.
  7. My favorite holiday baked good are deliciously spiced Pfeffernusse cookies. A plate of these babies, a tall glass of eggnog, and a fireplace defines my perfect Christmas holiday.
  8. My favorite holiday baked good is pumpkin pie with home made whip cream! It just seems to melt in your mouth & you want to eat the whole pie!!
  9. Christmas Sugar cookies. It's not so much that I love them...but the memories that they evoke with Grandma's gone by and being a kid again.
  10. My favorite holiday treat is lobster tails from the North End. My mother gets a box full of them the day before Christmas every year and we have them over coffee after dinner. They are relatively light after the big dinner and all those presents! I don't know if I would ever attempt to make them. I think the folks in the North End have many secrets and the perfect lobster tail is one of them!!! As for home made - pecan pie. I make one every Thanksgiving and it's always a hit with everyone. Relatively easy to make I am betting a home made crust made in a shiny new mixer would make it that much better! Haha! Thanks Hungry Mouse! <3
  11. My favorite is pumpkin pie. Every year my grandmother and my mom would bake them together in my grandma's kitchen. Just the smell of them makes me think of her. Now, my mom and I carry on the tradition and I will with my kids.
  12. Pecan pie was definitely my first thought but as far as nostalgia and sentimentality goes sugar cookies take the lead! There is nothing more fun than getting a bunch of friends together to bake, decorate and enjoy sugar cookies! Flour fights are entirely optional ;)
  13. my favorite holiday baked good? sweet potato pie. my late uncle used to make the best one. rich, creamy, and sweet (definitely a southern flair). he's been gone for several years, but my own sweet potato pie is coming close to his. and definitely a mixer like this would help to put it over the top (a lot less work for me to do!).
  14. Oh man...the sour cream cookies my mom used to make! SO PERFECT. Soft, a little chewy, a little tangy with cinnamon and sugar on top. I've never been able to recreate them exactly the way she made them, but I try every year, believe me!
  15. My favorite holiday dish: my cousin Cissy's tea cakes. She only made them for the Christmas Eve family get-together. They always went crazy fast, so she would make me my own plate and hide it from the rest of the family. Sadly, she's no longer with us, and the recipe is lost to the ages. Delicious memories.
  16. I like those Russian Teacakes/Mexican Wedding Cake cookies. On Sundays, when I was a kid, my grandfather and I would walk to Church. Afterwards he'd stop at the bakery to get bread for dinner and would get me 6 of those tiny white powdered sugar cookies. I would smile, carrying that little white bakery bag, all the way home. Years later, after he passed, I found the recipe and make them every year in his memory!
  17. My favourite individual holiday baked good might be pizzelles (do they count as *baked* goods?) or shortbread but one of the things I love about the holidays is when everyone brings something and you can pick and choose and eat everything!
  18. I love date bread for the holidays. My recipe belongs to my mother's friend Mrs. Sherman. I was fascinated with her family. Six boys. I always wondered how she could feed them all. She was an amazing woman who lost 3 boys too early. I always think of her when I make the bread!
  19. Hrm... Apple Pie at Thanksgiving, with cheddar. I like the contrast of the sweet, tart apples and the sharp cheddar. My wife's Aunt D. makes the best one ever I've eaten. Pink Lady apples with homemade crust. Odd, because I'm more of a snob, so tarte tatin is generally more my thing, but that pie... wow.
  20. My favorite baked treat for the holidays has to be my wife's sugar cookies which are a hand-me-down from her grandmother. She won't share the recipe with me, but I don't care - they are great anyway, and I get to eat all I want. :)
  21. My favorite holiday treat are decorated holiday Sugar Cookies....mixing the dough, rolling it out, baking and decorating them with the pretty sugars and icing, is somehow one of the most stress free things for me to do during the holidays....remembering my loved ones that have passed on, that used to come over during my baking sessions and sit around drinking coffee and waiting for those treats to be done always puts a smile on my face and happiness in my heart!
  22. Cut out cookies with all the small children children in the family. Do it the day before any holiday and more than half of what we bake is gone before we even get done!
  23. Most holidays, my family likes to get together for a late breakfast before celebrating the Whatever Holiday It Is. Usually this spread includes fruit salad, quiche, pastries of some sort... and a ridiculously buttery coffee cake. That coffee cake has come to symbolize family for us; one bite, and we know the holiday is real, and we're really together.
  24. My mother's sugar cookies. We used to make them every year. When we were young, we couldn't roll the dough out thin enough, but "Santa" ate every bite of the cookies we made. I just love them. I miss making them every year since I moved away. I think I might have to make some for the fall :)
  25. I like to make Banana Nut Bread that I bake in wide mouth Mason jars. They make great gifts especially after I place circles of Holiday fabric between the lids & rings. They're always a big hit except for the one year that I had to leave for work while my last batch was in the oven. After telling my teenage son over & over to not let them burn, he just took them out as soon as I left & I passed out seven jars of half-baked bread. There were eight in the batch but I saved one for home otherwise I never would have known because nobody ever mentioned their gooey gift. Memorable.
  26. It would not be Christmas without NaNa's Chocolate Italian cookis we would all get together at her home and bake themALL DAY LONG the cookies would be EVERYWHERE! Then we would Frost the cookies then every family would take a bunch home now we do the same only we only make a batch with 6 cups flour! MUCH FUN WAS HAD BY ALL! GOOD MEMORIES!
  27. My fav holiday treat is Chewy Noels. I wasn't really a baker but these simple to make squares were something my daughter and I made when she was small and some thing we both still make as adults, especially since she and her husband have a walnut orchard.
  28. Halloween is still considered a holiday, right? I love to make buttery sugar cookies, cut into skull shapes and decorated for Day of the Dead. I have a weird obsession with skulls, and Day of the Dead. And sugar cookies!
  29. My mom's butternut squash pie. It's awesome -- like pumpkin but more subtle. I love the pie because it was something my dad's mom always made when he was growing up. She died young, years before my dad met my mom. My mom spent decades perfecting her pie and trying to get it to taste like something she had never eaten. Eventually it evolved and eventually transcended my dad's "what it used to taste like" nostalgic tastebuds until it became my mom's pie. My mom's pie baking was an act of love. The pie lives on, and not only is it amazingly yummy, it has several generations' of stories connected to it -- my dad's memories of his mom, my mom and dad's memories of trying to recreate it, and a new set of memories of how it has graced the holiday table for 70 something years. Last year, my dad gave me 12 cans of canned butternut squash. I guess he wants the tradition to continue!
  30. Coca Cola Cake with old fashioned chocolate icing! Always been one of my favorites since I was a kid! And who doesn't love chocolate??! Always a hit when my mother made it for me, always a hit when I make it for friends or family!
  31. Oreo truffles (crushed Oreos mixed with cream cheese and dipped in chocolate). I only make them for the holidays or I'll be tempted to devour the entire batch. I made them for my girlfriend's family at Thanksgiving a couple years ago. We stopped in VA on the way to SC and none of them made it to SC so I decided to make another batch when we got to SC. It was the first time we had been to her sister and brother-in-law's new house and I burned out the motor in their hand mixer. I felt terrible but I seemed to have been forgiven once the Oreo truffles were ready. Now I make everything ahead of time for fear of bringing destruction upon their household items.
  32. My favorite holiday baked good of all time has to be pumpkin pie. The flavor of the pumpkin just reminds me of the holiday season and it is something that I usually only indulge in on Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year I'm looking forward to trying out a new recipe that calls for roasting a sugar pumpkin to make the filling. I am part of a organic farm share (CSA) and I just got word that pumpkins are almost ready. I guess I will have to pretend it's Christmas in September. Here's hoping I'll be aided in my culinary adventure by a brand new beautiful Breville mixer. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Hope you are enjoying your new friend!
  33. My favorite holiday treat is my homemade cheesecake. I love to eat it, but mostly I love that everyone loves it. I've had to start making 2 because it goes so quick.
  34. My favorite holiday baked good is a Russian Teacake. My mother has always made these for our Christmas morning breakfast and I am now continuing the tradition.
  35. Christmas cookies - all of those that we never make throughout the year - shortbread, mexican wedding cookies, pecan bars, cranberry nut bars, oh the list is endless.
  36. Don't laugh but my favorite holiday dessert is fruit cake. I know almost everyone hates I buys when I was a boy, my grandmother gave me a slice and I've been in love with it ever since. The cherries and nuts drive me good crazy!
  37. My favie holiday treat is my snickerdoodle. Ever since I nabbed a really good recipe for them and tweaked it a bit (all butter, no shortening) they are the most requested item each year. They can be a bit time consuming, so I've learned now to make dough ahead of time and freeze it, so all I have to do when I need them is roll them into balls then coat them in cinnamon and sugar!
  38. My favorite holiday treat has always been seven layer bars. My mom always makes them and I remember helping her when I was younger and now I have my daughter help me make them.
  39. Definitely apple pie. I have so many memories of baking them around the holidays. Somehow those memories make the apple pies taste better :-)
  40. I have so many favorites to choose from, but I guess the winner would have to befresh homemade bread and rolls. I make a loaf to use in the turkey stuffing, and rolls for dinner. To me, dinner isn't over until you use a roll to sop up the gravy!
  41. My favorite holiday treat is Christmas Stollen. I used to share it with my mother on Christmas Eve. She passed away 2 years ago right before Christmas at the age of 97. She was looking forward to our Stollen and so was I. I continue the tradition with fond memries.
  42. I love to make cookies, and Christmas lets me try out tons of new recipes, plus all of the old favorites! And if the mixer works as well as my Breville juicer, it must be a winner!
  43. Poppy seed donuts are served durnig Ukrainian Easter and Christmas. My fiancé's grandmother makes the most amazing poppy seed donuts. She used to only make them during the holidays (and I used to whine and beg for her to make them during the year). After knowing me for more than a decade I think she finally realized I wasn't going anywhere so she started surprising me with the donuts during "off-season" time. I've been dying for a mixer! But, honestly don't know if I'll be able to replicate her recipe. She's VERY unwilling to part with it.
  44. Wow! That is one amazing mixer! Thanks for a chance to win it!! My favorite holiday baked good? For Thanksgiving- it would be sweet potato pie and for Christmas it would have to be an assortment of cookies.
  45. I will never forget last year's apple strudel. I love apple picking season here in New England and last year decided to go on a strudel spree with my fresh picked bounty. I always bring my bakings in to work with me. This time we happened to be hosting a guest speaker. Little did I know that the title of one of his most well known talks was "Daydreaming, Thought Blocking and Strudels in the Taskless, Resting Human Brain's Magnetic Fields." Must have been serendipity. Needless to say, the strudel was a hit (and so was the talk).
  46. My favorite holiday treat is my Auntie Lynn's gingerbread boys. They are spicey, not too sweet and have raisins for eyes, mouth and buttons. Every year my Aunt bakes these especially for me and I would rather get a box of her 'boys' over anything else in the world.
  47. My favorite cookie is the "Snowball", "Wedding", "Sugar Walnut" . The decadent butter cookie full of walnuts that is rolled not once but twice in powered sugar. When I found out how easy these were to make they became my holiday cookie. Color them green for St.Pats, pastel for Easter, red, white and blue for the 4th of get the idea. I love these cookies!
  48. My favorite treat is are cookies that on the recipe card are called "Mint Cremes", but everyone around here just calls them "Mint Crack". No chocolate fan can eat just one. It's a dark chocolate cookie with mint chips in the batter and a mint truffle dark chocolate candy plopped on top right after they come out of the oven. I have to put them last on the cookie-baking list or there would be none left by the time the holiday cookie party rolls around (and I would be rolling around, too)...
  49. My favorite holiday treat is what my mom-in-law calls Marzipine. It's basically pastries made with almond filling (marzipan). The recipe was handed down from her grandmother or maybe great grandmother who came to the US in the late 1800's from Holland. When I've got the inclination, I make the easy dough from scratch. When I don't, I now use puff pastry. Sooooooo good!
  50. I love the pumpkin crisp that I make time and again from about the middle of October till just before Christmas. It is delicious and both my family and my husband's family state they will not eat pumpkin pie that they only want the pumpkin crisp. In fact it was one of the food items that I make that my father requested when he was in the hospital last year after his stroke.
  51. My nana used to make a mousse from scratch in her stand mixer. One year, when I was 10, I found it particularly awesome because there were chocolate-y chunks in it. I asked her what was the making the chunks and she had no idea what I was talking about. Apparently, she had dropped the recipe card in at some point and it was shredded into the mousse.
  52. What’s your favorite holiday baked good? (Homemade or not, doesn’t matter. And if you’ve got a good story about it, lay it on us!) i have this awesome ginger cake with vanilla icing that i make around the holidays. it's super delicious and surprisingly complex even though it doesn't have "typical" spices like clove or cinnamon in it (i'm allergic to those). also for the holidays i like to send my friends cookies related to whatever thing in pop culture is on my mind. last year was themed after the videogame portal, i think this year it's going to be themed after Breaking Bad
  53. One of my favorite holidays' baked dessert has always been the traditional Québec "sucre à la crème" pie! To some it might look like a pecan pie but it is nothing like it. I wish I could make one like my grandma made, but no one has the official recipe. I think we're all missing one ingredient but can't figure out if it's grandma's love or something else! :)
  54. my favorite holiday food is my dad's pecan pie! he always uses pecans he shells himself and he adds a little bourbon in it. It is sooo good. He makes it for thanksgiving and christmas.
  55. I absolutely LOVE Lebkuchen and hot chocolate around the holidays. I can't wait to make it, my husband doesn't like it as much, so more for me!
  56. My favorite holiday baked dish is my brother-in-law's flat bread with fresh rosemary and sea salt. It's simple and delicious, and rosemary smells so good!
  57. Our family wakes up to the aroma of warm cinnamon rolls every Christmas morning. I rarely make them any other time of the year---but if I had a mixer....
  58. For the past 3 years I've been making a pumpkin cheesecake with a caramel praline topping. I've wanted to bake another dessert, but my family won't let me.
  59. I make a ton of different cookies but it seems my family cannot get enough of my molasses cookies! They are so tasty and freeze well! That mixer is beautiful!!!!
  60. Awesome giveaway! My favorite holiday recipe is fruitcake. I have my mother-in-laws recipe. Every says they don't like fruitcake until they taste this. I started out making 2 or 3 and now I make about 25 to give to friends and family!
  61. I love to make cookies, and Christmas lets me try out tons of new recipes, plus all of the old favorites! It's hard to pick a favorite, but lemon drop cookies are up there!!
  62. First, I come alive at the name Breville. This year I purchased the Breville countertop convection oven. It's a gem. I have not turned on my regular stove once since January. And talk about quaity--it's wonderfully made. Now that that's out of the way -- the holidays just wouldn't be the same with Oysters Rockefeller. We go through dozens and it begins EARLY in the morning with several of us shucking oysters. It's not a fun job, but the holidays are about family and doing the dirty work that needs to be done. Conversation always makes it go faster.
  63. Gingerbread cookies are my favorite treat! Not gingersnaps, but puffy and soft cookies. My mom always uses the Betty Crocker mix, and last year I sampled the Trader Joe's, though the Betty Crocker one is better. I even made my own homemade cookies last year in an attempt to make the ginger buns that they make in Colonial Williamsburg. They turned out as cookies instead!
  64. STOLLEN! I just love its festive looks and am dreaming right now of being curled up next to the fireplace with a slice of stollen and a cup of coffee! I have a very dear friend who includes me in her Christmas stollen gift list. Bless her!
  65. My favorite holiday treat is my apple-pecan-cranberry pie. I started making it 20 years ago from a Pillsbury recipe and I am asked to bake it every holiday season. It is everyone's favorite. Lois
  66. My Favorite Holiday treat has got to be my home made peanut butter cups, Carmel cups and Peppermint patties... They are usually requested.
  67. Favorite holiday treat, sticky, gooey cinnamon rolls. My mother would make they by the pans full. And they would be gone in a blink of an eye. So, I have continued her tradition. With luck mine also disappear as quick. Mom was a great baker, thanks for wonderful memories of her baking.
  68. My families tradition for any holiday has always been banana bread, for the morning of the holiday. We have been having it for as long as I remember. Then later my Mom started to give it away as gifts! I will have to do this now to keep up her legacy.
  69. My favorite holiday treat is spritz cookies. There's just something about them that makes them a necessity for the holidays. I can still remember the first time I made them with my mom using her old hand press copper cookie gun.
  70. My favorite is one I can't seem to perfect - my Mother-In-Law's pumpkin bread. I have the recipe, and it's really easy to make, but it's never as good as hers. My daughter loves it, and she'll eat mine, but she always reminds me that it isn't as good as Grandma's! This mixer is brilliant! Love the silicone scraper built in - no more constant scraping during mixing.
  71. Mine would have to be my grandmother's recipe for waffle cookies. She immigrated from Belgium, and brought some great recipes with her, but this cookie just tops them all for me. Buttery and soft, they are just as good for breakfast as dessert!
  72. I love Chocolate Mint Silk Pie, we make it every year, and we take such care to make sure each egg is beaten in perfectly and it always tastes so DREAMY!
  73. My favorite holiday baked good is Christmas sugar cookie! Just the plain old cut outs! My family and I decorate dozens every Christmas!
  74. My favorite holiday baked goods are the candy cane cookies that my Grandma used to make. It was an annual holiday ritual going over to Gram's house and making these cookies with her. When I was little, I did nothing more than lick the beaters and stay out of the way, then I graduated to sprinkling the crushed candy canes on top of the formed cookies just before baking, and then to actually shaping the cookies and finally to actually being allowed to mix the dough myself. The last couple years, the roles were largely reversed and Gram hovered and supervised while I made the cookies. This Christmas will be my first without her, and I plan to make these still, and maybe let my little niece, who will be almost 1 by then, lick the beaters.
  75. My favorite holiday baked good is "snowballs". Rice crispies, molasses and dates rolled into a ball and coated with coconut flakes. SO GOOD. My momma used to make them every Christmas.
  76. My favorite holiday is a recipe my girlfriend and I found in a church cookbook when we were 12. We made it for our families and I have it made it every Christmas morning since then, and only on Christmas. "Audrey's French Coffeecake" is a simple pastry but provides great memories.
  77. Gingerbread cookies. We were gifted a Gingerbread Man story book which head a cookie recipe in the back. The kids loved the story, but we never made the cookies until we got the Gingerbread Girl book. Apparently, her adroit handling of the fox and single-handedly bringing the entire town together while reconciling the old man and old lady's depression were enough to get theme excited about making sure the whole family gets together to make the cookies. And they are delicious!
  78. My favorite has to be Apple Crisp. Not apple pie, not blueberry crisp, but apple. Preferably made with apples just picked, and FREE. Like the ones I got from the tree in the courtyard of a middle school I worked at one year. I remember staring at the tree across the way from our department office for months, wondering if anyone would care if we picked the apples or not. When they started falling on the ground, I consulted another teacher and we went out and did a "fruit raid." As suspected, no one cared. That was THE BEST apple crisp EVER. Here is the recipe: - Be sure to read the comments for suggestions. A summary: -I prefer mine with about twice as much of the topping. -You can also eliminate some or all of the sugar if you use sweeter apples; otherwise be sure to use tart ones like Granny Smiths! -You can also modify this to be gluten-free by substituting your favorite GF flour or blend, or just use GF oats alone -I find the water totally unnecessary -Some people like to add nutmeg Enjoy!
  79. Favorite baked good? WOW that is hard, seriously any baked good item is GOOD in my opinion :). Although I have to say I only make my husband's favorite cookie for Christmas and man does it SMELL great while in the oven baking away. Each year I make a double batch of my own creation. It is a cranberry, orange white chocolate chip cookie YUM!!!!
  80. A family tradition started by my great grandmother. Family recipe of double chocolate brownies sandwiched with an almond buttercream filling and drizzled with ganache and a sprinkle of toasted almonds.
  81. My favorite holiday baked good is Pumpkin Cream Cheese Roll. Pumpkin cake rolled around cream cheese filling and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. YUM!
  82. I make pumpkin cheescake bars every Thanksgiving and take them over to my in-laws house. We usually arrive with a few missing, several more missing before dinner and the rest all mysteriously disappear just after dinner is done.
  83. Christmas Sugar cookies with lovely designs, my daughter and I have a tradition of baking together, she's 16 and loves to help and learn. We lay out my grandmother's kitchen towels that I keep for just this occasion, they are made out of old flour sacks and are beginning to show quite a bit of wear and tear after the 40 years I remember her using them. Not baked, but also at the top of our holiday list is preparing homemade beignets each Christmas morning to share with friends and family.
  84. Mince pies. 3 secrets to great mincemeat, and awesome pie crust: good beef tallow suit, top-shelf brandy, use 1/2 the liquid in the dough recipe should be replaced with vodka, which keeps the dough from getting tough, and evaporates faster at lower temp, leaving awesome flaky crust!
  85. My favorite is molasses cookies. My grandmother used to make them when I was a kid, but did not leave behind any written recipes when she passed away. I recently found a recipe that is almost an exact replica, and I was so happy! Baking and eating these cookies reminds me of the times we made them together.
  86. Every year the women of my family gather at my grandma's and take over the kitchen for a few days before Christmas. We bake cookies and cakes, make batches upon batches of different fudge flavors, and christmas candies like peanut butter rolls, icebox cookies, peanut butter and coconut truffles, and anything else we can come up with. I love baking so i always make a new cupcake and I believe everyone's favorite is granny's southern comfort cake. We make each family we know a large tin full of the assortment and make sure to leave our mail man one on the mail box...he says he looks forward to it every year. So many good memories and yummy goodies! It's an awesome tradition I look forward to continuing.
  87. My favorite is a fruitcake that my mother made each year to give or send to relatives. She got the recipe for the pound cake with butter, OJ, candied fruits and pecans either from an old farm magazine or the back of a flour sack - maybe Martha White. It was a delicious gift that a farm wife could afford to make.
  88. My favorite is Southern Corn Bread Dressing. My family originated from Georgia and the "Trail of Tears". Good Southern grandparents and my dad's side settled in Calironia. With 9 kids and grandma was really a great cook. Grandpa always insisted that all the kids be fed first before any adults and that way the adults could eat in peace and quiet. My mom's side had 10 kids and she was one of the oldest and was she ever a good cook, Farm cooking. Being brought up living next to both sets of grandparents, actually the house next door to my Dad's family. Grandma made the best Southern corn bread dressing, but mom's was even better. I can still see her standiing in the kitchen putting together the Holiday meals. I loved her and her cooking so much. She would give me a small bowl of the dressing before she mixed in the last ingredients like the raw egg and some of the spices. She has been gone now for some time but i still remember her and her meals that were so good and how much dad missed her and commented on how much he misssed her cooking. She cooked without any recipes and try as i might i have never been able to coach the same flavors out of foods the way she did. I think she had magic on her side and firends with Harry Potter. But my favorite food still have to be that wonderful Southern Corn Bread Dressing that also brings back so many wonderful memories of mom and family.
  89. i used to bake all the time with my grandmother and haven't done so since she passed away a few years ago. i would love to get back to it and keep her memory alive by making all of her wonderful holiday treats. she was an amazing baker! my favorite holiday treats of her's were her "Nutballs" as we called them or Swedish Wedding Balls
  90. Perhaps the easiest thing to make is my Mother in Law's family recipe, Vermont Ginger Cookies. I call them Chewy Ginger Snaps and we've made them on our show for a Christmas Party Special. Pour stuff in, turn on mixer, roll and bake. I mean...come on. Oh and ps? DEELISH.
  91. My favorite holiday treat would be any sort of Halloween themed, creepy goodie. One year for the office Halloween party I made peanut butter truffles, covered them with white chocolate and decorated them to look like eyeballs. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday and I love going all out for it.
  92. My favorite used to be pumpkin pie (homemade, of course) but a few years back I found a recipe for lemon cookies, and modified it to be Myer lemon-Cardomom cookies. I think that one might be my new favorite.
  93. My all-time favorite has to be homemade fudge, the way my Dad always made it growing up (with cocoa powder, not melted chocolate). It's tricky, and if you don't get it just right it turns out a bit grainy, but when it's right it's perfect.
  94. A family tradition and my absolute favorite is German inside out cake. Its pretty and ridiculously delicious. I have been making it for years and now my friends expect it at holiday dinners I attend. It makes one not care how many calories it has, because it is a slice of German heaven on a fork ......
  95. Favorite baked good this time of year is a simple apple cake. The recipe was given to me by a popular cheerleader in middle school. Her mom called it Apple Torte. I've shared it again and again. I wrote about it here.
  96. This is a hard one but I'll say Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs since not only are they great tasting but they remind me of my mom, who really loved them. Every time I make them I think of her.
  97. I'm a sucker for fresh baked cardamon coffee cake. I grew up eating this at my moms bakery and now I make it every christmas. It's spicy, crumbly, warm, nostalgic, and delicious. With a cup of coffee there is nothing better on christmas morning.
  98. My favorite holiday treat are Sugar Cookies!! Homemade and decorated for the Holiday.....Yum, I can taste noe now with a warm cup of Mulled Cider...
  99. my absolute favorite is Sugar cookies. Mom used to make so many she would feed the left over unfrosted cookies to the dogs as treats. I remember finding out her secret ingredient and couldn't believe that she actually used sour cream in the dough.
  100. My wife's aunt makes the best sugar cookies and frosting! I don't really know what she does, but they are fantastic! She gave us the recipe, and we have made them but they just don't taste quite the same. My brother and law and I are each given a box of them every Christmas, different shapes and colors. They are huge! and so soft and moist, it's not uncommon for our box to be gone in the 2-3 days we're together. My mouth is watering just thinking about them!
  101. My favorite is Russian Tea Cakes or Mexican Wedding cakes. To me they are one in the same and they are mouth watering delish!! I wish I had one right now. I love Breville BTW, I have their tea maker and it is amazing.
  102. I live for my mother in law's cranberry pudding with vanilla creme sauce. I am such a chocoholic, that I had always said truffles, or something chocolate, was my favorite, until a few years ago when I first had MIL's cranberry pudding. It is that good!
  103. My holiday favorite is my Grandma's caramel cake. She makes the yellow cake from scratch and makes her own caramel sauce and drizzles it over the entire cake. It's so moist it melts in your mouth.
  104. My favorite holiday baked goods are pepparkakor(Very thin Swedish Ginger Snaps) Our three kids love to make them and decorate but mostly eat them up. P.S. Could really use this mixer :)
  105. I love baking cookies from all over the world for Christmas. But the one that I have been baking all my life and is still my favorite is Rugalach!
  106. gotta be my moms italian cookies, called Nonna's cookies now...never measured a thing, always delicious, we try to replicate them now, sometimes successfully amazingly enough! Delicious!
  107. Traditional Fruit Cake is one of my favorites!!! I don't care what anyone says- it's delicious! So go ahead and pass it up, that just leaves more for ME!
  108. I've been dreaming that Breville would make a mixer- my dreams have come true! My favorite thing to make during the holidays would have to be peppermint ANYTHING. Brownies, bars, cookies- I just love peppermint. Great giveaway- thanks!
  109. Every Thanksgiving and Christmastime, my sister in law must make fudge and no bake cookies. If she doesn't, my husband whines and pouts (in a fun way), making us all laugh and making her promise to make them the next holiday! :) This is a GREAT giveaway, btw! :)
  110. My favorite holiday yummy is home made cinnamon rolls. My family loves them very early Christmas morning...and I'm quite tired of my Bosch kitchen center. Would LOVE to own this beautiful new Breville...OMG wonderful.
  111. My favorite holiday baked good is an orange cranberry tea biscuit sprinkled with sparkling sugar. From the first time I made these, they seemed to say 'Christmas' to me. Every time. Scrumptious.
  112. It's not Christmas unless my mom/sister make "Santa's Whiskers", an almond/shortbread cookie with shredded coconut on the edges and chopped candied cherries throughout. Every year I visit, there is always a few foil-lined Macy's boxes filled with Spritz cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and these cookies, and I think I gain 10lbs in 5 days...
  113. My favorite is Black Bottom Pie! My mother used to make it once a year at Christmas. She would "borrow" an ounce of bourbon from the next door neighbor and the pie would take hours to make but it's so good! I could really use that bad boy to speed up the process? :)
  114. My favorite is fudge and peanut brittle. I use a recipe handed down from my German grandmother for both and my fondest memory is helping her in the kitchen when I was little to either mix the ingredients or pull the brittle - really hot for my little hands but I didn't want to show it and did it anyway! It isn't the holidays unless I make them both and think of Grandma.
  115. I love making cookies.. I would make cookies and when the batter was done mixing and ready to put in the oven I would ask my daughter to taste the dough.. I always wanted her approval before baking the cookies. The look on her face.. the smile on her face and the yumm Mom.. the cookie dough is perfect.. that made my day.
  116. My favorite Christmas baked good was a product we saw on a show on the Food Network called "Unwrapped"-basically where and how foods are made. They did a special on fruit cakes out of Nebraska. I was skeptical, cause it's fruit cake..but these were made with the best fruits, nuts and lots of booze. They are sold at Ralphs grocery store, so we do that to save on shipping ;)
  117. My favorite holiday baked good? Definitely my mom's peanut butter cookies! She makes them every year for Christmas. I used to love helping her shape the dough into balls, and indenting them with a fork's tines. A sprinkle of red or green sugar made them sweet and festive!
  118. My favorite is my homemade Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese icing made from my own secret recipe. One year I had to take one to my brother's home in Ohio during the Thanksgiving holiday - a nine hour trip!
  119. My family has always made Spritz cookies together at Christmas time. It's been a tradition since I was a child, and now I've passed it down to my son. We gather together as a family, and make lots of dough, and then we share cookie-trays to decorate. It's always an amazing day; we create lots of memories and have cookies for a couple weeks!!
  120. Ok. I love all things cheese. I thank my lucky stars every day I am not lactose intolerant. Cheese is what's stopping me from becoming vegan. Every holidyay my family receives these baked cheese straws from a family friend. We're talking about perfectly crinkled, indented thin crispy straws of orgasmic nutty heaven. Yes, cheese straws.
  121. So many reasons to love so many different holiday baked items! My favorite to bake are absolutely rolled sugar cookies. I love to paint and decorate them with my four kids, and most of my cookie cutters belonged to my of course, they bring back memories of my own childhood. That same grandmother always had petit fours and pfeffernusse cookies. Both are unique, and not "typical" American holiday items...but they were/are for us! All my life, I've loved things that are out-of-the-ordinary, and food is no different. Having them only once a year makes them really special, too!
  122. Gingerbread cookies, pumpkin pie, or an apple struedel...come to think of it: Anything at long as I make it with the "help" of my beautiful, 5 year old daughter, Katie!
  123. I only can think of Pumpkin Pie when I think of the winter holidays. Of course there were so many cookies also, but the Pumpkin Pie is the first thing that comes to mind.
  124. I love pumpkin pie, both making and eating it. Last year I made one using a fresh sugar pumpkin and it was fantastic! And Pumpkin is good for you too!
  125. I just love Plum Pudding with Hard Sauce, aka Christmas Pudding. I started making it many years ago and now it just wouldn't seem like the Holidays without it. It's a lot of work but the taste is worth it.
  126. Mexican wedding cookies! My mom and I craved them when I was younger and I finally mastered the recipe. I only make them at Xmas or else I'd eat them all the time. I even taught a co-worker how to make them ;)
  127. Making Christmas cookies and candys with my twin granddaughters, to give away. My favorite story is my Granddaughter calling divinity, "infinity" when she was younger and we first made divinity. We all have a good time making and giving our treats.
  128. i love to make gingerbread and make some crazy shapes that i cut out by hand, then ice with royal icing in patterns so intricate it takes me all day, and then no one wants to eat them. ever. not even with lots of encouragement. one year i made a whole menagerie of african animals- elephant, giraffe, ostrich, lion, etc- all gorgeous and all uneaten. but they are fun!
  129. My favorite holiday dessert has to be Chrusciki. I remember making them with my mom for the first time when I was writing a high school paper about my roots. Mom called them bowties but I think more people know them as angel wings. What's not to love about deep-fried dough sprinkled with powdered sugar? :-)
  130. Without hesitation....Mama's homemade, Christmas pecan coffee cake....shaped like a wreath, drizzled with confectioner's icing and decorated with candied fruit poinsettias! Incredibly delicious and so very festive...and only served Christmas morning. This was a tradition when I was growing up in the 1950's and continued with my own family to this day!
  131. My great-aunt's Peppernuts recipe. The original recipe made so much dough it filled an old-fashioned galvanized wash tub. We now make a 1/8 recipe and have enough for a couple of weeks.
  132. My mom's cream cheese cookies filled with apricot or raspberry preserves are my favorite holiday treat. I have misplaced the recipe and I really miss them!
  133. My late mother used to start her Christmas baking the day after Thanksgiving and continued through New Year's if anything ran out along the way. My daughter, son-in-law {plus his family}, both my grandchildren and I loved the variety of quick breads, bar cookies, drop cookies, pies, cakes and candies that she made and we carry the tradition on {though on a smaller scale than she did.} Making candy is my favorite! thanks for the chance at such a fabulous giveaway! ♥
  134. La zia Maria's cookies. My mom and her sister-in-law watched and measured as she made these cakey frosted mounds years ago. She never measured and couldn't give amounts except to say a lot of this or a little of that. Their original translation called for a pound of flour with eggs, butter and sugar to match. It wasn't until years later I broke it down to yield a couple dozen but I will always cherish the original written one! All the great nieces and nephews loved the colorful sugar balls on top and that continues today with her great, great and even great nieces and nephews!
  135. Since it's the High Holidays, I have to go with Yom Kippur. After a full day of fasting - or trying to - that it ends with breakfast for dinner, usually egg salad, tuna salad, bagels/bialies and cream cheese, some blintz casseroles and a few kugels. And that's my favorite: the kugel. It's nothing like anything really out there, and while you can get it at any Jewish deli throughout the year, it's the homemade that always is great. Plus, well, you usually get chocolate bobka for dessert. And that's always great.
  136. As a child, my mother always made Christmas Stollen. She would be up early in the morning to make this for us. The house would smell so good. The final touch was the glaze with a hint of almond. A few years ago, she was out of town for the holidays and you would have thought that the world stopped according to my sister! LOL!
  137. My favorite holiday baked good is my mother's apple cobbler. Absolutely delish! All the girls have tried but no one makes it like mom does! It only comes around twice each year; once during my brother's birthday and again at Christmas. YUM!
  138. I LOVE LOVE my make ahead masted potato recipe. I don't make it any other time of year. It's great for all the holiday parties. Made in advance and ready to go. I also serve it at xmas dinner and no one knows they weren't whipped up just minutes before!
  139. My favorite holiday baked good is my father's famous stolen. He'd put all sorts of goodies in it, like dates and cured sour cherries and candied pistachios. It was really something special, and I love that he gave me the recipe so I can make it. I can do it pretty well, but it's never as good as his was.
  140. My Grandma has been making these soft oatmeal cookies that she tops with a candied green or red cherry piece. She packs them up in a container with a 1/2 of an apple so that the cookies taken on a slight yummy apple flavor. My very favorite Christmas baked good!
  141. I love gingerbread men. As a complete geek, I have recently acquired some Star Wars cookie cutters. Now, I made Star Wars gingerbread men, complete with cream cheese frosting lines!
  142. My holiday baked good is "Chocolate Rice Turon" and "Mantecados" These traditional Spanish crumble cakes or "mantecados" crumble very easily. In fact, they are so soft, they will literally melt in your mouth. Light and with a delicate anise flavor, words will not do them justice. You'll have to make them to see why they are a Spanish favorite and why no Spanish home is without "mantecados" at Christmas
  143. There is nothing like the smell of fresh baked cookies especially when returning home for the Holiday's. It's a tradition each and every year to make it home to mom's in time for two days of baking cookies of all kinds. I wouldn't miss it for the world!
  144. My all time favorite holiday baked good is fresh homemade buttered garlic rolls from scratch my mom would bake and my dad would smoke a turkey outside all night long for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. No additives all natural and organic ingredients is what I bake and cook with all the time. Holidays have been rough these past 3 years because my mom and dad passed away unexpectedly the day after my birthday. I recently got married to the love of my life on 11-11-11 and he has inspired me to continue the legacy my parents taught me about baking and cooking. Just need a 100 star mixer to proceed with the legacy.
  145. How can I pick a favorate during christmas? I do like my sugar cookies cut into various size bears - make brown bears, black bears, polar bears by dipped in chocolate, sprinkle with nuts or sprinkle with powdered sugar, or sugar and cinnamon... they look so darn cute..
  146. My all time favorite for all holidays and all year round is the super moist carrot cake. :-) My cousin who has perfected the recipe, shared it with me. And now will try to perfect it myself.
  147. So crazy, this is the mixer I was considering buying (whenever I finally get the money-seems like something else is always more important) because of it's power. I'd like to have a mixer that could handle whole wheat dough and after reading reviews, it sounds like this one handles it better than Kitchenaid. OK, my favorite holiday baked good is Aunt Becky's huge, soft cinnamon rolls. She brought them to the first two thanksgiving dinners I accompanied my husband to (it's his Aunt Becky) and so I thought it was a tradition and was disappointed many times when she didn't bring them after that. But now she knows how much I/we like them and even if she doesn't bring them for everyone else, she brings some for us. :) She works as the cook in a small-town school and makes her cinnamon rolls in huge batches for the kids on chili day. Apparently in many places, chili and cinnamon rolls are served together, which is just craziness to me, but there you go. Anyway, I asked her for the recipe but she makes such a large batch that it doesn't turn out the same when she tries to make a single batch. So I dread the day when she stops working for the school! Either the cinnamon rolls will never be as good again, or she'll bring 700 to thanksgiving dinner! Not sure which problem would be better-lol.
  148. My Favorite is Date Sticks, with chopped walnuts, rolled in powdered sugar. When you get the cinnamon allspice and cloves juuuuuuust right, it's a bite of heaven.
  149. "log cabin cake". The trick is I have to make 15 "logs" by wrapping cherries in dough, then bake them, stack them in a log cabin shape with cream. Always a time consuming to make, and never when it comes to eating it. Usually my New Years cake. Top insure the equal length of the logs I always use a ruler. Which gives my family plenty of reason to pick on me, saying that since I'm an engineer, I even bake cakes like one. Always good family times :-)
  150. My grandmother's sand tarts are my favorite holiday treat and they always show up at Christmas time. They're impossibly thin, crispy and buttery, and Grandma made them in my favorite shapes. When I grew up, my Grandma would show me how to make them and tell me about growing up during the Depression when such cookies weren't an assumed holiday item--they were a real treat.
  151. My favorite holiday baked good is the tried and true pecan pie recipe from the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook we received as a wedding gift in 1962. Yes, we just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, and this pie is as good as ever. Love your website, especially the crispy duck - which is another holiday favorite, along with duck rillettes.
  152. My favorite is actually relatively new for me: Martha Stewart's recipe for Noel Cookies. I made them for the first time last year and couldn't believe 1. that I was so successful with a MS recipe and 2. how addictive they were. I made two batches at about 40 cookies each and pretty much devoured 90% of them. I've made myself wait until this Christmas to make them, again.
  153. My favorite holiday recipe is what my family calls buckeyes. They are peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate. We make them every year, mixed by hand by the youngest cooks in the house.
  154. One word: cookies! As a kid I couldn't wait for my mother and grandmother to fill tin after tin with cookies: chocolate chip, molasses crinkles, fruit filled sugar cookies, cut-outs, and last but not least, peanut butter. Then as home baking became more sophisticated in the 90s they added cherry almond thumbprints to their holiday line up.
  155. My favorite holiday recipe would have to be the regular old sugar cookies we used to make with my mom every year. We would have one entire day set aside just for cookie baking. Oh, the memories!
  156. Buche de Noel. A few years before my step-mother (who was from France) passed away, I brought a Buche de Noel dessert for our Christmas gathering. It brought her so much joy, that I decided I would learn to make them and bring one each year. It is a tradition that I now carry on with my own family. :)
  157. It's sugar cookies for me. Not in the sense of this is what I like to munch on but how it brings the family together. It's been a family tradition since I was a young girl and I've grown to do it with my son , nieces and nephew's, we've even gotten some of the neighbor kids involved as well! I love seeing everyone's creativity and the stories that come out of it.
  158. My favorite for the holidays is russian teacakes - the sugar coating, the melty cookie goodness wrapped around the perfect bits of walnut. Mmmm.
  159. Excited to cook with my daughter this year as she will be 3 and has taken a real interest in the kitchen. At Thanksgiving my favorite treat is Sweet Potato Biscuits and at Christmas we make loads of cookies and fill up tins as gifts. My favorite cookie is Gingerbread.
  160. well i love the holidays especially when me and my daughter spend time in the kitchen my daughters are 14 years old and 7 years old and enjoy cooking. We tend to make some cookie / brownies... they are the best we put the first batter of cookie in then pour the brownie batter after. we use a cupcake pan to cook them in but you know as I do the best part is spending time and eatting the left over batter, lol when they are done we dust over some sugar for the finishing touch . everyone loves them !!! our lil xmas time cookie/ brownie cupcakes
  161. My favorite holiday treat would probably be pumpkin cheesecake. Cheesecake is great year round but the pumpkin adds the perfect amount of festive flavor during the fall months. Looking forward to making another one this year for friends and family to enjoy :)
  162. My favorite holiday baked good is double layer pumpkin cheesecake. A few years ago I started baking it for my family during the holidays and now they request it. It is so yummy and I only bake it twice a year. Great now I have pumpkin cheesecake on the brain. :D
  163. My family isn't really into sweets so our holiday tradition is making baked stuff shrimp. This tradition started way before I was born, my grandparents didn't have a whole lot of money but every Christmas they would splurge and make baked stuff shrimp. This tradition has been passed down to my father and now to me. I remember going to my grandparents house when I was a little girl and helping my grandpa peel the shrimp. No matter where we are for Christmas dinner we make baked stuff shrimp. This tradition means the world to me and I can't wait to pass it down to my children someday.
  164. Well, honestly I do the bulk of my "holiday" baking during the month of October! We are huge Halloween-o-philes in my house. We are the crazy people on the block who build an entire scene from the Pirates of the Carribean Ride in our front yard with all the fog machines you can handle lol! So I make a great deal of halloween sweet treats all month long. Everything from upside down pumpkin cake bars, witches fingers, peanut butter pumpkins, ghost petifours, caramel apples, popcorn balls, you name it! I work my 6 qt Kitchen Aid Mixer to death but would love another mixer to help me make all those ghoulish treats ! :) Happy Haunting!
  165. One of my favorite Holiday foods is Schwatzaberry pie. It is a German wild berry that you can grow on your own and my family has made them for years. I am excited because this is the first year we have grown them ourselves and I couldn't wait for the holidays - I have already made 3 pies! Ha....LOVE everything about Holiday cooking/baking.
  166. Long before the trend, and back in the day when no one seemed to have heard of it, my Nana started serving red velvet cake during the holidays. The frosting was to die for! My mom started making it as well, and I used to love watching her add the bottle of red food coloring and watching it turn to its beautiful color. Nana passed years ago, and my Mom is now 84, and Christmas still doesn't go by without the red velvet cake, topped with multi-colored sprinkles, always!!
  167. We have a rather large group of very close friends we consider "family" (they're our Framily) so I give a lot of baked goods as gifts. I have two that are my top favorite to make and eat. Chocolate snowballs; those chocolate cookies you roll in powdered sugar before baking. They're easy to make, store well, look great, and taste yummy. My other fave are rum balls. Easy to make, no cooking involved, and booze! They're versatile too; I've switched out the rum for whiskey, bourbon, Kahlua (or other coffee liqueur), grand mariner... the list goes on. Of course, my absolute all time favorite holiday treat is getting together with my loved ones.
  168. Jack Daniels Pecan Pie. The consistency is different than most pecan pies. It has a sublime taste. Be sure to use real Jack Daniels!
  169. When I was a wee gal, every Christmas Grandma would bake us a Pineapple Upside Down Cake (yeah..I know...not your common holiday goodie for the 70's). When she passed away I had my own little family and had started the tradition with my kid. But instead of pineapples I reconstructed the recipe with cranberries. My kid is now 24 and if there is one thing he always looks forward to is my Cranberry Upside Down Cake!
  170. Hands down, it's our Autumn Nut Loaf, which is basically a wonderful pumpkin/walnut/chocolate chip bread (although I sometimes make it into muffins). Yummmm!!!
  171. My favorite holiday treat are cookies! Sugar cookies are the best at Christmastime because they are fun to make with family and decorate. Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com
  172. My grandma's sugar cookie recipe. Each year, since we were kids, we have a little decorating party with icing, sprinkles, and Red Hots. I love them!
  173. Woot! My favorite holiday dessert is cinnamon disk cookies... you know, they're probably not even the best tasting dessert my family makes, but my grandfather adores them and looks forward to them so much, that they are now my favorite on his behalf...
  174. My favorite holiday baked good is rum balls made with my grandmother's recipe. I can still remember the way she would hold my little hands in hers to help me roll the balls into shape.
  175. Favorite holiday baked good? Well, it's very tough to choose just one. But, I'll have to go with bread pudding. It starts off with my favorite thing in the world: bread! And everything about it says comfort...especially when served warm with caramel sauce and ice cream or whipped cream. That takes me back to the childhood I never my mom was not a baker. But hopefully, it will one day take my kids back to their childhood. As their momma likes to bake and would love a beautiful new mixer! Thank you!
  176. Sugar cookies!! My mom and I make the same recipe from this book that we've had forever and they are without a doubt the best ever. It's not Christmas until we make them :).
  177. My favorite holiday baked treat – has to be my daughter’s peanut butter chip cookies! OOOHH!! They are so good!!! And good for a few reasons…first, it was my incredible wife who passed on the recipe to my daughter so not only are the cookies melt-in-your-mouth scrumptious peanut butter heaven, they are also made with the love of one generation to the next. And my daughter has taken that love of baking and perfected it! These cookies are the kind that you sit down with, when coupled with a very cold glass of milk, will remind you of all that is good and should be remembered during the holidays like family, love, kindness, generosity, humility, etc… Secondly, this may be the last holiday with them being made in my home, as my daughter will soon be going off to college (boo hooh hooh). While I am sure to eat plenty this holiday season, it will not be the same in future years…
  178. My favorite holiday baked good is lemon meringue pie. My grandmother used to make one every year for thanksgiving and Christmas. They would have such a high meringue and wonderful filling. I hope to some day master her technique.
  179. A white cake , studded with tart cranberries, that is served with a decadent sweet warm buttery hard sauce. I secretly refer to it as the Pritiken Memorial Thanksgiving Cake , but I make it every year.
  180. I love soft chocolate chip cookies. I know that's boring but I absolutely love them. Thanks for the awesome giveaway :) Renee fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
  181. My favorite holiday baked good to make is strawberry and cream cookies. My favorite to eat is monkey bread. Since I was little (and I'm 38) my mom has and will still get up and bake it so it's hot and fresh for us when we wake up.
  182. An Ube (purple yam) flavored Swiss Roll! We had this every year at my parents' house for Christmas and other major holidays. I moved out of state 8 years ago and haven't had one since. I need to mail order one of these from a Filipino bakery, I sure miss that cake!
  183. My favorite holiday baked good is Oatmeal Lace Cookies. Sweet and crunchy with a drizzle of caramel. Yum! Just give me a warm glass of milk...
  184. My favorite holiday dessert recipe is my "Santa's Favorite Cookie" recipe. It's a melt-in-your-mouth walnut cookie rolled in powdered sugar and my gosh, they're good. I don't know how much Santa likes my cookies but my whole family loves them.
  185. Definitely my mom's nanaimo bars. Eating them in front of the fire while reading a book is one of my favorite ways to wind down when I'm home visiting for the holidays. Mmmmm can't wait!
  186. My favorite holiday baked good are holly cookies that my mom made when I was a child. They are simple, just marshmallow, butter, corn flakes, food coloring and red hot candies. Festive and yummy!
  187. Every year, we set up an assembly line to make our family's Italian Sesame Seed Cookies. It's been passed down through 5 generations, and I plan to pass the recipe to my daughter. It's not the holidays until those cookies are made.
  188. My favorite holiday baked good is Christmas tree bread we eat while opening presents. Since it makes two loaves, we share the second one with our neighbors who are like family to us. Thank you for this giveaway!
  189. Chocolate-chip pumpkin cake is the star of my family's Thanksgiving table! Forget pie, because this moist, chewy, blend of autumn's natural sweetness and chocolate is divine.
  190. My favorite holiday treat is one my grandmother used to make: iced sugar cookie wreaths. They were always the best combo of soft & crunchy, had greeeeen green frosting, and were adorned with red hots for decoration. Totally full of sugar, but once a year you had to eat one... or 10.
  191. Bizcochitos. In 1989, New Mexico became the first state in the union to adopt an official "state cookie." With that matter put to rest, the Legislature of this great state conducted a debate on the proper spelling of the revered anise-flavored shortbread cookie that appears at Christmas — not to mention weddings, baptisms and quinceñeras.
  192. My favorite holiday treat was made by my late grandmother Marge, who used to make cinnamon lava cakes served with buttercream ice-cream..heavenly!
  193. The best cookies are Raspberry Linzer Cookies that my mother used to make--but what a huge pain in the butt!! Only after I tried making them did I truly appreciate all the work that went in them! They're delicious!
  194. My favorite holiday baked good is julekaga for Christmas. It's the Scandinavian version of the European rich, sweet, fruit-studded bread, except flavored with cardamon. It just tastes like Christmas to me!
  195. My favorite holiday treat is a nut bread baked for us every year by a neighbor. From earliest memory to now,almost 5 decades later,Mrs. T would bake up her mother's secret recipe and have it delivered all around town. We always had a slice or two with mugs of tea while we opened gifts on Christmas morning. It means more to me each year as the generation ahead of me is passing away. Memory is strongly linked to taste and smell they say. I would agree and am grateful for this simple bread year in and year out.
  196. My wife's braided raisin bread. Twenty eight years ago when we were dating she brought a loaf to my family's xmas eve dinner. It's been a holiday staple ever since. Maybe she can step up production with this mixer :)
  197. My favorite treat has to be pumpkin pie. I am the only person in my family who likes it, but my mother makes one special pie just for me. I eat a slice, take it home, and gorge for the rest of the week.
  198. I love to bake cookies! Snickerdoodles, Chocolate Chip and an oatmeal cookie recipe from my mom that I add coconut and chopped almonds for extra chewy goodness.
  199. My favorite holiday baked good is definitely pecan pie. So far, Paula Deen's recipe is my favorite: I really love the bourbon flavor. I aways make pecan pie for Thanksgiving, except for last year when we had Thanksgiving in Paris (weird, I know). Side note- there is a store in Paris called "Thanksgiving" and they sell things like canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, stuffing mix, etc. According to my boyfriend's cousin who lives there, there are a lot of Americans who miss this stuff and they can't get it anywhere else.
  200. My favorite holiday food is potato latkes (pancakes) for Chanukah. We make them every Christmas Eve with our whole family (Christians and Jews). People take a turn in turning them in the oil and serving them. We serve them with sugar and applesauce. Lynn Kayser
  201. I absolutely love my mom's chocolate pecan pie - She makes it for me, my dad, and my grandpa every year and among the three of us, we can eat the whole thing!
  202. Every Christmas my mother would spend a whole weekend baking cookies and each kind would have their own tin. She'd make chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, butterballs, rum balls, Christmas cut-outs, chocolate ice box, and coconut bars. That doesn't include the peanut brittle or fudge. The original tins are gone but the baking hasn't stopped! It was college before I realized everyone's Mom baked like that...and why all my friends wanted to hang out at our house.
  203. Our favorite holiday baked good is Orange Yeast Rolls. They are seriously delicious, but I don’t have a good story. Our favorite holiday food is my mother’s Candied Walnuts. My sisters and I grew up eating these and everybody who has tried them, loves them. One year I talked my mother into letting me enter them in the Harvest Festival contest. Since I had never had any luck with candy recipes, I talked her into making be a batch. She gave me a tin full of nuts and, after laying aside the amount for the contest, my kids and I devoured the rest. When it was time to enter the contest, I realized I had not set aside enough and was 3 pieces short. I was too embarrassed to tell Mom what I had done, so I called and begged her to give me the recipe so I could make some myself. It took 3 tries but I finally got a batch to harden and entered them in the contest. The nuts took 2cd place and I gave the ribbon to Mom. She never knew that I actually won the contest.
  204. My mother made these small sugar cookies and put a small amount of orange peel in the dough; we called them Orange Cookies. They smelt so good and were always my favorite ushering in my favorite holiday at Christmas time.
  205. Buttermilk pie at Thanksgiving...Discovered this at a diner in a small town in Arkansas. Had never heard of it at that time and asked the server what it was. She said it was similar to Chess Pie. I responded, Wonderful!!! What's Chess Pie.....Been my favorite since.
  206. My favorite holiday treat I actually discovered on accident. I was doing a study abroad program in Japan last Fall semester, and I was living in a dorm with a lot of other international exchange students. When it got close to the holiday season we all decided we wanted to have something in the dorm just for us, since we were all away from our families and homes, so we planned this enormous dinner that everyone had to contribute to. Being in Japan we didn't have a lot of ingredients that we took for granted back home, like certain spices, pumpkin pie mix, or even ovens--our dorm building didn't have any large ovens, just small slats that were big enough to bake a fish, maybe--so we improvised. I've always loved sweet potatoes, especially around the holidays, and I stumbled on this great recipe for a sweet potato cake online. It involved the usual ingredients, sweet potatoes, sugar, vanilla, and about a half a cup of cheap Japanese beer. I baked it in one of the dorm's rice cookers. It was fantastic.
  207. My favorite holiday baked yummies are super soft gingerbread cookies. I am salivating just thinking about them. I have been craving them for weeks. I might have to make a batch this weekend.
  208. "Miss Ida's Ginger Snaps" - my daughter and I are both huge fans of Meg Cabot's books. We got this recipe from the "Boy Meets Girl" novel (Miss Ida is a central charcter). They are out of this world.
  209. Christmas and cookies of all sorts, but especially date spirals and soft gingersnaps. my kitchenaid is just over 30 years old and a little beat up, but still going strong.. but the handsome Breville is so tempting!
  210. Banana bread muffins. Growing up, my mom got me hooked on the delicious "frosting" she would always put on top of her banana bread (just a mixture of butter and sugar- but SO delicious). Randomly during my sophomore year of college, I decided (don't ask why) that I wanted to make these muffins for all of my "neighbors" (aka, my entire apartment building) as holiday treats... Long story short, if you multiply 48 apartments by 6 people in each one, you'll realize what I (sorely) didn't until hours into baking those almost 300 muffins. Let's just say it was quite the experience, and my roommates were a little concerned. At least I had good intentions, right? Anyway, I don't know if I can necessarily say that it's my favorite holiday treat, but it is definitely one of the most memorable. A mixer would've sure made it a lot easier!!
  211. My favorite holiday baked good is definitely my great aunt's Almond Macaroon cookies. They are the most delicious cookies I have ever had. Absolutely magical. I had them at a christmas get-together with family and close friends. While it was a wonderful expierience, I almost felt bad about munching down most of the cookies. Almost.
  212. It has to be my family's sweet potato pie. They always make it a day before the holidays, with my Aunts and Mother getting together to make them. Always loved to get the bowl.
  213. I love Gingerbread men during the holidays. A number of years ago I got this awesome recipe out of the Washington Post that mimicked the famous version of a DC bakery that had closed. They beat anything I've ever tasted elsewhere! A family favorite!
  214. Sorry for the pitiful story but its my truth.Its gets better in the end...promise :) I lost everything last year due to the economy. My older kids moved into friends house to finish college and me and my youngest son moved across country to the only open shelter I could find just for women. Most shelters were jam packed and few were for women or family only. Thankfully I found the Henderson House in Albuquerque, New Mexico.The Henderson House was the ONLY women & children shelter in the US for women veterans. So I was very blessed to find it. Yay for the internet and being resourceful. I lost everything but my gumption :) It took us 3 days by bus to travel from the East Coast but it was better than the reality of living on the streets. But before we moved I had to sell what little I had left and could store a few things at a friends house....about 6 boxes and my grandmothers chair I saved. Anything that could be sold and hopefully replaced later was sold including my KitchenAid Pro Mixer. Because the shelter would only allow a suitcase btwn the two of us. That was last September/October. With a lot of hardwork and struggle I moved into our own place from the shelter after 7 months....this May. Fought and won my disability with the VA. So right now I am rebuilding in this little studio apartment that I am quite proud of. This Christmas I want to bake gifts for everyone who were kind to us during that struggle. I dont have enough to buy gifts but I am a very talented baker. Right now I have ideas of filling jars with homemade Peach Schnapps Marshmallows and Kahlua Kona Marshmallows to send. But I have yet to afford a mixer. So it would be great to win one cuz my little hand mixer will probably run away if I try with it. lol
  215. Hands down my Grandmothers good old fashioned snicker doodle's. When i was young we had very little money, and we had to scrape by from pay check to pay check, however no matter what my grandma always found a way to have a kitchen stocked with home made breads, cookies, and all sorts of goodies. These cookies were the same ones that she made for my father when they were going through hard times (living literally dirt poor). I still remember the long night my father and I would stay up watching stupid shows like south park, and enjoying each others company. Now that hes gone these cookies always bring me up when things seem at their lowest, because they tell me that everything gonna be alright
  216. Growing up we made TONS of cookies. We iced sugar cookies for a whole weekend. It was fun for the first few hours. After that are tummies were hurting from all the icing and cookie dough we had eaten and we really just wanted to be done. So I decided NOT to make cookies with the kids, instead we make a gingerbread house. They love it!
  217. My favorite holiday treat doesn't require a mixer (but I promise to still find a use for it!)- With all the cookies that I bake every holiday.... my favorite is the lovely chocolate dipped pretzel rod! I reach for it every time!
  218. I love thick soft sugar cookies with buttercream frosting! My little girl and I make them for all the big Holidays. I think it takes two days to clean the kitchen after all of our fun, but it is worth every moment that we share baking together! Also, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, delicious!
  219. Our traditional Easter dinner had always included hot cross buns, sticky with candied fruit and vanilla glaze, until one year when my mother came home from the bakery with a strange bundle in waxed paper. We had moved to a different town, and this new bakery seemed to always have bagels, but our familiar cakes and buns seemed to disappear at certain times of the year. This time, my mother said, the bakery " had run out of" hot cross buns (now I realize that they would have never had any) but had suggested that this braided bread (that my mother thought the bakers called "holler") might be a good substitute. We were dubious, but fell in love with the challah at first bite. Dipped in maple syrup, slathered with (oh, dear) butter, it was heavenly, and the leftovers made wonderful french toast the next day. It became our family's new tradition to buy up loaves of it to eat and freeze for later (it didn't occur to us until years later that it was pretty much available all year). Five years ago, recovering from an accident and needing a hobby to keep me on my feet and to exercise my hands, arms, and patience, I taught myself how to make yeast breads. Challah was the second one I learned, and I loved feeling the strands of the braids rise under my hands as I wove them over and under. It's still my favorite bread to make, and has proven to be very adaptable to the wheatless flours that I now favor.
  220. So many holidays filled with baked food wonders! Die hard Foodies like me can't pick just one favorite of anything, so my top two have to be Panettone at Christmas, pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. My Mimi always made me a cherry pie, so that's always a favorite. I would love to make my own panettone this Christmas for the family using this gorgeous mixer! Wow! - and cheesecake. Plain with fresh fruit.
  221. Hi Mouse- My favorite holiday baked good was during Fourth of July- my grandmother would bake a Red Velvet Cake with the American Flag on Top! Go USA . Unfortunately after she passed away- we never found the recipe :(. So whenever I see Red Velvet Cake/ cupcakes, I order it- but it is never as good as Nana used to make.
  222. My favorite are the Christmas cut-out cookies. My step mom always baked them and we had a great time icing and decorating them as kids. Wonderful memories about those simple cookies. Thank you for the great site.
  223. My favorite baked good around the holidays are the Xmas cookies the we all make as a family. My mother in law and I get the dough ready, then cut it out using all the old family cookie cutters, and then the kids get to decorate away! They turn out to be the most colorful and unique cookies, but definitely are yummy!
  224. The saddest year was when I made all the little plates, and had them lined up on the buffet, and someone one of our dogs managed to climb up on a pile of gifts to reach the chair that was next to the buffet, and then managed to get to all the plates of these treats just waiting to be given as gifts. Strufoli. It is not Christmas without this Italian sweet that my grandmother always made, taught me to make, and that I have made every year without fail. Little balls of eggy dough, fried crisp, then coated with boiled honey, heaped up on a serving plate with candied fruit, pine nuts, dragees and non pareil colored sprinkles. Italians don't like really sweet sweets, and this is just perfect with an after-dinner liqueur or espresso or just another glass of wine. Something to nibble with good conversation.
  225. I really love trying out new recipes and the other day I made a buttercream red velvet cupcake. It ended up coming out awesome and my sister and brother loved it! :)
  226. My favorite by far is my Caramel Dutch Apple Pie. It was an accidental Caramel Apple Pie lol. I made the pie for the first time using a recipe from the internet. When it was done it smelled so good! I took the first bite and it tasted like a caramel apple pie! I guess I added more vanilla and sugar than I was supposed to. Now it's my own personal Caramel Dutch Apple Pie! Luckily it was an accident in my favor!
  227. pumpkin brownies. over the years i've added chocolate chips, then a thin layer of cream cheese frosting, then a dark chocolate drizzle. my friends go nuts for them - seriously addicting, just add a glass of milk!
  228. My favorite is the Holiday Apple cake.I make a low-fat version ,by adding apple sauce and fresh sliced apples.of it.It so yummy!!!Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite Holidays.I never in my life had a chance to win anything.But i am still optimistic. Thank you.Irina
  229. My grandmother's Scottish shortbread recipe. Oh my gosh! I love it and am looking forward to making it with my three year old daughter this year. She loves to bake and help in the kitchen!
  230. I think it's gonna have to be sugar cookies. My grandma makes skinny crunchy ones every year with sugar sprinkles and red hots. They melt in your mouth. Then there's the thick chewy ones that my cousins decorate...which end up with waaaay too much frosting. The best. :)
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