Best recipes for cold and flu season

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Elderberry Syrup The Hungry Mouse 2

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, I feel like I need to be extra prepared this winter. Here are my favorite, best recipes for cold and flu season. 

I’m not a doctor, and I don’t play on on TV, but these are the recipes that I personally turn to when the weather gets cold, the flakes start to fly, and my nose starts to run. 

1. How to Make Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup is an old folk remedy for colds, flu, bronchitis, and fever. It’s been used for centuries in Europe.

It’s a heady mix of dried elderberries, cinnamon, cloves, loads of fresh ginger, and local raw honey.

I use it at the first sign of any seasonal illness, and always personally find that it helps me.

Elderberry Syrup The Hungry Mouse




2. Homemade Gin Infusion

This ain’t your great grandmother’s bathtub gin! 

Homemade Gin The Hungry Mouse

It’s a potent brew of herbs that herb wives and gypsies have used to treat common ailments for centuries.  

Not to mention, it tastes great! 😉


3. Homemade Chicken Stock

This is a super basic recipe, but it gets the job done in spades. Your oven and stock pot do most of the work.

This stock is simmered low and slow to extract all the goodness out of the ingredients. 

Basic Homemade Chicken Stock

4. Garlic and Ginger Infused Chicken Broth

Use the recipe above, or use boxed/canned broth and doctor it up. Either way, this hot, spicy broth is sure to perk you up and start to clear your sinuses.

For extra oomph, serve with a pinch of ground cayenne.  

Garlic and Ginger Infused Chicken Broth 

5. Quick + Creamy Tomato Soup

If you’re a 70s or an 80s baby like me, chances are, you had grilled cheese and Campbell’s tomato soup out of the can when you were home sick from school. 

This is my grown-up version of that soup. It’s SUPER easy to throw together when you’re under the weather — and will warm you right up.

It’s one of my ultimate comfort foods. 

Serve with grated parmesan cheese and grilled cheese — or thick slices of crisp, buttered toast. 

Quick and creamy tomato soup

What are your favorite foods for cold and flu season?

Leave a comment below, let us know!

(Disclaimer: I love you, but I’m not a doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner. If you’re sick, seek appropriate medical attention. This post is for educational purposes and isn’t meant to replace medical advice.)

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Jessie Cross is a cookbook author and creator of The Hungry Mouse, a monster online food blog w/500+ recipes. When she's not shopping for cheese or baking pies, Jessie works as an advertising copywriter in Boston. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her husband and two small, fluffy wolves.


  1. I've been making your elderberry syrup for several years now. I love it. Just made a batch tonight. I'm excited to see these other home remedies. Thank you for sharing!