Rustic Veal Flank with Whiskey Cream Broth

By now, you guys probably know about the great love affair I have with my butcher shop, McKinnon's. When I go, I partly have a shopping list in mind, and I partly decide what...

Spicy Mango Lime Salsa with Asian Pear

Mmm, mmm, mmmm. The combination of fresh mango, lime, and cilantro just screams summer. Food like this makes me want to kick off my shoes and go run through the sprinkler a few times....

Easy Dark Chocolate & Walnut Fudge

This is fudge making on easy mode. Now, I've made plenty of fudge in my day. Most of my recipes call for candy thermometers, precise heating and cooling, and a lot of beating (as...

Fennel & Jicama Slaw

Summer's coming. This means a lot of things for The Mouse House, not the least of which is a lot more barbecue. Now, I like my barbecue more on the melt-your-face-off-hot side of things....

Old-Fashioned Chocolate Cake

Hey, you! (Yeah, you!) Summer's coming. Let's go to the playground! Oh, or maybe the roller rink. Or both. Sorry...this cake makes me feel like I'm about 12 years old again. And I'm loving...

Bacon & Garlic Encrusted Roast Pork Loin

  What's better than roasted pork? How about roasted pork wrapped in crisp bacon? I know. That's kind of what I thought, too. (Pig x 2!). This is so simple, but so delicious. (This is one...

Cheese Tasting, Part 2: Goat Cheese

Mmmmm, cheese. It has to be one of my favorite topics�and things to eat. Last time we did a cheese tasting, we were nibbling on blues. This time, it's goat cheese. And let me...

Classic Cucumber Salad

I remember versions of this from summer picnics when I was a little mouse. It's one of the first things I love to make when the winter weather starts to break. This salad is a...

Oven-Baked BBQ Chicken

OK, so this is cheating. Well, sort of. This may not be real barbecue, but it is one of my favorite ways to make chicken legs: Indoors. In the oven. Seared, then smothered in hot,...

Sinfully Rich Chocolate Pudding

I have no excuses for this one. It's all chocolate, sugar, heavy cream, butter, and eggs. Grab a spoon and put on your fat pants. Move over, Jello. That's all I have to say. Warm pudding When...