Breville Juice Fountain Review + Giveaway

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

Happy holidays!

It wouldn’t be a holiday season here at The Hungry Mouse if we didn’t have some kind of crazy kitchen giveaway. It means a lot to us that you keep reading. We like to give away treats to say thank you whenever we can.

This year, the big prize is a Breville Juice Fountain Plus!

Read on for my review of the juicer and for details on how to enter to win one of your very own.

Why are you juicing, Mouse?

I never thought I’d say this, but: I have a juicer and holy hell, I LOVE IT!

You guys know me: I’m excited to make healthy, fresh juices. I’m also just excited to use (at least some) of those juices for luscious cocktails. 😉

In all honesty, I’ve been very curious about juicing for a while.

A handful of my friends are into it, and rave about their healthy morning concoctions. And I have to admit: They’re enthusiasm about their carrot, apple, kale juice is kind of infectious.

So, this is me, investigating.

Here’s the strawberry, beet, apple, ginger juice I made. I’m happy (and a little surprised) to report that it was ridiculously good. The recipe is below.


I also made a killer cocktail with pineapple juice, fresh chili, and tequila. Stay tuned for that recipe in my next post.


About the Breville Juice Fountain Plus

The good folks at Breville were kind enough to send me a Breville Juice Fountain Plus to review on the house. (Thanks, guys!) They’ve also donated another for our holiday giveaway. The juicer is this thing, here:


I have a Breville mixer that I really like a lot, so I had high hopes for this juicer. I’m happy to report that it didn’t disappoint.



Extra wide feed tube for juicing bigger pieces

My research turned up that the extra wide feed tube is actually a pretty big deal for juicing peeps.

It means you can juice a lot of larger/whole pieces of fruits and veggies without chopping them up.

Less prep seems to be a really desirable feature. After trying the juicer out, I agree. I didn’t have to chop my veggies and fruits up into bitty pieces before juicing. If they fit in the tube, they went in whole. The juicer chewed them up like a champ. It was fast, and it was easy.



What’s in the box

My juicer (and the one for our contest) came with a bonus DVD, juicing recipe book, and travel cup to get me started. All were greatly appreciated.



A closer look at the juicer

So here’s what the main body looks like.



The bucket on the right is to catch all the leftover solid stuff.


This juicer has two speeds: Low, for squishy things and leafy greens, and high, for harder stuff like ginger and beets. I like this a lot. It’s not complicated. I also like that the speeds are labeled, just in case you forget as you get the hang of juicing. Again, bonus.


It also comes with a covered measuring cup to neatly catch the juice. I’ve been told by some of my juicing buddies that this is a huge plus because it really cuts down on splatter and mess.



There’s the extra wide feed chute again.IMG_4251

It also has a bar to lock the unit in place for juicing. It makes the whole thing feel more secure. It also acts as a sort of fail safe. The machine won’t turn on if the bar isn’t locked into place.



The chewing blades are in a coffee-filter like contraption. The juicer comes with a stiff brush to help clean the basket.



How well does it work?

This is Breville’s entry-level juicer. You could have fooled me, but then, like I said, I’m a juicing noob.

This thing is a beast. It handled everything I threw into it really well. I tested soft fruits and veggies like pineapple, peppers, and strawberries, as well as harder stuff like beets and ginger root.

My juicing friends recommended that I line the bin with a grocery bag for easy clean up. Really good move.


My first test juice

First test, beets. All the health peeps I know rave about beet juice. It’s packed with vitamins. It’s a great liver cleanser. Etc., etc. And it’s $10 a bottle if you want to buy it fresh around here. So sure, I figured I’d start with beets.
I gave them a quick scrub because they were pretty dirty. Then I nipped off their woody roots. That’s all I did for prep. I had one beet that was too big for the feed tube, so I whacked it in half.



The juicer splashed out the beet juice with no problem. I had two apples and a container of strawberries, so I threw those in, too, along with a big knob of ginger.

It made a full container of juice, as well as a ton of (pretty dry) waste.

And you know what? It was SO good. Seriously. I haven’t always been a fan of beets (I like them roasted, but that’s about it), so I was kind of shocked.


Plus, you can’t beat the color. (Har, har.)


Spicy Strawberry Beet Apple Juice

3 lbs fresh beets
2 Granny Smith apples
1 large knob ginger
1 lb. strawberries

Yields about 2 pints of juice


How was it to clean?

Honestly? Not bad at all.

I washed it right away when I was done juicing. It disassembles really easily, and practically rinsed clean.

I’d say it was on par with cleaning my food processor. A couple of parts to wash, but all in all, no big deal.

From what I hear from my juicing peeps, easy clean up is also a big plus.

Enter to win a Breville Juice Fountain Plus!

To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this post answering the following question:

If you win, what will you make with your new juicer? (If you’re a juicing pro and have any tips, lay ’em on us!)

That’s it. (No really, that’s it.)

Contest Rules

  • You must enter a valid e-mail address on the comment form. (That’s how we’ll contact you if you win.)
  • Only one entry per person.
  • This contest is open to U.S. residents only.
  • Deadline for entries is Midnight (EST) on Friday, December 20, 2013.

One winner will be chosen on Saturday, December 21 by random number generator and notified by e-mail. The winner will receive one Breville Juice Fountain Plus (retail value ~$150), shipped directly to them by Breville.

Good luck and happy holidays, guys!

Previous articleHalloween 2013 in Salem, MA
Next articleScreaming Pineapple Cocktail
Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. What would I juice? Well like you I am curious about trying it! I'd like to make healthy juices and I really love making interesting cocktails with and without booze. I'd like to juice veggies and fruits, and especially anything I'm not super familiar with (like jackfruit or cactus pear!). Basically I want to put everything ever in there and see what comes out!
  2. Happy holidays!!! I don't have a juicer but if I did I would be juicing the heck out of kale and celery. I want more of both in my diet but I don't like to actually eat them! HAHA!
  3. The truth is, if I win I will make my dauughter and granddaughter very happy. They are vegetarians and this would be a huge help. Life has been rough for all of us and I'd love to help them. I think your beet/apple/strawberry sounds like a good place to start, but experimenting with fruits and vegetables would be fun and healthy!
  4. I've lusted for this juicer! As part of a healthy diet, I would juice anything and everything. Experimentation is the key! Well, I'd juice anything other than carrots :(
  5. If I won, I would go to the produce market and buy as many beets, carrots, apples, ginger, etc., that I can find and juice for days!! It would be my version of an "Everything but the Kitchen Sink". Although I provide my family with healthy meals, nothing beats the ability to juice the whole vegetable, where even more nutrients are found! What a great way to start the day!
  6. So wanting a juicer! A friend of mine makes a yummy Kale, Spinich, and Blueberry with coconut oil. Carrot and Orange is a quick second... Thanks Mouse!!
  7. Being a diabetic, I would love to own a juicer. I think I would want to try vegetable juices to make soup for healthier dinners, And of course some fruit drinks for breakfast!
  8. I keep reading about juicers lately! I'd love to send some fresh (chemical free) apple juice to school with my son, make some homemade (no sodium) V8 type juice for myself, and fresh sour mix for the bar. :) That's just the beginning... my imagination runs amok with things we could make with a juicer!
  9. I enjoy buying juices from the Juice Press and Liquiteria in NYC. I love the green juice and fruit combos- kale, pear, carrot, pineapple, orange and ginger. If I'm more in a savory mood I'll lean towards blends that have carrots, parsley, celery, romaine lettuce, and lemon.
  10. I'm trying to sneak leafy greens into my diet, so I will probably start with kale and then something that I really love like carrots, apples, ginger etc. to trick myself into drinking it. I am already a huge fan of carrot, orange & ginger juice when I'm under the weather and beet, hot pepper and apple when I'm hungover. It would be so nice to make these myself, rather than shlep to the local coffeehouse and pay a premium for them. Cheers!
  11. Just this afternoon my 7yo daughter wanted to make juice - she was thirsty and feeling creative - and wanted to try carrots, apples and cucumber. Unfortunately we don't have a juicer, so she was out of luck! And sad! She resorted to squeezing cherry tomatoes into a cup and that seemed to appease her need for fresh juice. I imagine she'd come up with all sorts of combinations if we had a juicer! ;-)
  12. I would juice loads of fresh veggies and fruits. It beats paying for Odwalla or Naked smoothies that have loads of sugar in them.
  13. What would I do with a Breville Juice Fountain? Better question: what would I *NOT* do with a juicer?? I have yet to delve into this aspect of healthy living, but am longing to do so. Recently started having issues with cholesterol, lost my gall bladder and finally feeling like the years are catching up with me. *SIGH* So looking at options for a healthier, cleaner life. Refuse to use meds for the cholesterol - I can do this on my own! A Juicer might be a good move on up that path :) Have some delicious sounding liver cleanse juices that I could give a whirl. Thanks Jessie for running this contest!
  14. I've wanted a juicer for a while, but have never been able to pull the trigger on one. I'd love to try things with kale and beets in the recipe (not necessarily in the same one, mind you...) because I know I should be eating good things like that, but I never make them with a meal. I definitely don't eat enough fruits and veggies, and this would be a great way to incorporate some!
  15. I have a low end juicer but I've been hankering for a better one! We love juicing, I want to make my own concentrate so that when the kiddos want juice I can make a pitcher for them quickly :) Also with me trying to lose weight and being on medication I tend to not want to eat, I'd rather drink my meals, bad Liz bad!
  16. I would start with a turmeric, carrot, and cranberry juice with a little bit of ginger for added spice. Hopefully the sweetness of my homegrown carrots can offset the bitterness of the cranberries
  17. I would juice veggies--celery, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes (in season). I'd throw in fruits as well but I think veggies are the magic!
  18. I've never juiced before but have always wanted to. I would try different combinations of fruits and vegetables and see what combinations work for me.
  19. I'd like to throw all kinds of things in this! Being apple to throw in whole apples would be a huge plus! Soooo....maybe some apples and beets and carrots!!
  20. my granddaughter has joined Peak fitness and has lost 40 pounds and that is ALL she talks about is getting a Juicer! It would make a wonderful surprise for her! She loves apples oranges bananas celery brocolli the list is endless!
  21. Id like to pretend I'd make a bunch of super healthy things forever...but I'd likely end up tossing vodka in all of you know...'clean' the machine. right.
  22. My daughter loves apple juice! So Id start simple and work to cranberry juice since I have 30 pounds frozen!! Thanks for the oppertunity!!!!
  23. HI! IF we win it, will help juice ginger, which I use a large quantity of to cure everything under the sun. Also, to make my ginger-hot pepper-vodka ( or gin, strangely enough)-lime juice drink,...the tastiest thing in the world. Also Celery/Dandelion leaf/apple/carrot juice, great for water retention problems! Our house green machine drink with kelp,apple,carrot,orange,ginger and pear is a favorite. Crossing fingers, I need a new juicer, mine's about to die!
  24. If I won, I would take my juicer to Chicago and do a demonstration for my 2 aunts, uncle and grandmother and show all of them how to juice...they all just purchase their own nutra b (my sister did too)... I have 3 Breville products and love them all. The juicer will compliment my kitchen and I can get rid of my magic B and convince my family to do the same !!!! So I will make a variety of juices for them to sample!
  25. Everyone I know who has a juicer swears by it and I've been wanting to try it too. I think for my first attempt, I'd either try your spicy strawberry beet apple juice recipe or a green smoothie.
  26. I'd make yummy yummy juices! Maybe some pear and apple ones? And then maybe even make fruit snacks/leathers with the juice. yum yum!
  27. Hmm... I would probably ask a friend who did a 1 month juice fast. Since I'm new to juicing, it would probably be something sweet - with berries, etc. I would then want to venture into something more vegetable based. Trying to get healthy over here with my hubs!
  28. I've never juiced but I'd start with the basics. I like apple,pineapple, orange from the store but know it has a lot of extra sugar in it.. So I'd start with that.
  29. I would definitely start with leafy greens. I currently use my Vitamixer to add more greens to my protein shakes, but I think juicing them would be even better.
  30. What would I not make with it. =P My sister has one and totally swears by it. When I lived with her I would sample the juices she made and they were always so easy. This would be a great way to start eating/drinking more fruits and veggies, and help with being healthy.
  31. I would love to win this, I would make the recipe listed with the swiss chard, ginger beet etc., and the cocktail, and a lot of drinks. I had a juicer and miss it. Love the idea of lining the bin. Great site, thank you.
  32. I would juice everything! We live to drink green smoothies, but they are a bit thick so juicing would be awesome. Also, make alot of carrot juice for my husband to help his eyes.
  33. I would juice fruits for sure, especially for cocktails. I would love to give the whole kale carrot beet healthy juicing thing a go, too! Happy holidays!
  34. My favorite color is purple so I'd do some purple cabbage, some plums, purple kale and a good old apple (obviously not purple but I don't discriminate). Or I'd love to try something refreshing with mint, cucumber, jicima, lemons and apple.
  35. What wouldn't I juice with this beast!?! I'm aiming for a healthier lifestyle this year and this will make getting my 5 a day so much easier :)
  36. Basically I would experiment and find ways to sneak kale, spinach, beets, etc. into good tasting drinks so my two teenage boys and husband would enjoy drinking them :D
  37. First of all that juice looks fantastic. I would immediately make your beet juice and then probably make something involving pineapple, coconut and lime. I am already missing summer...
  38. My sister has a juicer and every time I go over to her house she makes something delicious! My first juice I would try to make would be a pear, apple, and pineapple juice :) yumm
  39. I would try and make a strawberry, rhubarb and apples pie in a cup. First roast the ingredients till a little soft and then juice them. Severed warm with whipped cream.
  40. Great photos and great review. Awesome product. Everyone loves the idea of a juicer, but so few make a practical application of it. The Breville looks like a durable and high quality piece of culinary machinery. I appreciate your honest and indeoth reviews, not to mention the unique and creative recipes that you inject into the review to give the item or ingredients a "real world" feel. I would try your juice first. Go Mouse!! Juice me!
  41. I Love to Juice! I wore out my last one probably halfway in just the first week! LOL You know when you get your first juicer, you "Drink" your meals for about a week and juice everything in sight! I love to put ginger in Everything and it's great for we diabetics. A handful of berries, a carrot and some greens and Voila'! Total Healthy Indulgence!
  42. I do love the Carrot, Apple and Ginger my local breakfast post makes, but I might lash out and go exotic and try the Beet and Strawberry (and apple and ginger...) It just looks so beautiful!
  43. Kale! Kale! Kale! It's the one veggie that my daughter doesn't love, so i'd love to make all kinds of healthy drinks and jam that in there!
  44. omg, that part about using the plastic grocery bag to catch waste is so smart. it's so simple but i never would have thought of it. if i win or buy one of these babies on my own (i have been considering the prospect) i'll have something to do with the gazillion plastic bags i've accumulated over the years! as for what i'll juice, i'll probably try something to incorporate leafy greens. i can't stand any type of cooked green, and a lot of the ones that are supposed to actually be really good for you are not the greatest to try and eat raw, so this would give me a leg up in a food-area i know i'm lacking in :)
  45. Ahhhhh...i'm so late to the game! I will juice the living crap out of all the ginger and chile peppers and carrots and apples and just live on that. Maybe kale. MAYBE. For your health!
  46. I would start easy, and make apple juice, but I would love to find some really healthy recipes that don't taste it! LOL Thanks for the great giveaway!
  47. I would start with a vegetable juice. Tomato, celery, spinach, carrot, bell pepper, whatever I have on hand. Sprinkled with cayenne pepper.
  48. Love my Breville juicer. And they have great customer service! I'd love to won one so I can pass it along to my parents for healthy living. Our house favorite is carrot-apple juice.
  49. I would try your recipe Spicy Strawberry Beet Apple Juice! and.... I am sure I would pinterest away on all kinds of recipes if I were to win!